The globalists have a tried and true system of control. Pit two sides against one another.
Hegelian Dialect. They provide the Problem, We provide the Reaction, They provide the Solution.
In this case, the globalists have provided us with the scariest virus ever, and we have reacted with collective fear. Now they’ve provided us with all the vaccines and “health security” we could ever want…
The following article in one graphic…

Is anyone else a little suspicious of the fact that the Soros and Gates linked, Global Preparedness Monitoring Board (GPMB), had written a list of 7 things governments should do in the event of a global pandemic. Just 3 months before the Wuhan coronavirus outbreak?
And what were the recommended “Actions for Leaders”?
- Heads of Government in every country commit more money for Global Security, Universal Health Coverage, UN Goals
- increased funding for Vaccine research & vaccines
- increased contributions to the WHO
The same day the WHO declared a Global Health Emergency, on January 30th, 2020, WHO Director General Ghebreyesus immediately pushed GPMB’s recommendations AND called for countries to finance the WHO contingency fund AND pushed vaccine research from Coalition for Epidemic Preparedness Innovations (CEPI), whom was co-founded by Bill Gates.
Take note of co-chairs of GPMB, El hadj As Sy and Gro Brundtland. El hadj AS Sy is the Chair of George Soros’ Open Society Initiative for West Africa. Gro Brundtland is former Director General of WHO, who also has connections to Soros. She was also Vice President of the World Socialist Party.
In 2003, Brundtland and Soros hosted a conference in Budapest, where they “focused on the role the media plays in covering health crises, prior to an exhaustive study into the medias role in covering the SARS crisis as well as other health pandemics”.
Coronavirus Task force member and friend of Gates, Anthony Fauci, is also on the GPMB.
An article from Jan 2017, quotes Fauci as saying “No doubt Trump will face surprise infectious disease outbreak”.
Foreshadow much?
George Gao, CDC China, is also on GPMB and is considered a global responder “leading the charge against coronavirus.”
He was also a player for Event 201, a Bill Gates funded global pandemic exercise that took place two months prior to the “Chinese virus”.
As a player of Event 201, which coincidentally took place two months prior the corona outbreak, Gao was tasked with leading the policy response to a fictional global outbreak scenario. Guess what they chose as the fictional disease that lead to the pandemic…a coronavirus!!!
Let’s get this straight, in December 2019, a coronavirus leads to a global pandemic. And just two months prior, in October 2019, the Gates Foundation hosted an exercise preparing for a coronavirus pandemic! They even handed out coronavirus toys and had a virus patterned rug!
And what was the purpose of the Event? To push several recommendations by the World Economic Forum (WEF) and Gates Foundation.
- expand WHO’s ability to distribute vaccines & experimental vaccines
- more government funding
- developing methods to combat mis/dis info
It’s amazing how vested Gates is in all this. His foundation is the second largest funder of the WHO. After the Corona outbreak, WHO Director pushes GPMB recommendations. GPMB is funded by Gates, the WHO also pushes vaccine production from CEPI, also founded/funded by Gates!
Another interesting character is Chris Elias, who is also on the Board of GPMB. Elias is President of the Global Development Program, Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, dealing with universal vaccines/universal healthcare. He also was one of the players of Event 201.
Here is WHO Director General Ghebreyesus with Chris Elias a month before the outbreak, praising the Gates Foundation, WHO’s long time partnership and for being advocates for the United Nations Global Goals. They met to discuss combating infectious diseases and “life saving vaccines”.
Interesting retweet from Chris Elias, of his boss Bill gates, using coronavirus outbreak to push funding for CEPI, whom he founded/funds, to develop new vaccines. He also calls for funding to Global Alliance for Vaccines and Immunization (GAVI). GAVI was founded in 1999 by Gates after pledging $750 million.
3 months before the corona outbreak, the WHO just happened to hold a Global Vaccination Summit.
