Universities have historically been ground zero for revolutions acting as instruments of state formation, steering national identity, and social and political change. Globalization has allowed universities to become more diverse, replacing conservative Europeans with foreign nationals and forever changing the face of “free speech” in western countries. Youth rally for foreign causes, the implementation of one world governance, and “stateless law,” all at the expense of our national sovereignty.
Who better to destabilize continents than master manipulator George Soros with his far-reaching tentacles infiltrating universities throughout the globe and transforming them into facilitators of mass migration? The education system, with its prison acclimation and obedience training, has created the perfect soldiers to implement an UN-based militarized system that will ensure their own servitude and the genocide of mankind. The invasion is underway and the revolution has begun, for Radicalism has empowered Conservatism and our nation’s law books have betrayed the very citizens they were meant to protect. Dark days lie ahead!
Soros Central European University (CEU) in Hungary
Recently, the Hungarian government passed legislation that would regulate foreign universities operating within that country. The bill, passed by a vote of 123 to 38 in favor of the legislation, will place restrictions on 28 foreign universities and potentially force them out of the country. While the legislation is general, Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban targeted one institution in particular, the Central European University (CEU) founded by George Soros in 1991. Orban stated that Soros and the NGOs allied with him, were “trying to influence Hungarian domestic politics.” The liberal billionaire, a persistent critic of the Prime Minister, prompted Orban to declare that “Not even a billionaire can stand above the law, therefore this university must also obey the law (1).” Under this legislation, if foreign universities want to offer degrees in Hungary, they must have a campus in their home country. The CEU, which is accredited in the United States and Hungary, is the only one among 28-foreign based universities not to have such a campus (2).
Michael Ignatieff, former Liberal leader and current president and dean of the CEU in Budapest, denounced this legislation which he says targeted his institution. He rallied for international support, including from Global Affairs Minister Chrystia Freeland (2) and several North American and European University administrators from world-renown institutions, such as MIT, Princeton, Yale, Stanford, John Hopkins, Cornell University, Berkeley, and the University of Toronto (3). Stephen Toope, director of Munk School of Global Affairs at the University of Toronto had this to say: (2)
It is not clear how much leverage the Canadian government has to influence the situation. A better option would be to appeal to Germany, a key investor in Hungary. If Canada wanted to do anything here, the best thing to do might be to quietly talk with the Germans and see if we can encourage them to play an active role.
Notorious philanthropist George Soros is the father of the globalist movement for mass migration and promoter of one world government. The questions our staff at Civilian Intelligence Network (CIN) has are: Who is Stephen Toppe? And what sort of influence has the first president of the Trudeau Foundation had in Canada? What involvement does he have with Soros CEU? How has this connection impacted post-secondary education in Canada?

Central European University.
Who is Stephen Toope?
Stephen Toope is a Canadian legal scholar and academic administrator who is currently vice-chancellor at the University of Cambridge in UK. He specializes in human rights, international law, and international relations. He is an active member of IALS (International Association of Law Schools), whose mission is to prepare lawyers for transnational legal practice, and he advocates for global governance by the United Nations (4). He is also former Dean of the McGill Faculty of Law (1994-1999), where he oversaw the renewal of the law curriculum, Vice-Chancellor of University of British Columbia (UBC), tenured professor of law in 2006-2014, and director of the University of Toronto Munk School of Global Affairs (2015-2017)(5)(6)(7). While at McGill University he introduced “State-less law” into Canada that is transnational, universal and intended to help to shepherd in the UN and international law (8). Stephen Toope is also founder and former president of the Pierre Elliot Trudeau Foundation when it began its operations in March 2002, on receipt of a $125 million endowment from the Government of Canada.
