
Science Says! SARSCoV2 Does Not Mutate! Talking Heads spreading conspiracies about COVID19 “variants”.

Canadian scientist Dr. Gary Kobinger helped develop a vaccine and treatment for the deadly Ebola virus while he worked at the National Microbiology Laboratory in Manitoba, and has decades of experience co-ordinating with global colleagues on vaccine development.

Kobinger was awarded the Governor-General Award with this infamous Dr. Xiangguo Qiu when they created ZMapp to treat patients with the Ebola virus. A story for another time.

Worlds Leading Vaccine Developer, Dr. Kobinger, Flies A False Canadian Flag

Kobinger is now working with labs in Canada, the United States, Chile, China, Europe and Africa on their various candidates for a vaccine for SARS-CoV-2, the strain of coronavirus that causes the disease now known around the world as COVID-19.

Kobinger also said unlike HIV or influenza, SARS-CoV-2 is not changing very quickly. That is allowing the vaccine researchers to plan one universal vaccine that could help all people.

Researchers haven’t been able to develop an HIV vaccine in 35 years of trying, said Kobinger, and influenza vaccines are adjusted every year as the virus mutates.

Kobinger said he cannot predict exactly when a vaccine will be ready, but he says his lab is “going at full speed.

You heard correct, the SARSCoV2 virus is not mutating. There are no variants. That’s from the doctor who is working with labs all over the world developing vaccine says the virus “does not change”!


This confirms what Johns Hopkins was saying at the same time. COVID DOES NOT MUTATE! NOT LIKE INFLUENZA!

The mutations leading to the variants is BULLSHIT!

The Johns Hopkins Study


“The virus has had very few genetic changes since it emerged in late 2019,” says Peter Thielen, a molecular biologist at the Johns Hopkins Applied Physics Laboratory and JHU Doctor of Engineering candidate, who, with colleagues from other areas of the Hopkins research community, has been sequencing the viral genome to better understand its makeup. “Designing vaccines and therapeutics for a single strain is much more straightforward than a virus that is changing quickly.”

“The low mutation rate of the virus means it should be possible to generate a successful vaccine,” he says, adding it also could boost efforts to develop potential treatments for the disease.


Coronaviruses—of which there are hundreds, most of them occurring in animals—typically mutate more slowly than many other viruses. Influenza, for example, mutates quickly, which is why people must be inoculated annually against changing flu strains.

Variants my ass!

There were never variants!

Data from SARS-CoV-2 samples the researchers have examined from the Baltimore and Washington region are similar to those from other parts of the world. “So far, the genetic changes accumulating as the virus spreads are not resulting in different strains of the virus,” Thielen says.

Influenza has a lot of very unique ways of changing over a short period of time, and it does so on local and global scales every flu season,” Thielen says. “SARS-CoV-2 is almost the opposite so far—it is changing slowly, and because there is no existing immunity to the virus, it doesn’t have any evolutionary pressure to change as it spreads through the population.”

This is important because a successful vaccine strategy must account for mutations in order to provide broad protection. “Influenza has a lot of very unique ways of changing over a short period of time, and it does so on local and global scales every flu season,” Thielen says. “SARS-CoV-2 is almost the opposite so far—it is changing slowly, and because there is no existing immunity to the virus, it doesn’t have any evolutionary pressure to change as it spreads through the population.”

The Vaccine

In a recent candid interview, Bill Gates outlined that, despite the comparatively small threat of Coronavirus, he and his colleagues “don’t want a lot of recovered people” who have acquired natural immunity. They instead are hoping we become reliant on vaccines and anti-viral medication.


Yes…. Bill Gates…”We don’t want to have a lot of recovered people”… People with antibodies… Basically because we want to push the vaccine that alters their immune system… YES… they lied about the variants to PUSH THE VACCINE!

If COVID exists it is a mild infection…. it does NOT mutate to cause disease proliferations. The vaccine was their goal.

Now FEAR to push their vaccine.

They tricked us into thinking the flu was COVID, to convince us to take injections of COVID.

They rebranded the flu!

And COVID was always the vaccine!

MSM Confirms! ALL COVID Vaccines Use Spike Protein Sequence Isolated By Chinese Military. Inserts Are HIV.

And PCR Technique would test for everything under the sun!

The Indian Study

BUT the Indian article studied the virus and found the 4 HIV inserts?

How do you explain that COVID does not exist?

Who gave the Indian group the virus to test? Was the origin always China? Was that always the virus everyone was using?

You can prove it by finding out where they got their COVID virus to test.

They used the NCBI Viral Genome Database…. which was given the genome sequence by…. CHINA! Wuhan Laboratory who sequenced the virus in January 13, 2020!


OMG! Talk about massive fraud of the scientific community!

Remember … China entered TWO virus on January 27, 2020…. one they had since 2013 and the second they had from patient zero in 2019….


The Real Variants Are From the Vaccine

Now, if you put the COVID into a syringe and jab it into a human, all kinds of variants emerge. All kinds of adverse reactions. Luc Montagnier’s research on that is all you need to read.

Luc Montagnier Discovered HIV. Nearly 30 year later he discovered HIV in our COVID19 vaccine.

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