El Hadj As Sy – GPMB Board
Henrietta Fore – GMPB Board
Jakaya Kikwete – GAVI
Seth Berkley – Gavi
Joe Cerrel – Gates Foundation
Richard Hatchett – CEPI
In December 2019, just days before the (supposed) corona outbreak, a subsequent Global Vaccination Safety Summit was conducted by the WHO, with some of the same attendees as the September, 2019 Summit.
In June 2019, a Global Health Security conference took place.
George Gao – GMPB, Event 201
Ryan Morhard – Event 201
Stephen Redd – Event 201
Adrian Thomas – Event 201
Jane Alton – Event 201
Scott Dowell – Gates Foundation
Ric Hatchett – CEPI
So at least five of the speakers from the Global Health SEcurity conference, where they spoke on global preparedness for infectious diseases, went on to participate in Event 201, a tabletop exercise in October 2019 that used a coronavirus as their fictional disease that lead to a world pandemic.
In August 2019 at Munich Security Conference there was a table top exercise on responding to deliberate biological events.
4 of the attendee are on the Global Preparedness Monitoring Board:
El Hadj As Sy
Gro Brundtland
Chris Elias
Jeremy Farrar
Much like GPMB & Event 201 recommendations, the Tabletop’s exercise in Munich, lead to recommendations of more funding by member states.
Interesting timing with how all these Gates associates, months before Corona started, had been meeting at multiple conferences & events making recommendations in the event of a global pandemic.
In the way the Patriot Act needed 9/11, maybe Gates and Co needed Coronavirus. Both inside jobs.
Another crazy thing that occurred around the same time of Corona, was just how many pandemic outbreak simulations and exercises were taking place. So we know of Event 201 from October 2019, which simulated a Coronavirus outbreak that lead to a pandemic. Let’s look at some others.
Just days before the Chinese Coronavirus breakout, Event 201 has a separate exercise on December 3rd at the United Nations Headquarters in Geneva.
Then there’s operation “Crimson Contagion” in August 2019. This massive exercise involved multiple US states and included local, state, and federal agencies, private sector and NGO’s. The scenario of all things was a virus originating from China that leads to a Global pandemic.
In August 2019, officials from a local town in Arizona actually talk about their participating in Crimson Contagion and mention how the scenario starts with a flu influenza that originates in China and starts to spread world wide causing a Pandemic.
Those same individuals later talk about the irony and foreshadowing [Predictive Programming] of “Crimson Contagion”, after the Coronavirus had already caused a pandemic similar to their exercise drill, which they had participated in just a few months prior to the Corona outbreak.
Then there’s “Cardinal Resolve”. This was a full scale exercise that took place in Virginia in October of 2019. What are the odds, that like with “Crimson Tide”, the scenario involved an influenza virus, originating from China, leading to a pandemic?
On top of Event 201, Crimson Contagion, and Cardinal Resolve, and also within the months prior to the Coronavirus outbreak, there were many pandemic preparedness & vaccination administration exercises being conducted all over the world.
Either coincidence or by plan, one thing is for sure…the Gates Foundation and its partners are certainly benefiting from the Coronavirus. They and their associates are calling for more funding to the organizations they are invested in, while pushing for a Universal Vaccine.
Their quest for universal vaccines though has been planned for over a decade, through the adoption of the Global Vaccine Action Plan (2011-2020), lead by Gates Foundation, GAVI Alliance, UNICEF, WHO, and Fauci’s United States National Institute of Allergies and Infectious Diseases.
You may recognize a couple of the authors of the 2011 Global Vaccine Action Plan. Chris Elias of the Bill Gates Foundation and none other than Corona Task Force Member…Anthony Fauci.