Stephen Toope’s connections to the Liberal Party of Canada run deep. In 1986-87, he worked for Brian Dickson, Chief of Justice of the Supreme Court of Canada appointed by Prime Minister Pierre Trudeau. Dickson was a leading figure in the transformation of the Supreme Court of Canada and Canadian law and an authority on Constitutional law, laying the groundwork for the new Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms (9). The Constitution Act of 1982 which includes the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms now guarantees fundamental freedoms for all individuals residing in Canada, including citizens, landed immigrants and even refugees (10)(11)(12).
Stephen Toope is also a member of the CIC (Canadian International Council), a think tank on international affairs, that gave George Soros Globalist of the Year award in 2010 (13)(14). At the time, Soros had nothing but praise for the Communist Government of China: (15)
Global market fundamentalism have given rise to a new world order, one dominated by China… I have to say that today China has a more, not only a more vigorous economy, but actually a better functioning government than the United States… The world order as we know it is turning into disorder… The Washington consensus is finished. Disappeared.
Stephen Toope is also part of the R2P Movement (Global Responsibility to Protect or GR2P) that calls for Rapid Response Teams to be employed by the United Nations in times of global unrest. The R2P legislation adopted the by the UN General Assembly in the 2005 World Summit, maintains that when sovereign states are unable or unwilling to fulfill their responsibility to protect their own populations from genocide, ethnic cleansing, war crimes and crimes against humanity, the international community has the responsibility to do so (16)(17)(18). This legislation has not yet become legally binding as international law. Stephen Toope, recognized as a specialist of International Law and with and with a legal background in now four world-renown law schools, will be a key player in the legalization of this law globally (19). Recently, Toope had this to say about the R2P (94):
Could we imagine pushing finally to create the United Nations rapid-response force, designed to take action against threats or breaches of the peace, envisioned in Chapter VII of the UN Charter?
Toope also advocates for global collaboration with China (20). In the era of globalization, China is the one of the largest contributors to the UN Peacekeeping budget and contributes more troops than any other member of the UN Security Council (21). In his address to the UN General Assembly, Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi stated that China was a staunch advocate of a “multilateral rules-based world order” and asserted China’s long-standing determination to “uphold the international order and remain a champion of multilateralism (an alliance of many nations)” (22)(21).
These UN “Blue Helmet” peacekeeping forces are plagued with scandal and controversy and often referred to as global war-making forces, which have come under strong criticism for raping and slaughtering civilians amid various UN missions around the world (24). This brings into question a similar multilateral agreement imposed by President Emmanuel Macron and German Chancellor Angela Merkel that would integrate European Forces to form a Common European Army that could respond quickly to situations on the ground, bypassing the sovereignty of nations within the EU(25). And just recently EU leaders joined Chinese President Xi Jinping in Paris to stress the importance of “Multilateralism” and address peace and security issues (15).
China’s growing global power makes it an exporter of human right violations, including at the UN where in 2018 it tried to block participation of its critics (26). Why then is a dictator-led communist state championing a UN Rapid Response Military Force? Why is it entering into multilateral agreements with the EU? Clearly the UN is becoming a Global Empire, a militarized United Nations with a military force run by a UN Security Council, and consisting of member states such as China and corrupt dictators like South African Cyril Ramaphosa, who is seizing land from farmers and has been implicated in the large-scale killing of white farmers (27)(28)(29). What will happen once these UN Rapid Response Teams obtain international jurisdiction?
Recently Cook County Commissioner Richard Boykin argued that the State of Illinois was failing the African American community and sought UN peacekeeping efforts to combat violence and gun crimes in Chicago neighborhoods (30). The R2P mandate clearly states that should a State fail to protect its populations the international community must be prepared to take stronger measures, including the collective use of force through the UN Security Council (31). And at the “Yellow Vest Protests” in France heavily armored vehicles bearing the EU flag stormed into Paris as a sign that the EU army has already been created (87)(88).
The main promoter of this R2P Rapid Response Force is the World Federalist Movement (32)(33) that supports a United Nations Parliamentary Assembly (UNPA) (34) and a world without borders:(35)
See the vision of the world and all the wonder that shall be. In the parliament of all, the federation of the world. We now have a planetary community, the brotherhood and sisterhood of human kind, the Nation of Humanity. Fundamental crucial issues of peace, security, economic and social justice, human and wildlife rights and ecological protection are planetary in nature. Human sovereignty in a planetary society supersedes national jurisdictions.
