
Unhinged Chicom Agent and Enemy of Freedom Nancy Pelosi Screeches Globalist Plan, “Get Vaccinated or We’ll Force You”.

New World Order insider Nancy Pelosi is out of control, but she speaks for the globalists and makes no bone about it. She calls anti-vaxxers selfish. She implies they are not to be trusted. She explains it’s her duty to hold us down and jab us with the poison.

COVID Vaccines Cause Mutant Variants & Permanent Damage to Immune System

clip courtesy of CBS News

3 thoughts on “Unhinged Chicom Agent and Enemy of Freedom Nancy Pelosi Screeches Globalist Plan, “Get Vaccinated or We’ll Force You”.

  1. I was reading through the comments on your video Shawn with your wife getting a ticket… if those people commenting are any kind of example of the mentality of Canadians, Nova Scotians, when it comes to masks and freedoms after a year into this farce hoax scam fraud pandemic we are in a lot of trouble… they are pathetic humans with zero friggin clue! I hope you don’t even consider paying that fraudulent ticket issued by an agent of the non-Crown in Canada – please get in touch with me privately… I have a few suggestions on how to proceed with the ‘courts’ in Nova Scotia and in particular that police officer who should be personally sued for harassment and intimidation and psychologically abusing a young mother on her own property. If he wants to wear a mask because his shitty job depends on it maybe its time he grew a set of balls… my doctor and my own common sense do not recommend masking or a vaxx and no so-called ‘health dept mouthpiece’ can come between that relationship – its that simple… and no you don’t need to provide a written mask exemption because we are all exempt – they have no authority to issue these ridiculous dictates to us – they have no standing and their oath is to a fraud Queen in England — times are changing, best to advocate that change rather than get clobbered by know-nothings.

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