
Mayor Jim Watson: WEF’s Nazi Scum & President Xi’s Man In Ottawa.

This week Ottawa’s Mayor Jim Watson declared a state of emergency for the City of Ottawa; complete with patriotic flag-waving Canadians, jumpy castles and hay rides the protests are now being called an insurrection. Quick everyone, hide your hockey sticks!

So, let’s take a peek under the hood. You don’t have to dig long to see why Jim is a fan of authoritarian moves. Mayor Watson is a member of both the Desmarais-CCP led Canada China Business Counsel and the Canada China Friendship Society. Because in Canada friendship is about high jacking the nation’s sovereignty and selling it to the highest bidder. And that’s exactly what our elected officials did!


As I am researching Watson I encountered this post entitled “Mayor Watson Leads Ottawa’s Largest Ever Mission to China in October”.

“In October 2013 Mayor Jim Watson led a delegation of more than 40 individuals from local business/high-tech, tourism and academia on a ten day mission to China. The delegation sought to create more partnerships and other agreements.”

So who were these people?

“Mayor Watson discussed the results of the initiatives undertaken by the delegation as well as his impressions of the future possibilities for co-operation between Canada and China and Ottawa-Beijing in particular.”


Is the government now cleaning up their internet footprint? Seems this article has now been removed. And apparently Wayback Machine failed to capture it.


Anyways, according to Jim:

“Sometimes these trips plant to seed and you have to go back many times to harvest because it takes long time to get through the Chinese bureaucracy (at times).”


“We are not necessarily going to see new businesses openings right away, but we will certainly have the opportunities to start growing a business as the result of the number of understanding of other agreements that we sign on this trip.” – Mayor Jim Watson”

This wasn’t a one-off attraction for Jim, apparently, he and Trudeau share their affinity for China. In 2015 he headed off yet again.


Mayor Watson also attended the “One Young World Summit” — an international conference that Ottawa will host next year (2016). You can’t make this stuff up. It’s clear Mayor Watson is wearing two hats but his allegiance is to the New World Order.

This is the One Young World Summit and we have the usual suspects with Trudeau and Royal family featuring prominently.


It’s the global forum for young leaders Endorsed of course by Vice. It has the same cult like marketing as WE. It is the global forum for young leaders featuring the offspring of the global elite and their want-a-be. I seriously doubt your kids are there!


And as we know “One Young World” is a WEF outfit.


It is also no secret that Klaus Schwab is using China to implement New World Order.

Klaus Schwab, in short… “we need a Great reset!”, and we’re using China to do it.

These connections aren’t new for Ottawa: “He also travelled to China on economic missions in 2013 and 2011. Former mayor Larry O’Brien led a business delegation in 2010”


Apparently the trip was lucrative… but not for Canadians.


Plot Twist: Did you know that our Nation’s Capital is now “sister city” to China’s Capital City Beijing? Mayor Jim Watson has invited his sister city counterpart to Ottawa for the big 2017 bash. Watson met with Beijing Mayor Wang Anshun in China and invited him to Ottawa during Canada’s 150th birthday celebrations. Wonder when Uncle Xi is moving in?


According to Watson’s office, it would be the first time a Beijing mayor makes an official visit to Ottawa. This is right around the time Canada announced it was a post national experiment… the experiment media kept hush-hush no doubt!

Seems the Trudeau government is up for experimentation when it comes to the Canadian people and our sovereignty. It seems to me Ottawa is a captured city – a global shapers hub with people like Jim enabling it (WEF).


So what exactly is happening in our nations capital? Has it gone full CCP? My guess is that all levels of government, government programs, corporations and academia are catering to the CCP exclusively. And this does not exclude security forces and law enforcement agencies who get their marching orders from the top-down.


Check out Jim’s activity:


Plot Twist: All of this and Jim gets the Order of Ottawa. Because Beijing doesn’t just give those medals out to anyone… you know!


Jim is a WEF shill in bed with China. His decision to try and seize the GoFundMe cash is motivated by these connections.


original thread inspiration…