Stephen Toope, a prominent member of the Canadian Chapter of the R2P movement (36), which has hosted World Federalist Movement speakers such as: Lloyd Axworthy, former cabinet minister to Liberal PM Jean Chretien and president of the World Federalist Movement-Institute for Global Policy (37)(38), and Executive Director William Pace,who spoke at a R2P conference entitled “Effective implementation of the Responsibility to Protect: The Role of the European Union and the Civil Society.” Pace also delivered a keynote address on the origins and principles of R2P, followed by a panel discussion on “Strengthening the R2P within the European Union”(39). For those of you still in doubt of the existence of a New World Order, it is quite evident that the global invasion has already begun!
The Responsibility-to-Protect (R2P) doctrine, an ideological pretext that was created and developed by Canada’s federal government, was used to legitimize the illegal coup imposed on Haiti in 2004. Institutionalized on the world stage by a Canadian front called the International Commission on Intervention and State Sovereignty (ICISS), the R2P doctrine was the brainchild of then-Prime Minister Jean Chrétien. When announcing its birth in 2000, then-Foreign Affairs Minister Lloyd Axworthy thanked the Carnegie, MacArthur, and Rockefeller Foundations for “strong political and financial support.” Lloyd Axworthy is President of the World Federalist Movement that advocates for UNPA. Canada, who had relations with both London and Washington, was in a perfect place to design the R2P! The main tenant of the R2P script was for the UN to abandon it’s two primary principles: state sovereignty and military non-intervention (23).
In 1973, the World Federalist Movement awarded the “World Peace Award” to Maurice Strong, who created the UN’s Earth Council to co-ordinate Agenda 21, the blueprint for the construction of a New World Order (40)(41). World Federalist Movement’s coalition partner is the Climate Action Network (CAN), a coalition of more than 100 organizations across Canada that brings labour, indigenous groups and environmental activist groups together to promote the climate action movement and anti-oil activism (42). It includes organizations such as Leadnow, Greenpeace, the David Suzuki Foundation, West Coast Environmental Law, and Assembly of First Nations (43). These are all organizations that have been funded by the Tides Canada Foundation, whose principal financier is George Soros (44)(45)(46)(47)(48)(49)(50). Stephen Toope is an advocate for UN sustainable development goals and signed the University and College Presidents Statement of Climate Action (51)(52)(53).
Toope was also President of The Federation for Humanities and Social Sciences (54), which promotes research and teaching for the advancement of an inclusive and democratic society. It includes over 160 universities and colleges that represents 91,000 researchers and graduate students across Canada. This organization has endorsed speakers such as Naomi Klein, an anti-oil, anti-pipeline activist who recently told a group of students at the University of Calgary that the Fort McMurray wildfires were linked to climate change (54)(56).
Grant money for research plays a major role in establishing what the grant-makers hope to achieve. Grant-makers, like foundations, corporations, and government departments, typically disperse money based on compliance. (55) Grants often have predetermined conclusions making the papers published more about advocacy, and less about research. Stephen Toope is a prime example of just this fact. One look at Stephen Toope‘s full CV (5), shows 30 years of research grants most notably from the SSHRC. The SSHRC operates at the will of the privy council, where foundations like Soros’ Tides have full control to distribute funds to themselves (91). Foundations, government, and corporations are a revolving door of globalist self-interest. Stephen Toope has authored “Building compliance: The Hard Work of International Law”, “Legitimacy and Persuasion: The Hidden Power of International Law”, “Interactional International Law: Shaping International Society”, and currently “Stability and Change in International Law” (5). The globalists have infiltrated the Universities and are directing research. This is catered research, Research Papers R Us!

What involvement has Stephen Toope had with Soros or the CEU?
