
Amyloid Clotting are Lipids & Proteins. Prions. Clathrin GQD’s.

This segment is part of the larger story about how Transhumanists are bringing about their Singularity utilizing 5G, Graphene Oxide, mRNA technology.. and your FEAR. I encourage you to take “GQD Particle: The Transhumanist Quantum Agenda” from the top. SPM

Amyloid clotting refer to abnormal extra cellular protein deposits found in organs and tissue. Amyloidosis indicates an issue of the bone marrow, and COVID-19 is a disease of the blood cells produced in the bone marrow.  1 This is why the COVID swabs sampled secretions from the nasal passage, specifically from the olfactory bone at the back of your nose. Amyloidosis is usually linked with bone marrow cancer, long term inflammatory conditions, Crohn’s Disease and involves damage to the heart, spleen, kidneys, liver, nervous system and digestive tract. Symptoms of Amyloidosis include feeling tired, weight loss, swelling in the belly, legs or feet, numbness, pain or tingling in hands or feet, skin that bruises easily, bleeding more than usual after injury.

Prions are considered a subclass of amyloids in which protein accumulation becomes infectious. The phenomenon is known mostly as a neuronal pathology in humans but in fungi prions play a crucial role in epigenetic inheritance. Epigenetic inheritance is the ability of proteins to transfer genetic information to another cell, or host without the presence of genetic material; it is “genetic memory” which originated from the original infected cell. 

COVID-19 spike proteins have the capacity to act as such prions and thus facilitate Prion Disease which can occur through shedding, exchange of body fluids and/or respiratory fluids. 2

The same holds true for genetically modified fungal proteins being used in food sources such as yogurt, cheese, milk products, and alternative meat products. 3

5G technology does indeed impact the blood by causing Rouleaux formation which in itself may cause clotting. Clathrin Nanotechnology, as indicated in the Vitaliano patents causes the formation of a protein-lipid triskelion lattice or scaffold. Should pieces break off during lattice formation these “proteins-lipids” can lead to clot formation. Secondly, these protein-based structures may be what the scientific community is referring to as “spike protein.” 4 However, the spike proteins may be coming from mRNA production within the cell itself where they can be either embedded in the cell membrane or they are released  transported outside the cell using exosomes (vesicles)  through the process of cellular exocytosis. 

“Proteins are rich in phosphorus so most of the scientific societies recommend reducing protein intake from early stages in patients with chronic renal failure, to reduce the input of phosphorus. One gram of protein has 13–15 mg of phosphorus.”

Dr. Jane Ruby worked with Mike Adams on this study of a blood “clot” in an infected patient. 5 6 The results indicate that the primary constituent of the clot were proteins due to the high levels of phosphorous. 

Additional research finding same results. 7

We asked Dr Ruby and Mike Adams to look at the research of Dr Gordana Vitaliano at Mclean hospital in Nanotechnology and brain imaging. Her studies looked at treatments for human brain illnesses using Clathrin Nanotechnology because they could easily cross the blood brain barrier required for drug delivery into the brain. This Clathrin technology involves the growth of a protein-lipid lattice called a “triskelion” so scientific analysis of the vaccine itself,  blood clot, human blood of those vaccinated in order to establish if these are in fact clathrin triskelia proteins are present and if they can be further stimulated to grow under EMFs was not an unreasonable request. 8

This is what we get…

Why not continue the research? Why not send this information to Mike Adams for verification? Proteins are HIGH in Phosphorus, ANYONE with a basic science degree knows this. And Clathrin triskelion is phosphorylated:

“CK2 is highly enriched in CCV preparations and phosphorylates the clathrin light chain in vitro. As mentioned above, the Clathrin light chain is also found to be phosphorylated in vivo” 9

Clathrin Nanotechnology has been used in medicine for some time. If people were injured either through the vaccines or through the use of the COVID test swabs then a simple TEM study would determine if there is Clathin and/or GQD (Graphene Quantum Dots) in those samples? I don’t understand why this was not been done? Better still, simply testing the sample with Sudan IV and Burets stain… would confirm the presence/absence of lipids and/or proteins. Sudan lV will test for lipids. 10 Biuret tests for presence of proteins. 11

In 2024, they are now calling these protein accumulations “Amyloids” but in actuality were always “Clathrin-based Triskelion” or “spike proteins” generated by infected cells. 

