Background on Social Solidarity Economy
Globalization has paved the way for an historic deterioration of national sovereignty slowly being replaced by one world governance with Marxist ideologies. The rise of the “Social and Solidarity Economy” movement has taken root and flourished. What started off in the 19th century as a labour movement had resurfaced in France in 1968 with the reshuffling of the relationship between the State, corporations, and civil society (1)(2).
The phrase “Social Solidarity Economy” originated in France in the late 90s by an association called Réseau des l’économie alternative et solidaire (REAS) that advocated for the restructuring of economic alternatives. REAS members included people involved in Green party politics and disillusioned communists or socialists throughout France (3).
By 1995, the expression “Social Solidarity Economy” gained acceptance in Quebec after an appeal for a solidarity economy was published in Le Monde, a large newspaper in France (3). In 1996, the Quebec government decided to reduce the budget deficit to zero at a time of high unemployment. Quebec was predominantly a welfare state, and one of the reasons for the deficit was the interest on public debt, which was higher per capita than in any other Canadian province.
Premier Lucien Bouchard, of the Parti Québécois, called a Socioeconomic Summit and for the first time in history, social and community organizations along with government, corporations, and unions met as partners to adopt the Social Solidarity Economy as a priority for job creation and to reduce poverty (3).
The unions agreed to freeze wages while the government and private corporate sector agreed that the social economy would be supported by both federal and provincial government policies. To coordinate the implementation of the program, the government created the “Chantier de l’économie sociale du Québec“, a non-profit corporation whose mandate was to promote the social economy in Quebec (3).
So where exactly will Quebec get the money required for these programs? The Social Solidarity Economy refers to the third sector of our economy, the relationship that exists between corporations and foundations, non-profits, NGOs, charities, cooperatives, and organized labour. This sector operates at a loss and relies heavily on government subsidies, grants and tax credits (4). These programs cost billions of dollars each year to implement (25% of our budget) and produce very insignificant returns.
In 1996, the Liberal government under the leadership of Jean Chrétien approved these programs (Figure 1). So basically, Quebec was allowed to reduce its deficit to zero and employ thousands in this “false economy” all on the backs of the Canadian taxpayer. The Social and Solidarity Economy is indeed a true Marxist utopia where citizens share in the wealth of the nation, while our globalist puppet masters control the workings of the government, activists groups, labour groups and the very citizens they employ. Welcome to Canada comrade!
Soros, Tides Canada and the Social Economy
Several organizations within the Social and Solidarity Economy are engaged in political and social crusades where corporations use their foundations as “activism portals” to influence public opinion and government policy (4). George Soros, billionaire founder of the Open Society Foundation and donor to Tides Foundation, considers this new network of foundations as a “cross between a foundation and a movement” that can directly benefit the agenda of a small but powerful group of wealthy globalists determined on steering the sociopolitical framework of nations in their favour (5). Here are just a few examples of this corruption:
- Tides Foundation was behind the push to restore voting rights for felons in Virginia in order to influence the US elections in 2016(6)
- US Foundations (Tides) campaign to kill the Albertan Oil Sands (7)
- Soros’ Tides Foundation Canada under investigation by the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) for election interference (8)
- Non-Profit of terrorist bomber received Tides Foundation funding (9)
- Soros’ Open Society sponsored immigration network exposed in Italy (10)
Between 2002 and 2007, the Social Solidarity Economy movement had spread to other parts of Canada and into the United States. The Canadian Community Economic Development Network (CCEDNet) that formed in Quebec in 1999, consisted of community-based organizations, co-operatives, social enterprises, researchers and active citizens; it promoted the nation-wide implementation of the social economy and was instrumental in launching the Intercontinental Network for the Promotion of the Social Solidarity Economy (RIPESS) (11).
The North American Chapter consisted of three working agencies who advocated for the social economy: Chantier de l’economie Sociale (Quebec), CCEDNet (Quebec) and the United States Solidarity Economy Network (US SEN) (12).
Today, the globalization of the Social Solidarity Economy includes six international chapters of RIPESS: Africa & the Middle East, Latin America, North America, Asia, Europe, and Oceana. Yvon Poirier from CCEDNet (Quebec) is president of RIPESS (13) (14). RIPESS works closely with the United Nations (13) and International Labour Organizations all supporting left leaning agendas. Quebec, Quebec politicians, and their globalist counterparts therefore played an integral role in what has materialized today as United Nations Agenda 2030.
In 2004, Prime Minister Paul Martin included a social economy initiative in the federal budget to fund these programs under the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC) umbrella (15). In the fall of 2005, prior to the election, it was feared that the change in government would eliminate these programs along with contracts so there was a haste to speed up the process and sign these deals.
After the Liberals lost the elections, the new Conservative government led by Stephen Harper abolished these programs in September 2006, leaving only the research portion, a five year plan, in place (4). When the Harper conservatives took office, the SSHRC, under the direction of the Deputy Director Johanne Mennie and current People’s Party of Canada (PPC) Campaign Coordinator, warned social economy groups and academic researchers “to frame their productions as research not advocacy activities” (Figure 2) in order to obtain funding (16).