To improve university governance, board administrators, are part of Universities Canada, which was founded in 1911 and includes 96 public and private not-for-profit Canadian Universities (57)(58). Stephen Toope has served as Chair of the board of Universities Canada and has helped to deliver training sessions for University Administrators (59)(60). Universities Canada has partnered with the American Council on Education (ACE) Center for Internationalization and Global Engagement (CIGA) whose priorities are to assist academic institutions develop and sustain programs that increase global engagement, address global priorities, and collaborate with other institutions, governments, the private sector, and the United Nations, to advance internationalization initiatives (61)(62).
In 1946, the American Council on Education (ACE) helped establish the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), which provides international exchange opportunities for American scholars and administrators (63). Other CIGA collaborating partners include: Universities Australia, German Rectors Conference, Santander Universidades (Mexico), Universities UK, European Universities Association, and Association of Colombian Universities. This initiative is funded by the Lumina Foundation (64) which is directly funded by George Soros and Open Society Initiative (65). It was not therefore, surprising to see ACE President, an Obama nominated Undersecretary of Education and proponent of the corporate takeover of public institutions, Ted Mitchel come to the defense of the Soros Central European University (CEU) on December 4, 2018: (66)(67)
We stand with CEU and the rest of the European higher education community, and we call on the government of Hungary to reconsider its stance and show that it understands and embraces the essential concepts of academic freedom and intellectual integrity.
Recently, the Trudeau’s Liberal government announced an historic new investment to Universities Canada, with more funding for research, opportunities for women, and minorities to ensure greater diversity (68). A Lobby Canada Report reveals that Universities Canada plans to import more migrants and refugees into Canadian Universities by working with Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada to improve visa processing times, lower refusal rates for international students, and increase flexibility in post-graduate work permit programs, to ensure that more international students can participate in program pathways to permanent residency (69).
Despite claims that universities and institutions of higher education are non-partisan promoters of “free speech,” the reality is far from the truth. They have become far-left liberal institutions that support minority groups where “free speech” is censored and replaced by social justice advocacy for corrupt dictator-led countries many of us have never even heard of. The concerns of the nation play second fiddle to issues of globalization, mass migration, and demands for equity by non-citizens, citizens that are very much politically motivated. Michael Ignatieff, president of the CEU had this to say about the role of Universities: (70)
Globalization has allowed universities to become more diverse, multicultural and more plural of all global communities with the CUE recruiting faculty and students from 120 different countries. What we didn’t see coming at CEU is that we trained the transition elite, a Liberal democratic transition elite, but we trained the elite that lost politically. Post-1989, the transition elite, the Liberal democratic elite, got pulverized in Hungary’s election and a new center right– conservative, religious, Christian, anti-migration –won. We are now facing all the consequences of having trained an elite that lost.
For the George Soros CEU this meant they lost the battle and were forced out of Hungary only to open a new campus in Austria (71). Whether or not these “Universities of Liberal elite” will win the war in North America and in other Western Nations remains to be seen. At the University of Toronto’s Munk School of Global Affairs, Stephen Toope, professors and Graduate students will still be participating in exchange programs with the CEUs Open Society Internship for Rights and Governance (OSIRG); a global initiative designed to identify and cultivate the next generation of human rights practitioners (72)(73). Globally, there are literally thousands of internships similar to this. Universities play a key role in forming national consciousness and national identity, unfortunately our students will be catering to transnational ideologies in favor of global governance.

How has this connection impacted post-secondary education in Canada?
In 2010, the Vancouver Sun reported that about 70% of the students at Simon Fraser University and UBC were visible minorities despite representing a relatively small fraction of the population of British Columbia. Many were economic migrants seeking high-paying professions which are unattainable in their own countries due to massive competition (74). At that time, UBC President Stephen Toope publically called for an increase in the number of Asian students at his university when almost half were of already of Chinese origin and were actually beginning to decrease diversity as Chinese students began to dominate the student body creating a monoculture. The concern here is whether or not the large numbers of international students at Canadian universities are taking up spaces that would otherwise go to qualified Canadians. Some research has been done in the United States on this issue by Professor George Borjas of Harvard University who concluded that: (75)
while the impact enrollment of international students on locals in U.S. educational institutions varies with different groups, there does seem be a “crowd out effect” on American-born white males.
