Written with data provided by Shelly Hipson!

Unelected and dictatorial Nova Scotia Premier recently said, that he is “comfortable taking it slow” in relation to Nova Scotia’s reopening. They’ve released a plan that takes us into September over five phases that does not even guarantee opening.
Nova Scotia’s Reopening Plan Does Not Include “Reopening”, Let Alone, “Return To Old Normal”
As of June 10, 2021 the five phase plan seemed to indicate that only vaccine compliance would determine the provinces reopening.
Let’s do some math for Premier Rankin and “Top Doctor” Strang, shall we…
Just reduce the total population by the number of children under 12, which gives us 873,126 eligible subjects in the province. Figures you can get from Census.
Then look at the number of people who have had one dose in Nova Scotia which according to Wikipedia, which is 663,840.

Looks to me to be 76.03 percent of the population is vaccinated!.
So in my opinion we are at phase 4. It can’t be 75% of the total population because they can’t vaccinate the total population. The age from from 0-11 has to be removed.
Hooray, Nova Scotia skips from Phase 1 to 4 overnight with 76% complying with one dose!
It is over.
88 death in 2 years. 5,721 “positive tests”…
It never happened.

Fact is, however, Strang is using math only found in the new normal…
They are not reducing ‘the population’ by the 100,000+ children under 12.
So 85% of the entire “eligible” population must get the jab. Meaning, they want so, 785,060 out of the eligible 873,126, instead of 663,840. That means an astounding 84.5% of eligible dupes need the jab. That’s where Strang got his 85% number, he keeps pushing.
Because 100,000 CAN’T be vaccinated…what ends up happening is that more people in the 12-90+ actually get injected.
That leaves 88,066 of us alone? Not likely. That’s just a small number of people they can prey on, hunt if you will.
By including those who are ineligible for vaccine in their percentage is ruthless, makes the eligible feel they have to comply. This form of coercion would be illegal without Emergency Orders, and I am surprised a larger group of the population would not be more outraged.
My hunch, they plan on opening up that ineligible age bracket soon, after all, FDA just “approved” the vaccines for use in 5 to 11 year olds, and you can only assume the rest are about follow. Why not, they are jabbing pregnant women and everyone else they can get their needles in to.
Bottom line, they have their sights set on all of us.
Nova Scotia could open up overnight with 76% of eligible citizens getting one dose! However, Rankin and Strang are unable to do grade four math, so we may end up locked in Phase ZERO!
The graphs was done very clearly but how do we know for sure these are correct numbers?
Can anything the government publishes be truthful and reliable information if they are the ones that are corrupt?
Thankfully those people demanding their vaxx are able to get them and as we now see Patron Saint Justin of the Vaxx Global Village is donating 100 million doses to help save the world too.
All is good and right in the world now.
#Stay Sane Stay Safe Stay Wise