
Is COVID-19 the Flu?

Dr. Strang, Premier McNeil, Premier Rankin and Premier Houston – with the assault of mainstream media – thought that they could completely bamboozle close to one million Nova Scotians…but they have failed.

Thousands of us have concluded over the past 18 months that something isn’t right – this had nothing to do with COVID and all to do with a vaccine and a passport.

We have reviewed the statistics, the data, did Freedom of Information requests – to expose the deceit and lies.

They tried to silence us with injunctions…and publicly shamed us. The numbers below are from the Department of Health and Wellness. We took the dates that are used for flu surveillance and assigned the COVID deaths to those time frames.

Unreal that they are still using those flawed tests even though other countries around the world have stopped using them. Just following their orders from above…to jab people and take away their rights and freedoms.

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