
Shi Zhengli, Director of the Wuhan BSL4 Lab, runs a WHO operation, while flying a false Chinese flag.

There is a lot of talk about China being the source of COVID19. But when it comes to bioweapons, it only involves WHO.

Shi Zhengli, the Director of the Wuhan BSL4 Lab and her Coronavirus team who have collaborated for years, was funded in part by Dr. Fauci’s NIAID and the research was a result of a “One Health. One Medicine” Initiative of Gates and Soros.

Shi “Bat Lady” Zhengli has been swirling around the internet, as some believe her Wuhan Institute of Virology BSL4 Lab was where COVID-19 originated. Though she now denies the virus leaked, Zhengli initially thought it may have come from her Lab.


While patient zero has yet to be identified, the theory that the virus was manufactured in the Wuhan Lab cannot be dismissed, especially considering Shi Zhengli was on a team w/ Dr. Ralph Baric in 2015, who had literally MANUFACTURED a Coronavirus capable of human emergence.


It’s worth noting that the research that lead to Baric and Zhengli’s team manufacturing a new Coronavirus in 2015, was in part, funded by Dr. Fauci’s NIAID.


Baric has received tens of millions of dollars from NIAID and others over the years for his research on Sars/Coronavirus and Vaccine development. This month he even received a 125 million dollar grant to develop a new vaccine to prevent future pandemics.


As a partner of Shi Zhengli, Ralph Baric is no stranger to Wuhan. In 2018 he was a Speaker at Zhengli’s Wuhan Institute of Virology for their 8th International Symposium on Emerging Viral Diseases, held in Wuhan, China.

Other attendees were Peter Daszak & Linfa Wang.


Peter Daszak, Linfa Wang, Ralph Baric and Shi Zhengli have been collaborating for years on Coronavirus projects. Another partner was George F Gao, whose name you can see in the pic.

Gao was a player in Event 201 and was behind the start of the Wuhan BSL4 Lab.


A couple of interesting facts. Shi Zhengli is known as Bat Woman and her partner Linfa Wang is nicknamed Batman. According to an article by the WHO, the 2011 movie Contagion was entirely based on Linfa Wang and his team.


Imagine that, you’ve spent your career studying bats and pandemic preparedness, they call you “Bat Man”, a hollywood movie was made over your real life story, and then years later, a bat virus breaks out a mere mile away from the Virology lab, where you’re a committee director at!


Wang has been on a number of WHO advisory committees, including the Sars Research Adv Committee & multiple Covid-19 committees.


Along with Linfa Wang on the SARS ADV Committee, is Dr. Ian Lipkin, who also has ties to the Wuhan Institute of Virology.

Also like Wang, Ian Lipkin played a role in the 2011 Contagion Film. He was actually sought out by the film director for his expertise.


Imagine spending your career on viruses/pandemics, they call you Virus Hunter, Hollywood directors come to you for their pandemic movies, then years later a virus starts a few miles from the Institute you’ve partnered with, leading to a pandemic & YOU GET INFECTED BY THAT VIRUS!!


Not only does Lipkin work with the WHO, but he has deep ties to China. In 2016 he received China’s “Top Science Honor” at a ceremony presided by Xi Jinping. The award recognized Lipkin for his contribution and promotion to the scientific advancement in China.


On Jan 07, 2020, soon after the start of the Chinese Virus, Lipkin was again honored by the Government of China for his “profound impact on their country”.

This Coronavirus collaboration between Zhengli, Wang, Lipkin, George Gao, and Baric, appears to be lead by WHO advisor Peter Daszak, President of EcoHealth Alliance, funded heavily by Fauci’s NIAID and evolved from an initiative of Bill Gates and George Soros.


Peter Daszak who has led Shi Zhengli’s coronavirus research, is President of EcoHealth Alliance. According to his bio he is also on the Supervisory Board of the One Health Platform and on the One Health Commission council of Advisors.


This One Health Platform that Daszak is involved with has a few names you may recognize on their Scientific Advisory Board. Linfa Wang , George Gao, and Nick Juleff of the Gates Foundation. On the One Health Editorial Board is Ian Lipkin, Daszak, and Wang.


The One Health Platform comes from an Initiative called “One Health”. A paper in 2015, discusses Zoonotic outbreaks like Coronavirus, & talks about the “One Health” Initiative, who the Gates Foundation are advocates for, along with WHO, CDC, and the World Bank.


“One Health” is derived from “One”, which was a concept by Bill Gates and Bono. They along with Bobby Shriver, George Soros, Bob Geldoff and others, formed “ONE”, with “major backing from Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation”.


So to put this into persepective, Peter Daszak, the man behind Shi Zhengli’s work at the Wuhan Institute of Virology, is on the Supervisory Board and the Council of Advisors for the “One Health Platform”, which comes from an initiative of Gates and Soros among other globalists.

Peter Daszak led a project called PREDICT, as part of the Emerging Pandemic Threats program, “to develop an evidence base to demonstrate the value of the One Health approach” Which we now know is a Gates and Soros initiative. Zhengli and Lipkin’s research was for PREDICT.


An interesting connection can be found between Zhengli, Linfa Wang, and George Gao, who’ve all been involved w/ Wuhan BSL4 Lab. They are all on the Editorial Board for Virologica Sinica along w/Xiangguo Qiu and Guo Deyin.

In July 2019 Xiangguo Qiu, her husband, and her students from China were expelled from Canada’s only BSL4 lab. Qiu was going to Wuhan National Biosafety Lab of the Chinese Academy of Sciences twice a year for 2 years for up to 2 weeks at a time.