Borjas is considered one of the leading experts on immigration and labour markets and in 2007 co-authored a study for Statistics Canada (75). Despite claims that higher foreign tuition fees bring in considerable income to Universities, in the United States the cost of foreign students is substantially underwritten by public funds with significant costs to the taxpayer (89). Since Universities operate as non-profits they are largely funded by tax dollars, another social economy money pit that goes unreported.
In 2017, Canada registered a new record of international students living in the country: 495,525 according to Immigration Refugees & Citizenship Canada. his represents a 120% increase since 2010 driven basically by Chinese and Indian students. There are 1,034,000 full time students, so close to 50% now are international students(93)! In 2016 there were roughly 4.8 million international students mainly from China, India, South Korea, Nigeria, Saudi Arabia, and several other Asian countries. Data used to monitor United Nations SDG commitment show the amount of foreign aid to assist these students was roughly 1.2 Billion (92). At one time the universities would limit seats to foreign students to only 10%, now schools are a back door to immigration. (93)
As President of UBC, Stephen Toope implemented a collaboration agreement between Chongqing in China and UBC to share research, knowledge and innovation. Collaborations under the agreement would focus on urban planning and sustainable development, education, international law, public policy and international relations (76). This is UBC’s first initiative under their “China Council” which seeks to expand and deepen the University’s exchange with China. One mandate of UBCs China Council is student mobility. Today, students from China are the largest international student body at UBC, now referred to as the “University of Beijing China”. The UBC webpage is even written in Chinese(90); will this become Canada’s third official language? UBC has 55 other current collaboration agreements with academic institutions in China and Chongqing along with Beijing, Shanghai and Tianjin have been given Provincial government status (76) along with Provincial and Federal tax dollars.
While at McGill University when it was under Stephen Toope (1994-1999), that curriculum reform took shape. Dean Toope shepherded the Law Faculty through a five-year consultation and review process on the controversial question “what should legal education at McGill look like at the end of the 20th century?” This proposal for curricular reform, passed at Faculty Council in March of 1998. The new program, implemented “Trans-systemic Law” that would radically change legal education not only at McGill University but also within Canada and the world (77).
One of the greatest strengths of McGill’s trans-systemic program is the idea that there is not necessarily a single solution to a given problem, and that one’s own discipline doesn’t provide all the answers.
What is Trans-systemic Law? Europeans have pointed to it as a model for teaching law in a supranational continent, a way to train students for a globalized legal economy. At its core, trans-systemic law attempts to teach students about the law not from the perspective of any one specific jurisdiction, but from the perspective of many nations. The consequences for legal education are much more profound. Many words were used to describe this new curriculum like trans-systemic and trans-national, but the official name was “The McGill Program.” It has been hailed as a model for what legal education should look like in a globalized world (77).
Stephen Toope was also Co-Director for The Institute for European Studies which was founded in 2000 by the European Commission to promote EU studies outside Europe. The Institute has received financial support from the Université de Montréal and McGill University since its creation. This support, combined with grants from the European Commission, has helped the Institute to fulfill its objectives and to generate research about: The history of European integration, European law, the political system of the EU, policies of the EU, especially its social policies, and the languages and different cultures of member states (78).
The European Centre of Excellence (EUCE) was inaugurated on October 2, 2000 as a joint venture between the Université de Montréal and McGill University. The EUCE’s mandate is to promote a high-quality knowledge and understanding of Europe and to stimulate the study of the European Union in Montreal, Quebec, and Canada (79). It includes the following network of universities: Dalhousie, Carlton, University of Victoria, University of Alberta, University of Toronto, York University, and UBC (80)(81)(82)(83). In the USA the list includes Cornell, Berkeley, Columbia University, and many more. The European Commission currently supports five European Union Centres of Excellence (EUCE) in Canada, which are co-funded by their home universities: Carleton University (Ottawa), Dalhousie University (Halifax), the University of Alberta (Edmonton), the University of Victoria, and at University of Montreal and McGill University in a consortium (84).