Here is Dr. Fauci, days before the Coronavirus breakout, saying the thing that keeps him up at night is “the evolution of pandemic like respiratory infection…likely influenza” and says the “Ultimate Goal” is “Developing a universal vaccine”
clip courtesy GZERO Media
The plan has been in play for years, but was Coronavirus just a sporadic infectious disease or was it manufactured to further advance the Global Vaccine Plan? Did the globalists need Coronavirus, the way the Patriot Act needed 9/11?
Some have suggested that the Wuhan Virus may not have come from bats, but rather manufactured from Wuhan’s only P4 Level lab, which was designed to experiment with the worlds deadliest pathogens & research anti-virus drugs and vaccines.
The Wuhan Level 4 Lab was put into operation by the Chinese Academy of Sciences. Guess who was the Director of the CAS…George Gao. The CDC China director, who was on the GPMB, and who was a player in Event 201.
Think about what a massive coincidence it must be for Gao. In Oct he is a participant in Event 201, where he leads a response to a fictitious disease, transmitted from bats to people, that leads to a global pandemic. 2 months later that exact same scenario happened.
If this was manufactured, in effort to push the globalists agenda, then Gao may be one of the suspects to look at as he was not only involved in the creation of the Wuhan Lab and Event 201, but was also involved in the Wuhan Seafood Market/Bat theory that started Corona.
The 2011 Global Vaccine Action Plan’s target was 2020, and now thanks to Coronavirus, they are on the cusp of meeting the plan with the upcoming development of new vaccines and inching toward a universal vaccine.
With billions invested into vaccines from Gates/WHO, and considering the decade long plan to develop universal vaccines as written in part by Dr. Fauci’s Global Vaccine Action plan, its no wonder he’s downplayed the effectiveness of other therapeutics, vitamins, minerals and exercise.
Just which politicians and members of the media are “Partners” with the WHO in pushing these Global vaccine goals.
With the ending of the Global Vaccination Action plan in 2020, next up is Immunization Agenda 2030. The WHO’s vision to “extend the benefits of vaccines to EVERYONE, EVERYWHERE”. The strategy will be laid forth at the World Health Assembly in May 2020.
The Globalists Want The COVID Jab In Every Single Human Being!
Outstanding work here as always! Thanks for the clearly defined enemy profile… the fact they act with such joy for their jobs in the depopulation industry is sadly amusing to me.. I just spent a few moments in the early morning contemplating the beauty of a blossom covered tree… I wonder what they celebrate in life and savour? They are truly the global deathcult of demons. Take care and enjoy the day knowing you are not part of their conniving cabbal.. nor profiting from it.
Problem-reaction-solution yes Hegelian Dialectic confirmed. Thanks Shawn.
Hopefully, June is a good month… it seems like this farce is primed for busting wide open.
Just got off the phone with PEI health dept. to let them know I can’t visit as much as I want to I cannot be part of the experimental gene therapy test group….. she’d wanted me to get at least one vaxx shot before coming but I told her I didn’t think it necessary since the island, which used to be called The Gentle Island when I first arrived here in 2007, had had zero covid19 deaths.
They’re doing fine… they’re winning the prize for all of Canada.. why mess with that now??
This is a good episode with Dr. Rima Laibow and Sagacious News Network from April 2021… you’ll find it helpful in the deluge of lost souls yipping about conspiracy theories .. the maritimers had best awaken… they are targetted for removal..
Bill Gates and Ted Turner don’t care about how many people are struggling or dying or harmed.
What they want is a lower population on the planet and have stated this to the public often.
How are they allowed to walk around in public without being arrested for their crimes.
Depopulation is a crime… its a nice way to say murdering humans.
Our tolerance of these people who are the real virus on our society is really remarkable.
I just got off the phone with Dr. Patrick Phillips who is the outspoken doctor in Ontario – he is from Sussex New Brunswick and he spoke with Naomi Wolf – it was encouraging to discuss matters with him and he gives me some hope.. he recommends people check out …. here’s the interview with Naomi Wolf who is weeping in the interview at some points… clearly upset by the fascism coming to pass she predicted years ago ..