On October 19-20 2006, Ms. Mennie attended a private meeting sponsored by Tides Canada Foundation (Figures 3 & 4). The meeting was called “Scaling up the Canadian Social Finance Sector: Strategy Session”, the very same programs Stephen Harper’s government defunded just a month earlier. At this meeting the following recommendations were made: (4) (17)
- It was agreed by all the attendees that social economy initiatives would continue under the leadership of Tides Canada Foundation
- It was agreed that these programs would require the development of a national institution that would act as a Social Investment Bank (similar to Trudeau’s Infrastructure Bank)
- Attendees agreed that they would get involved in political lobbying in order to “seed” a social finance agenda
- It was agreed that attendees would position these programs as an “investment opportunities” rather than “government grants and incentives” programs (to overlook the fact that these programs were operating at a loss and depended almost entirely on government grants and tax credits)
- It was agreed that there was a critical need to develop a public policy agenda
Note: The minutes from this meeting do not indicate that there was any opposition on record to these initiatives by Ms. Mennie, who was the Deputy Minister of HRSDC/SSHRC. Prime Minister Stephen Harper was clear in voicing his opposition to these programs prior to the election, he cut the funding and put restrictions on what the Foundations could and could not do (4). So what then is a government official doing at this meeting? Was there usurpation in Harper’s government? And who exactly were the attendees present at this meeting? Tim Draimin founding CEO of Tides Canada Foundation (18), David LePage of CCEDNet (19), Nancy Neamtan President of Chantier de l’economie Sociale (20), Tim Brodhead CEO J.W. McConnell Foundation (current mentor and previous Director of the Trudeau Foundation)(21).
By 2010, in spite of the federal cuts to these programs these same individuals set up The Canadian Task Force on Social Finance. This time one of their founding members included the Rt. Hon. Prime Minister Paul Martin of the Liberal Party of Canada (Figure 5) (22), and their funding partner was the Ontario Liberals led by Dalton McGuinty. One might call this a conspiracy theory but, is it a conspiracy theory if the events and the planning actually took place?
Who exactly is Johanne Mennie? For a person who has been in government since the Chretien Liberals she doesn’t have a huge internet presence. We know Ms. Mennie was Deputy Director of the Social Sciences Humanities Research Council (SSHRC) & Human Resources and Skills Development Canada (HRSDC), Director of the Heritage Foundation, and worked for the Policy Research Initiative which was created by the Privy Council to broaden the research community of the SSHRC (Figure 8).
Johanne Mennie is also Deputy Director responsible for policy development in government, and when one is sitting at a corporate board meeting and pressuring for policy this goes way past employee. The connections are here; the very same corporations pushing the social economy agenda got Deputy Director responsible for policy development in government to do their bidding! (23)
One month later on November 21 2006, the same group of attendees from the Tides Canada meeting, were called as witnesses by a House of Commons committee meeting investigating the value of the “social economy” in Canada. This is the statement of Ms. Carol Hunter executive director of the Canadian Coperative Association (CCA) promoting “Johanne Mennie’s shop”: (24)
Johanne Mennie is also listed as Director of Canada Inc. (Figure 7) who has over 8,000 employees and a budget of 2.4 million which she launched between January-March of 2018 (just before Maxime Bernier officially launched the PPC) through the acquisition of an office from the Canadian Security Intelligence Services (CSIS). Canada Inc. manages 12, 802 Government companies, 175,961 Charitable Organizations and Foundations, and an additional 548,848 Organization Companies (25). Is this the “Social Economy” Hybrid Universe: the relationship that exists between Government, Corporations, and Foundation & Charities? (4) Is “Johanne Mennie’s shop” the home office for the social economy? Or is it the home office for a one world government? Apparently, Canada may very well have a deep state after all!
Canada’s Connection to the Caravan
The Chicago group involved in the Caravan movement at the Mexican border was led by Inneo Mujica of the Pueblo Sin Fronteras (People Without Borders), a Chicago-based non-profit organization that follows a Marxist-Leninist ideology and believes in a world without borders. They are committed to trade union work and other international missions (26) (27)(28). Since 2010 they have been organizing caravans of migrants to illegally cross into Mexico and the United States including the Caravan of 2018. Pueblo Sin Fronteras was created alongside other radical Mexican-American activists groups in order to establish a migrant pipeline across the US-Mexican border (26). They are members of the National Day Laborer Organizing Network (NDLON) a left-wing coalition for immigrant activists group (26)(28)(40).
Other coalition members of NDLON include CASA de Maryland and Centro Legal de la Raza (37)(38). Tax returns filed by Tides Foundation for 2017 (36) show funding to CASA de Maryland Inc. Joel Garcia, second director of Centro Legal de la Raza and founder of Clinica de la Raza Inc. (39) received funding by Tides Foundation funding for Clinica de la Raza Inc. (36).
