
Peter Downing, #Wexit IS George Soros. (Seriously.)

Lest we forget it was during the reign of Stephen Harper that the Canadian International Council (CIC) gave George Soros the “Globalist of the Year Award”. A council that is staffed with former Chretien, Harper and United Nations enthusiasts! Yes, the Atlantic Council is a den of vipers and they have now entrenched themselves into the Albertan battle cry for separation and Wexit is their poison!

Peter Downing, the figurehead of the Wexit movement is not being upfront about his past. There’s a throwaway going on for obvious reasons. We had a sneaking suspicion about this Peter Downing character who is leading the Wexit movement and owns all the Wexit pages and sites. So CIN decided to do some digging. It’s well known that he is a former RCMP officer, a former soldier, and politician. (1) But who funds him and his Wexit Movement?

Peter Downing’s Criminal Past:

Research revealed that he has a criminal past. The following article has since been deleted from its original web page but CIN managed to recover it:

“As the RCMP commissioner pledges to streamline the force’s disciplinary process, a former St. Albert officer has been off the job, with pay, for nearly two years, despite a criminal conviction, disciplinary charges and a memo questioning his reliability on the stand.
Even with all those apparent black marks, the force has raised the possibility of a departure with an extended severance, funding for his education and a clean service record.
The officer, Const. Peter Downing, worked in both St. Albert and Morinville and remains on administrative leave after a lengthy suspension related to criminal charges of uttering threats. Downing was convicted of those charges last summer and last month lost an appeal.”

Extended severance, paid education, and a clean service record for a convicted felon? Does Peter Downing have inside connections? The author of this article is listed as Ryan Tumilty. He’s now working for CBC, but was working for the St Albert Gazette when he wrote this. A tweet from 2015 validates this article and puts some of the pieces together: (3)

Peter Downing’s ties to Christian Heritage Party & Neo-Nazi:

Peter Downing was a Christian Heritage Party candidate in the 2015 Federal Election; a party which openly campaigns for enacting repressive and radical Christian doctrine as federal law. On September 14, 2015 he wrote Mayor Neeshi to protest the firing of a Calgary City bus driver: (4)

” Hello Mr. Nenshi. I am sure you are by this point undoubtedly aware of the case of Jesse Rau: The Christian Bus driver, who was terminated by Calgary Transit for his public protest over feeling pressured by his municipal government employer to participate in driving a city bus that had been decorated in support of your city’s LGBT celebrations, which he genuinely felt violated his religious conscience. “

But according to Calgary Transit Jesse Rau had not being terminated because he refused to drive a city bus decorated for the Gay Pride Parade but rather because he posted Nazi-related comments and graphics on his facebook account while representing himself as an employee of Calgary Transit: (5)

” City officials said in their termination letter that Rau, who was still on probation, was losing his job for breaching the city’s code of conduct and media relations policy. The termination letter, which Rau distributed to media on Friday, pointed out that Rau had never been asked to operate the Pride bus and was specifically advised he would not be assigned to it.”

“The letter also says Rau falsely accused the city of fabricating a driving complaint against him in order to “sabotage” him. It also says he posted “Nazi-related content” to Facebook, where he identified himself as a bus driver. Rau said one of the photos depicted a Nazi shooting a Jew, who was holding a child, in the back. “They didn’t understand the photo,” he said. “I believe we’re losing our freedoms in the West.”

It looks like the present-day Christian Heritage Party has retained it’s Neo-Nazi ideology that it had when it was a member of Stephen Harper’s Northern Foundation. (6)(7) It’s not surprising since many Christian Heritage Party candidates have also been part of conservative-libertarian “Reform Party” that share similar political beliefs as the “Old” Reform Party that merged into the current CPC Party. (7)(8)(9)

What is also unusual about this story is not only the attempted cover-up of a racist act that the vast majority of Canadians would find offensive, but that Peter Downing wrote this letter to the Calgary Mayor the very same day he started fundraising for himself in his riding of Edmonton Mill Woods? An ethnically diverse riding that was being sought by Liberal MP Amarjeet Sohi; and a highly contested riding that would put the social Liberals on the map in Alberta.(10)

Did this media exposure, both on MSM and social media, where thousands responded against this hate propaganda, help to catapult Amarjeet Sohi into a riding win for the Liberals? A few months before the 2019 federal election, Peter Downing made the news again when he clashed with a nudist cyclists group in Edmonton. Is Peter Downing the alt-right vehicle of hate propaganda to stir up more anti-socialist, separatist sentiment in Alberta? (11) What we do know is that his billboard signs advocate for civil war in Canada.(24)