The Centre for European Studies (CES) at Carleton University coordinates the Canadian Network of EUCEs, which complements similar networks in the USA, Australia, New Zealand, Japan, Singapore, Taiwan, Russia, and Korea (84). They are all part of the Council for European Studies, an association which is supported by charitable foundations such as the Soros Foundations and Rockefeller Foundation and the European Commission (80)(85) and which includes George Soros Central European University (CEU) (86).
It has never been a good idea to concentrate power in one place. Now, our own law schools are the mechanisms for implementing international law right here in Canada. Globalists are preparing a worldwide planetary disaster which they plan to be the saviours. Their dialectic is being developed in the echelons of higher education and they expect to have it all wrapped up by 2030. Do elected MPs have the power to reverse these stateless laws that over ride the laws of man? Are there political solutions at all? The revolutions to come are dark; they don’t include a better life for you and your family, and you may in fact be part of the 90% of humans that will be eliminated from the planet (95). Yes, implementing mass migration will kill 8.5billion people by 2100. Population reduction achieved through lack of medical care and education. UN research scenarios found in this document! (96).
It is important to learn the names of the people involved most directly in these anti-human, one world operations. Once we learn their names, we need to engage them directly. In Canada, far more than the USA, it is important to learn what is going on. The ENTIRE public sector of Canada is foreign owned and operated. We are handing over our best and brightest to one world authoritarian communism. George Soros‘ name is always present. Stephen Toope, Michael Ignatieff might be less known to you. You are not a conspiracy kook for asking questions, or for continuing your search for answers.
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- http://galacticfriends.com/immigration-watch-canada-4/
- https://chinacouncil.ubc.ca/ubc-and-chinas-chongqing-government-sign-landmark-academic-cooperation-agreement/
- https://www.canadianlawyermag.com/author/arshy-mann/the-law-school-of-the-future-today-2582/
- http://centreurope-montreal.ca/
- http://www.centreurope-montreal.ca/en/
- http://www.centreurope-montreal.ca/en/networks-partners/index.html
- http://sites.utoronto.ca/europe/links.html
- https://ies.ubc.ca/about-us/our-supporters/
- http://euce.apps01.yorku.ca/about-2/
- https://carleton.ca/euce-network-canada/
- https://councilforeuropeanstudies.org/about/funders-partners
- https://councilforeuropeanstudies.org/component/content/category/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=92&catid=15&Itemid=161
- https://www.dailystar.co.uk/news/latest-news/747052/gilet-jaunes-paris-eu-flag-vehicles-riots-yellow-vests-protests
- https://www.infowars.com/macrons-nascent-eu-army-tanks-with-eu-flag-used-against-eu-protestors/
- https://immigrationwatchcanada.org/2018/04/16/university-claims-benefits-foreign-students-unsubstantiated/
- https://chinacouncil.ubc.ca/ubc-china/student-mobility/
- https://www.civilianintelligencenetwork.ca/2019/02/18/soros-tides-foundation-and-the-ppc/
- https://migrationdataportal.org/themes/international-students
- https://www.civilianintelligencenetwork.ca/2019/04/ 15/the-number-of-foreign-students-in-western-countries-expressed-as-a-percent/
- http://policyoptions.irpp.org/magazines/august-2016/re-engaging-canada-in-united-nations-peace-operations/
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VrpZwJhyOtg&list=PLxgXglYbhCxq7t8sltRNCbjEbu-SvRGmL&index=3
- https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5167193/
Reproduced in full at the blogger in my university .. great one to share with the clueless still thinking PPC, CPC, NDP, Liberals, Green will save them .. we are all going to join their global gulag Agenda 2030 unless there is some serious resistance and pushback.. good to know you’re putting it out there – I’m not on Twitter or Facebook and vimeo and youtube deleted my channels this year.