“Embalmers are finding these fibrin clots in something like 20% of corpses when veins and arteries are flushed. They are not conventional blood clots, but amyloid. They are not broken down by normal blood thinners. They became much more frequent from mid 2021.” 12

And a working group of the Medical Association dominated by industry is redefining diseases. Alzheimer’s is now an abnormal accumulation of amyloid. 13  Why is this important? Their efforts to redefine the disease will include normal people who are amyloid positive and would define 10% of cognitively normal 50-year-old as having Alzheimer’s disease. 

CIN has already CONFIRMED the presence of Graphene-like particles on the test swabs. 14 Why can’t we convince people with the proper equipment to investigate this further?

Do you understand how important this was? The Graphene Oxide (GO) lit up! Indicating that GO was in the test swab. We speculated it was anchored to the Lipid nanoparticles surrounding the “Clathrin Shuttle” containing mRNA. Yes… they swabs probably contained the mRNA. Why? Because Graphene Oxide is photoluminescent in the visual light spectrum. 15

Did Ruby ever talk about Luciferase on the swabs or vaccine? Because that too would have provided that Franco Vitaliano’s Calthrin Nanotechnology was being used! 16

Ruby talks about Luciferase but fails to talk about the mechanism. We outlined the mechanism from those that worked on Obama’s Brain Initiative and DARPA. The mechanism involves Clathrin Nanotechnology that absorbs GO into cells and a Luciferase power pack that fuels the entire process! Sure they are patents, but they are all patents designed by Obama’s lead Nantech developer! 17

If Mike Adams has a TEM or access to a TEM he would have done the swab and vaccine by now…. but they did not… see the problem? I would have done it in 2020!! All they had to do is look at the swab itself under a TEM. You will then be able to see that there were never metalic nanobots! Graphene Oxide is not a metal!  Ruby would not even pass this information to Mike Adams, ffs. Where is the integrity?

The point I am trying to make is that they are all pretending to be scientists.

We had more science in the swab article where we photographed the swabs themselves under a microscope to SHOW/PROVE there was something on them.

Here’s a message to all junior varsity scientist wannabes and your blood slides.  I can see you are not doing this properly.

1. Visuals out of focus.
2. Contamination on slides and cover slips.
3. Not using right magnification.
4. Lenses are dirty.
5. Light adjustments not being used properly.
6. You need oil immersion at 100X to look at slides of RBC.
7. No micrometer allowing for scale determination.

Please tell me how it’s possible to see nanotechnology, smaller than DNA, in your blood?

For our protocols on deactivating the nano technology, see; “Deactivating the Graphene Quantum Dots & Decoupling your Brain from the Clathrin mRNA Neural Interface”, and remember, NO FEAR.

  1. Bone marrow alterations in COVID-19 infection: The root of hematological problems: ScienceDirect ↩︎
  2. Disease X:  COVID Induced Prion Disease:  CIN, February 9, 2024 ↩︎
  3. GQD Uptake in Pathogenic Fungus Fusarium:  CIN, February 10, 2024 ↩︎
  4. mRNA + 5G + Graphene Oxide = Clathrin Graphene Quantum Dots, a “viral like particle”; the neural interface or “chip”.: CIN, October 9, 2023 ↩︎
  5. https://t.me/DrJaneRuby/11097 ↩︎
  6. EXCLUSIVE: Self-assembling vaccine clot biostructures harvest conductive metals from your blood – preliminary ICP-MS analysis results released: Natural News, July 22, 2022 ↩︎
  7. German scientists demand Covid vaxx programs stop immediately to avert danger to human life and public safety: CAirns News, February 19, 2023 ↩︎
  8. Dr.Gordana D. Vitaliano, MD, PhD: Growing Brains at MacLean Hospital: CIN, Ocotber 8, 2023 ↩︎
  9. Role of Phosphorylation in the Control of Clathrin-Mediated Internalization of GPCR: NCBI, June 7, 2011 ↩︎
  10. Sudan III Stain, solution, 15 ml ↩︎
  11. Biuret Test for Protein- Principle, Procedure, Results, Uses: Microbe Notes ↩︎
  12. https://x.com/YardleyShooting/status/1755662899425509882 ↩︎
  13. Who gets to decide on what it means to have Alzheimer’s disease? – Widera – Journal of the American Geriatrics Society: Wiley Online Library ↩︎
  14. Sheeple… Stop Swabbing!: CIN, February 11, 2022 ↩︎
  15. Photoluminescence of Graphene Oxide in Visible Range Arising from Excimer Formation: The Journal of Physical Chemistry C (acs.org) ↩︎
  16. https://t.me/DrJaneRuby/7302 ↩︎
  17. Luciferase fuels mRNA Clathrin Nanobot & Transmits Quantum Information: CIN, January 31, 2023 ↩︎

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