Jesse Rau was also running for the Christian Heritage Party in the Calgary Signal Hill Riding in 2015 (12) and in 2017 he posted a You Tube video about his truck being vandalized by ANTIFA; he can be seen sporting brass knuckles while advertising how his church can help teach people how to “be men.”(13)

The amount of support Wexit is getting is even crazier. It’s main Facebook page has jumped to more than a quarter-million members since the 2019 Federal Election—a large number of members are leaving xenophobic rants, anti-socialist diatribes, baseless conspiratorial assertions, and calls for extreme violence, including murder, against their opposition in the comments sections; a few even call for the murder of Prime Minister Justin Trudeau.(14) Is this group intentionally making all Christians look bad? (15)

On November 4 2019, a few days after he hosted a Wexit rally in Edmonton wearing a blue ‘Make Alberta Great Again’ hat, Peter Downing filed paperwork with Elections Canada to certify ‘Wexit Alberta‘ as a federal party .(16)(17)

Downing’s rallies feature the Canadian flag hung upside down and promises to kick Newfoundlanders and Maritimers out of the oil patch. In his Wexit utopia, oil jobs will be reserved for bona fide Albertans only.(18)

Make no mistake, this man is no Trump, but rather a fake anti-Trump who promotes divisive politics by stirring up anger and aggression with racist rants. His goal is not sovereignty for Alberta but rather to lay down the foundation for Agenda 2030; an escalation in violence which will lead to a militarized state and the loss of personal liberty. Alberta should instead, change the politicians that led them into this predicament in the first place; start in your constituency office and eliminate any and all politicians with connections to the Harper government, the Liberal and NDP parties and to Quebec, including Jason Kenney. Instead of rebellion, drain the swamp. Don’t destroy your province!

Does Peter Downing Have Connections to the CPC?

A link from the Christ Church site lead us to this information which we believe to be Peter Downing’s military service information. If this is accurate, he was a Captain in the JSF (Joint Strike Force) @1wing HQ in Kingston: (19)


CIN is not certain if this is indeed the same Peter Downing. On pages 136 to 149 there are letters/communications with Doug Griffiths, Vic Toews, Peter MacKay and Stephen Harper, indicating that they know each other and worked together. It’s just odd to see Downing’s name in the same document as these CPC members? What is important to note is that the Wexit group currently has support from some of Jason Kenney’s former Ottawa colleagues.(20) How many more will join Wexit?

Peter Downing and the United Nations:

The Wexit Movement is also seeking help from the United Nations. This is an odd alliance since many Wexiters are opposed to the United Nations Global Compact on Migration. Peter Downing also wants a referendum about bringing the UN into the Wexit fold. He said an independent country in the middle of the Prairies could take advantage of the United Nations Convention on the Right to Sea to gain access to a pipeline: (21)

“As an independent country, we have more freedom to channel our resources on the coast than in Canada,” he said after the election. We will have the best of both worlds: we will keep our money and we will have access to the coast. ”

What Downing is NOT telling Albertans is that the United Nations Convention, adopted in 1982, states that landlocked states “enjoy freedom of transit through the territory of transit States by any means of transport”. However, the conditions of transit must be agreed upon between the landlocked States (e.g. Alberta) and the transit States (e.g. Canada) through bilateral or regional agreements and that States of transit have the right to protect their legitimate interests; these rights are not absolute and a possible independent country would have to talk to the other state, which would be Canada. Furthermore, the “means of transport” referred to in the Convention are railways, waterways, and roads and the treaty specifies that landlocked and transit States will have to agree to add pipelines to this list.(21)

The BC government has already shown resistance to the Trans Mountain Pipeline expansion making a transit agreement all the more unlikely. Even if an agreement could be reached, there is no mechanism of enforcement should the parties later disagree. For instance, in the 19th century, Bolivia lost access to the ocean following a war with Chile. The International Court of Justice in the Hague decide that Chile was not obligated to enter into talks with Bolivia.(21) So how far can Wexit proceed without Canada? And why is Downing misleading Albertans?

Who is Funding Wexit?

While Wexit’s founders are hell bent on establishing the narrative that they’re an anti-globalist party from the west, it should come as no surprise that Peter Downing and co. are, as of late, re-posting corporate news articles written by Diane Francis to their social media. Francis is their biggest supporter in the east.(15)

Francis is an American-born propagandist who has been the editor of Canada’s National Post magazine since the late 90’s. National Post became a subsidiary of the US owned PostMedia during PM Stephen Harper’s government . The Americans put a Canadian face on the deal by selecting Paul Godfrey, 77, as Postmedia’s CEO. Not by coincidence, Godfrey is also a diehard Tory. Diane Francis also sits on the board of the Atlantic Council, a well-known globalist outfit. Despite these obvious ties to globalism, the team at Wexit has absolutely no qualms about having her cheerlead and endorse their cause.