Reproduced in full at my blogger linking to your’s .. with thanks.
Thx so much ! Appreciate the useful information.
Thanks for this fantastic article… I share it around a lot! Please submit it for reproduction at eurocanadian.ca .. I suspect Ricardo Duchesne would republish it for you there! Cheers from Indie Media Eastcoast.. I’m promoting the Common Law Court in 2021… we must seek remedy.
Joseph Gregory Hallett
Jun 15 2020
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One of the top five most popular blog posts for me here in this university town of globalist elite snobs letting people like Bonnie Henry and Ian Hanomansingh loose on Canadians as alumnis from the pro-vaxx establishment – Mount Allison University has done a lot of damage… wow… so good to know that this information is getting out there far and wide and blowing the doors off the subversion of academia by the usual suspects. Well done Shawn and team.
SAFS Society for Academic Freedom and Scholarship
14 hrs ·
Mark Mercer
14 hrs
Cambridge is a case study in how to save free speech
Those who impose woke group-think on others should be lampooned, ridiculed and chased out
DOUGLAS MURRAY8 June 2021 • 6:00pmDouglas Murray
You have to grab your victories where you can in this life. And the Telegraph and – ahem – the present author ought to claim a small victory in one of the ongoing struggles of our time. As this newspaper has highlighted, one of the former jewels in the crown of our nation – Cambridge University – has recently been brought low by a banal and ill-equipped Canadian lawyer called Stephen Toope.
This Dickensian-named character has spent his time as vice chancellor trying to turn his Rolls Royce of an institution into yet another banal one of automatic group-think. A sort of Canadian bar association without the thrills. Or indeed the pay.
The latest Toope idiocy was his proposal for a “Change the Culture” initiative. Among other things this was meant to allow students and dons to inform anonymously on each other.
Specifically, the forum was going to encourage the reporting of so-called “micro-agressions”. These are in-the-eye-of-the-beholder insults so minute that they may in fact be wholly imaginary. Among the other things which Toope wanted to include as a reportable offence was the raising of an eyebrow by anyone at Cambridge while any member of a minority group was speaking.
Happily the forces of sanity have prevailed. In the wake of negative publicity Toope has had to beat an embarrassing retreat. Within days of his plans being made public, he issued a statement saying that portions of the proposals should never have been published, were “included in error” and that the website for aspiring informants everywhere would be taken down until further notice.
Mr Toope did not say that the dog had eaten his website. But other than that he produced the whole gamut of excuses. A first-year undergraduate would be ashamed to produce work as cruddy as Toope’s, or to make excuses so transparently lame.
It followed an earlier embarrassment for Toope. Late last year dons rejected his new speech “guidelines” for all members of the university. Toope tried to insist they show “respect” for other viewpoints. The dons rightly revolted, saying that the best they could muster for some idiocies would be “tolerance”. It was a masterclass.
For the time being the dons of Cambridge still tolerate the appalling Toope. But the backtracking forced upon him twice in a few months points to a small but important lesson in the cultural battles of our time.
The people who insist that they know everything to such an extent that they would dare to tell us which words we might use or which facial muscles we might twitch do not in fact know anything much. They are ill-informed, pompous bureaucrats who seem to regard academia as little more than a delicious and remunerative racket.
From Cambridge and a small number of other recent cases the rest of us have learnt some important lessons. We need to counter these people. We need (to use one of their own favoured phrases against them) to “call them out”. We need to question who the hell they think they are to force their stupid and semi-constructed dogmas on the rest of us. Let alone on some of the brightest people in the country.
We must lampoon them, ridicule them and chase them out. To adapt HL Mencken, we must heave dead cats into their supposed sanctuaries and go roistering on down the highways of learning.
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