In the Monday, May 17, 2021 COVID19 update, pharma whore and enemy of freedom, Robert Strang seemingly eliminated parental rights over governments ability to vaccinate children:
Lunatic Strang continued; “My challenge to those younger age groups is to meet that minimum 85 target,” he says. “That is the way, if you want to have a more open summer, if you want to socialize, if your want to go to concerts, if you want to travel, so what you can do to make that happen by getting vaccinated.” This is medical coercion like nothing i’ve seen before.
Strang is a real life Vicar of Nibbleswicke.
Nova Scotia Health has a link to Parental Consent.

But the link is broken. Are the forms no longer available/required?

This is the pamphlet the government provides parents.

The cover says to complete and sign the immunization consent form, but there is not one.

Why are they harming are most vulnerable with vaccines when science has already established Covid infection is not problematic in our youth? If they vaccinated 12 and up and they all get sick… you will end up with a population of just children 12 and under… that you can mold any way you want.
That in ten years those that survive don’t really know any better… you get the NWO society you want.
Could the NWO goal be sterilization? Sterilization as a means of population control? Maybe Sir John Bell has the answer?
The children are deemed the property of the state with their birth certiicates.
More good intel at ” CLC News ” on youtube – hope it helps.