The Atlantic Council is a Ukrainian-tied globalist organization known for interfering in the electoral process throughout the Americas and Europe.(25)(26) To give you an idea, it was the Atlantic Council which founded CrowdStrike, the firm used to cover up the source of the DNC/Clinton email leaks after the US’s 2016 Presidential Election (27), in turn blaming Russian hackers for the data leak.(28)

The Atlantic Council, a US-based globalist swamp think tank which was formed in 1961 which is behind the latest impeachment coup against Donald Trump. It is an organization that brings together George Soros, the Clintons, leading defense contractors, a powerful lobbying firms along with notoriously biased media outlets such as CNN and Reuters, all under the same umbrella!(29) The Council is funded by and partners with Burisma, the Ukrainian energy company that paid Joe Biden’s son Hunter $83,000 a month to serve as a consultant. (29)

George Soros is a major financier of the Atlantic Council (30)(31), which has been behind the dis-information campaign manufacturing consent for escalations against Russia.(32) Russia has listed the Atlantic Council and George Soros “Open Society Foundation” as a security threat and they are both set to be banned from Russia.(33)

Yes my dear friends in Alberta, Wexit is nothing but a Globalist propaganda machine aligned with George Soros!

The Atlantic Council recently congratulated George Soros for the 17,000 “Civil Society” projects he is doing in the Ukraine.(34)

Are we surprised fellow Albertans? Lest we forget it was during the reign of Stephen Harper that the Canadian International Council (CIC) gave George Soros the “Globalist of the Year Award”.(35) A council that is staffed with former Chretien, Harper and United Nations enthusiasts! Yes, the Atlantic Council is a den of vipers and they have now entrenched themselves into the Albertan battle cry for separation and Wexit is their poison!(36)


  1. https://www.kitchenertoday.com/national-news/havoc-and-chaos-alberta-separatist-group-gains-support-as-liberals-re-elected-1762989
  2. https://web.archive.org/web/20160214181812/http://www.stalbertgazette.com/article/20120616/SAG0801/306169991/convicted-rcmp-officer-lingers-on-payroll-as-disciplinary-process
  3. https://twitter.com/mikedmonton/status/645649229306720256%E2%80%A6
  4. https://www.streetchurch.ca/news/press-coverage/peter-downing-christian-heritage-party-to-naheed-nenshi/
  5. https://www.streetchurch.ca/news/press-coverage/calgary-bus-driver-says-he-wasnt-alone-in-his-opposition-to-pride-bus/
  6. https://stopracism.ca/content/stephen-harper%E2%80%99s-%E2%80%9Cnorthern-foundation%E2%80%9D
  7. https://web.archive.org/web/20160203182550/http://www.electjamesgault.ca/
  8. https://www.chp.ca/images/uploads/CHP_Mini-Conference_Flyer_(rev_2).pdf
  9. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/New_Reform_Party_of_Ontario
  10. https://edmontonjournal.com/news/politics/riding-profile-edmonton-mill-woods
  11. https://edmontonjournal.com/news/local-news/edmonton-group-raise-concerns-over-nude-bike-ride
  12. https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/calgary/canada-election-2015-a-look-at-alberta-s-candidates-and-federal-ridings-1.3177274
  13. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yj3HWXBM524
  14. https://www.facebook.com/groups/votewexit/
  15. https://dcperiodical.com/2019/11/05/extreme-right-insanity-wexit-and-the-white-nationalist-propagandists-behind-it/
  16. https://wexitalberta.com/
  17. https://www.ctvnews.ca/politics/marching-towards-separation-wexit-alberta-applies-to-become-registered-party-1.4668903
  18. https://www.saltwire.com/opinion/local-perspectives/dan-leger-wexit-firebrands-suffer-from-a-certain-wacko-factor-373851/
  19. http://www.rcaf-arc.forces.gc.ca/en/1-wing/index.page
  20. https://daveberta.ca/tag/peter-downing/
  21. https://translate.google.com/translate?hl=en&sl=fr&u=https://www.ledroit.com/affaires/lindependance-de-lalberta-ne-resoudra-rien-disent-des-experts-5867083b694520854bd17271589aea29&prev=search
  22. https://www.thestar.com/business/2016/01/30/the-problem-with-postmedia-olive.html
  23. https://www.canada.ca/en/employment-social-development/programs/agenda-2030.html
  24. https://www.thepostmillennial.com/is-trudeau-leading-us-to-civil-war-alberta-separatist-third-party-group-erects-billboards-in-edmonton/
  25. https://www.atlanticcouncil.org/expert/diane-francis/
  26. https://steigan.no/2019/01/how-integrity-initiative-and-atlantic-council-is-exposed-in-norway/
  27. https://aim4truth.org/2017/06/25/exposed-ukrainian-atlantic-council-connection-and-the-russian-hacking-hoax-2/
  28. https://dcperiodical.com/2019/11/02/attack-on-assange-truths-fictions-tyranny-and-torture/
  29. https://www.worldtribune.com/check-out-the-globalist-think-tank-behind-latest-anti-trump-coup/
  30. https://disobedientmedia.com/2017/04/cyber-firm-behind-russian-hacking-claims-has-ties-to-soros-supported-think-tank/
  31. https://medium.com/@caityjohnstone/new-soros-koch-funded-think-tank-claims-to-oppose-us-forever-war-f7d7248c9987
  32. https://www.rt.com/news/429171-atlantic-council-disinfo-group/
  33. https://www.dw.com/en/russia-to-ban-atlantic-council-ngo-once-led-by-us-envoy/a-49756295
  34. https://www.atlanticcouncil.org/blogs/ukrainealert/thank-you-george/
  35. https://nationalpost.com/posted-toronto/billionaire-soros-wins-cic-globalist-of-the-year-award
  36. https://web.archive.org/web/20190515001531/https://thecic.org/en/about/staff/