NDLON has a partnership and is funded by AFL-CIO (American Federation of Labour-Congress of Industrial Organization) (29) (30). The AFL-ICO is the largest federation of labour unions and is actively involved with the Social Solidarity Economy (31)(32)(33). The AFL-CIO was part of the national planning committee that helped to develop the USSF (US Social Forum) consisting of big labour groups and social activists groups which was used to create the US-SEN, part of the North American Chapter of RIPESS (34) which was founded by Quebec.
Both AFL-CIO and RIPESS are listed members of Union for Radical and Political Economies (URPE) (35). Members from this organization promote the Social Solidarity Economy and are left political economists who advocate for Marxism. Many of these organizations actively campaigned for left-leaning politicians such as Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton.
Other Groups that Received Funding from Tides Foundation Include:
- American Friends of Service Committee:
America Friends of Service Committee is a Quaker organization that helped fundraise for Pueblo Sin Fronteras (28). They received direct funding from Tides Foundation (36).
- The Immigration Justice Campaign:
The Immigration Justice Campaign (coalition members of American Friends of Service) promoted pro bono legal representation for persons detained by US immigration authorities (42). Immigration Justice Campaign is administered by Center for Popular Democracy (43) which merged with Center for Community Change (44) was also funded by Tides Foundation (36).
- BAMN: By Any Means Necessary
The communist group By Any Means Necessary (BAMN) voiced its support for the caravan and published a manifesto accusing the Trump administration of being “lawless and repressive.” BAMN wrote: “Open it up or we’ll shut it down! Everyone must be let in! MEXICANS and AMERICANS stand with us!” (28)
BAMN is a Revolutionary Workers League. UEAALDF (United for Equality and Affirmative Action League Defense Fund) coordinated BAMN’s legal defense and is the tax-exempt affiliate of BAMN. Both organizations share the same two leaders and both are identified as national coordinators. UEAALDF received funding support from Southern Poverty Law Center which is directly funded by Tides Foundation(36). BAMN also has ties to NABLA (North American Man/Big Boy Love) and Revolution Workers League (RWL) (41).
The Tides Foundation is structured like a money-laundering operation. Financers who wish to remain anonymous can make contributions through Tides, which avoids the tax-based requirement to report its own donors by structuring itself as an organization with broad-based support (45). On the first page of their 2017 tax returns (Figure 6) is written:
Tides Foundation primary exempt purpose is grant making. We empower individuals and institutions to move money efficiently and effectively towards positive social change
For those of you that have been confused with the alphabet soup, all of these movements have emerged from the same groups that were designed in Quebec to promote the Social Solidarity Economy. So, that Tides Canada Foundation meeting that took place on October 19-20 2006, which involved all the principle stakeholders of this movement, was not as innocent as many would like us to believe (4). Historians refer to this as the “Not-So-Quiet Revolution.”(46)
The RIPESS network, consisting of Chantier de l’economie and CCEDNet with headquarters in Quebec, advocates for “Open Borders”. On February 4, 2019, the European Chapter of RIPESS released a guide for campaigners, communicators and activists called “How to talk about the societies we want in Europe.” (47) (48) (Figure 9)This guide advocates for open borders and makes recommendations on how to phrase the narrative on open borders so as not to upset Europeans:
We recommend using this imagery of the shared and continuous land and waterways of Europe, but without explicitly mentioning borders… emphasize that borders are invisible.
Friends of the Earth and the Europeans Woman’s Lobby financed this RIPESS guide also received funding from Tides Foundation (Figure 9)(36). In addition Nancy Neamtan (President of Chantier de l’economie sociale) and David LePage (CCEDNet) , both organizations within RIPESS were also present at that October 2006 Tides Canada Foundation meeting(17). It appears therefore, that Ms. Johanne Mennie’s (Executive Director of Maxime Bernier’s PPC) attendance at a Tides Foundation meeting was not so innocent at all; it was a meeting of the “Collaborators of Mass Migration”.
So Canada has a very serious problem; it’s called Quebec. Regardless if the UN Global Compact on Migration is ratified or not, under the “Canada-Quebec Accord” Quebec regulates its own immigration separate from the Federal Government and essentially has a back door into Canada (49). So for those of you concerned about mass migrations, the true question is not who is in power in Ottawa, but rather who is in power in Quebec?
Make no mistake, the “Social and Solidarity Economy” is a Global Communist Movement where Foundations are acting as conduits for money transfers to support their cause. These are movements are fueled by the corporate elites along with larger labour unions and social advocacy groups collectively promoting the social economy while advocating for social justice, but whose ultimate intention is “control of the people”.
To our American friends and neighbours, Canada’s role, or rather Quebec’s role in the destabilization of the North American Continent goes beyond a mere “sorry”. Western civilization and the preservation of our society is truly dependent on the actions of one person and to him we say, “Mr. President, build that wall!”

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