
MSM Confirms! ALL COVID Vaccines Use Spike Protein Sequence Isolated By Chinese Military. Inserts Are HIV.

In late 2020, prominant Australian scientist shocked the pharmaceutical world when he claimed people injected with covid-19 vaccines are suddenly testing positive for HIV.

Stormhaven wrote on the subject December, 2020.


“The failure of the Queensland University, CSL Covid19 vaccine candidate UQ-CSL V451 offers further proof of the designer origins of the Novel Corona virus. The Australian vaccine that had exact copies of HIV code in its pre-manufactured manufactured Covid19 “Spikes” The mRNA vaccines being produced by Pfizer and others will actually instruct the muscle cells of your own body to produce this HIV-1 code. “..

This revelation was important because of a study that came out of an Indian lab shortly after China “isolated” the virus.

Again, from stormhaven:

“On Jan. 31, 2020 Indian researchers at the University of New Delhi and the Kusuma School of biological sciences, Indian institute of technology published a paper after sequencing the Novel Corona Virus then known as 2019-nCoV. What they found startled them. No less than four separate sequences in the “spike proteins” of 2019-nCoV were exact copies of sequences found on the same structures in HIV. These are the proteins on viral surfaces that allow them to penetrate our cells and which vaccines are designed to recognize. This shocked the researchers because as they note in their paper;

The finding of 4 unique inserts in the 2019-nCoV, all of which have identity /similarity to amino acid residues in key structural proteins of HIV-1 is unlikely to be fortuitous in nature.“..

Uncanny similarity of unique inserts in the 2019-nCoV spike protein to HIV-1 gp120 and Gag Prashant Pradhan$1,2, Ashutosh Kumar Pandey, Akhilesh Mishra, Parul Gupta, Praveen Kumar Tripathi1, Manoj Balakrishnan Menon, James Gomes, Perumal Vivekanandan*1and Bishwajit Kundu, Kusuma School of biological sciences, Indian institute of technology, New Delhi-110016, India. 2Acharya Narendra Dev College, University of Delhi, New Delhi-110019, India

The thing is, all COVID vaccines use the spike protein sequence established by Chinese Scientists at Wuhan laboratory in China! FYI: That lab is run by the Chinese Military!

Reuter’s & The WHO confirm that ALL vaccine manufacturers are using the genetic sequence determined by the Wuhan Laboratory! (Reuters)

Did anyone else corroborate this work first? Anyone? Yes, we did. We at Civilian Intelligence Network were convinced an airborne HIV had been released on the world. I was admittedly panicked. However, we now know the “HIV” is not being delivered through aerosol, but they’ve reserved the HIV for the vaccine!

At this time, it is abundantly clear that the sequences that came out of China, from the Chinese military, was HIV. HIV is big business for Anthony Fauci, which he has 12 patents. Once a person progresses to AIDS, they have a high viral load and can transmit HIV to others very easily. In the absence of treatment, people with AIDS typically survive for about three years.

Interesting to note, Thailand health officials found early success combating COVID by using AIDS meds.


Fauci is all about therapeutics, Fauci has the patents on all the HIV treatments. He was also the largest proponent of Remdesivir, which is the obscenely expensive therapeutic used for COVID which does nothing to cure. Remdesivir just reduces your viral load… works like HIV antivirals… it NEVER kills the virus so it can resurface again. COVID-19 is like airborne HIV! It attacks the immune system! Why? There are HIV inserts in it!

As a matter of fact, Fauci has always maintained that HIV has no cure.

Yet Fauci is still on tv shilling this lipid protein spike, and talking heads are eating it up!


These spike proteins also attack the innate immune system. I doubt vaccinated people will go three years First infection without antivirals will kill them.

But HIV is not airborne until advanced AIDS appears The zombie. By then they are so sick.

The CDC published a zombie preparedness a few years ago.

It is not transmissible unless you are active AIDS, but yes… sex, body fluids… even kissing may transmit it.

Without antivirals these people will die… Once a person progresses to AIDS, they have a high viral load and can transmit HIV to others very easily. In the absence of treatment, people with AIDS typically survive for about three years.

In our next report, “Luc Montagnier Discovered HIV. Nearly 30 year later he discovered HIV in our COVID19 vaccine. Frightening conclusions.“, we dive into the studies that confirm these horrific Neuremburg crimes, and what it means for the world.

Additional Reading:


9 thoughts on “MSM Confirms! ALL COVID Vaccines Use Spike Protein Sequence Isolated By Chinese Military. Inserts Are HIV.

  1. If only more people shut of their news feed aka diarrhea info dumps…. God bless the people who are awake thru this shitshow… its a curse and a blessing to see what this is all about in the big picture … but as John Lamb Lash says… “I’ll see you in the beauty that’s to come”
    We are so much more than we were ever told. There are lifeboats .. please find them.

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