11 thoughts on “Peter Downing, #Wexit IS George Soros. (Seriously.)

  1. For Fuck’s Sake! Soros is a fucking one-man-meddling machine… he eats, sleeps, poops and farts kibbutzism.. oy vey.. why am I not shocked. Thanks for including Diane Francis – I had been wondering about her. Great expose on #Wanxit.

  2. Interesting read. I think he was also responsible for the collapse of Venezuela, 9-11 and some of the assassination attempts on Fidel Castro (might have been Harper). The amount of research and links provided couldn’t have been done overnight and without help. As such, IMHO it looks like a well calculated smear job.
    Is there some other conspiracy that can be pinned on Downing and Wexit? UFO’s maybe? Titanic? Yelling at a waiter?

  3. Wow, I know Peter Downing personally. What a load of Horse Crap. So much fear mongering in this. The upside down flag is an international symbol for country in distress, which we certainly are, from the Soros Boy currently sitting in the PM position. Anti-Socialists? Hell yeah we are. Nazis = National Socialist Party. USSR = United Soviet Socialist Republic. We do not want Canada to become the next Venezuela. So sue us. He joined a Christian party, oh no, the horror. That is some Christian hatred right there. What? Christians cannot get political to protect the values our country used to hold sacred? Muslims can join Shariah groups, right? Why the double standard? He was against Nudist Bicyclists. So what?!? Public Nudity is against the law. Xenophobic rants? I was at the rallies. People are against other groups having special privileges above Canadians. Sikhs do not have to wear Motorcycle helmets and can open carry daggers. Muslims don’t have to show their ID while voting, going into banks etc etc etc. We have to wear helmets, and cannot wear beleclavas in banks or any business. Also I am pretty sure we are not allowed to open carry a blade. One rule for everyone. Make everything equal across the board. That’s Xenophobic? This is just the start of the special rights and privileges minorities will be getting above old stock Canadians. You think they will stop there? We have to nip this attempt at changing our wonderful nation into a Socialist, anti-Judeo Christian hellhole. If the East loves their socialism so much, then the West will just leave. #WEXIT Enjoy your communism, Eastern Canada. Enjoy being the North Korea of Canada.

  4. well I THINK the author of this story did some real digging i was wondering if maybe George sortus would be playing both sides of the game do a full story on the PM i think there might be some singularities i’ll be waiting

    1. I am not a fan of Christian Heritage Party . However – at least one of their candidates is from India . He ran in a Toronto riding . They may be puppets , they may be naive , they may be too narrow in focus . But evidence suggests they are not racialist in focus.

  5. My personal opinion on this Peter Downing character is that he is an opportunist and separatist. Nothing else. If he can win, he can then claim being a founder of a new nation! Bull!!! The way I see Canada is North to South and East to West the provinces and territories all united as Canada. Send Downing and his supporters to Antarctica!!!

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