Peter Daszak is also friends with Dr. Fauci. Fauci was a keynote Speaker at the Ermerging & Re-Emerging Viruses conference where Peter Daszak, George Gao, Linfa Wang, and Shi Zhengli were all speakers at.


Peter Daszak also starred alongside Bill Gates in a documentary called “The Next Pandemic”, which was released one month before the Wuhan Virus supposedly began.


Daszak was also one of the very first people to publicly mention the Wuhan Virus. Soon after the Wuhan Health authorities discussed patients with Pneumonia, there was Daszak on the frontlines pushing the butchered mammal meat theory and suspecting Coronavirus.


In the same thread, and before the cases of pneumonia were found to be due to coronavirus, he talks about his Coronavirus expeditions with Zhengli Shi, Linfa Wang, and of being recently re-funded by Fauci’s NIAID.


He ends talking of his collaboration with China CDC, Wuhan Institute of Virology and Baric Lab and says “There is the beginnings of a global mechanism to do this”, working with NIAID (Fauci), CEPI vaccines (Gates Funded), & WellcomeTrust”.


How surreal this must be for Peter Daszak. He is part of a company that supports Soros and Gates’ One Health, One Medicine agenda. With goals of Universal Healthcare for all & Universal Vaccines. He is asked to lead the PREDICT team where he discovers Bats are the original reservoirs for Coronavirus, he is partners with scientists who manufactured a coronavirus (Zhengli, Baric), the movie Contagion is made with the guidance of one of his partners (Lipkin), and based on true events of another partner (Wang), his team makes the 1st discovery certain Coronaviruses can infect human cells, he even worked with the Wuhan Institute of Virology, where just a few miles away, exactly what Daszak & his team have been working on & preparing for…takes place…a Zoonotic Pandemic in China.

And as a result of that pandemic (COVID-19), the “One Health One Medicine” agenda that Daszak is involved with, (a Soros and Gates Initiative), may get them one step closer to their hopes for global governance, surveillance, and a universal vaccine.

In 2019, the Gates Foundation helped fund a tabletop exercise called Event 201. In 2018, the exercise was called Clade X. The scenario was a global pandemic outbreak leading to quarantines, stock market crash, school closures and many of the things happening today.


In the final scenario, the healthcare system crashed, leading to Nationalized (Govt Controlled) Healthcare, vaccines were distributed globally and it was discovered once at least 80% of the population was vaccinated, the epidemic would be under control.

In the video, part of their final news update was that the president and VP had been in critical condition and the Speaker of the house, assumed the presidency. 1/3 of congress and 2 supreme court justices had all died from the virus.

I just think its odd Daszak was being funded millions, which lead to amazing research into Bat Coronaviruses in China and has spent his career on Pandemic Preparedness, but his team was completely blindsided by a virus starting just miles away from their BSL4 lab!?

Daszak’s Predict Program was shut down by the Trump administration in October 2019. What are the odds, that just 2 months later, COVID-19 breaks out. Retaliation?

And of course Elizabeth Warren and Angus King write a letter calling for answers on the defunding.


In 2018, the WHO updated its Research & Development Blueprint to include Disease X. Disease X represented the next international epidemic caused by an unknown pathogen. One of the men who came up with the name was…Peter Daszak.


Ever since Daszak helped coin the term “Disease X” in 2018, the WHO, Gates, Daszak, CEPI, GAVI Alliance, and all their other partners have been “warning” about an inevitable new outbreak.


Was the Wuhan Virus a natural occurring infectious disease or was it perhaps planned/manufactured for an agenda?

Hard to say, but what can’t be denied, is that many of those Disease X fear mongerers, are the ones who will benefit as a result of Covid-19.


We are well into 2021 now, and conveniently the WHO has cleared Wuhan of any wrong-doing. That’s like the WHO clearing the WHO clearing the WHO…

Here is the WHO investigator PETER DASZAK (you read that right!) giving a very believable explanation of how they cleared themselves.

And here is Shi and Peter enjoying a celebratory Rothschild!

Shi Zhengli (left), Peter Daszak (right). (Emerging Viruses Group photo)
WHO inspector has conflict of interest in Wuhan COVID probe: Prominent biologist

3 thoughts on “Shi Zhengli, Director of the Wuhan BSL4 Lab, runs a WHO operation, while flying a false Chinese flag.

  1. Well the good news is we have a new king to acknowledge. Which I have. But we’re waiting on that 100th monkey. New King New Age .. freakin’ out the Christians daily .. Joseph Gregory Hallett’s video from last year explaining more https://www.bitchute.com/video/LzlBjB9tmnsv/ .. as well – his documents are all filed and open source https://kingjohnthethird.uk/lawful-documents/documents/ …. history has been a bunch of bunk.. we’re always lied to, people fake their deaths and banksters fund all the wars on us and depopulate the planet reguarly… its their m.o. and its fairly uninspired work. .. . how these fucks can call it “The Great Work” is beyond me .. but what the fuck do I know… a lowly peasant with a holding in some land in New Brunswick which apparently is now being given back to the natives by our feckless MPs pushing Bill C-15 thru parliament… should we tell them they swore an oath to an illegitimate monarch now? I have emailed Dominic Leblanc MP Queen’s Privy Council President with all the documents a few times.. he’s pretending he doesn’t know, even faked having cancer and recovery… what a guy!

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