Russia had two major military objectives during their adventure into Ukraine. The Denazification of Ukraine, and the Demilitarization of Ukraine, focusing on United States bioweapons facilities.
On March 8, 2022, Russian forces announced they had discovered the Ukraine bioweapons labs in Kiev, and are prepared to share the evidence with the world.

Only hours later, Victoria Nuland spoke in Senate Committee about the bioweapons labs, she admitted the labs exists and work on weaponized biological matter. Just one thing, she did not admit she had anything to do with it, and instead, projected that Russia was blaming the USA for a false flag they are about to stage.
Victoria Nuland is an evil woman. Joe Biden has nominated Victoria Nuland for the third highest position at the State Department, Under Secretary for Political for Assistant Under Sectretary of State for Political Affairs shows just how evil he is.
Nuland worked at NATO while setting up the labs in Ukraine, she worked to set up the Kolomoisky Blackberry backchannels that are vital for Deep State operations, and she was directly responsible for installing the puppet regime in Ukraine during the Soros backed Orange revolution in 2014. This bitch knows.

Nuland worked with Obama since 2005 on bio-weaponizing Ukraine, which were coming online in 2010.

A young Senator Obama in 2005, shaking hands with the president of Ukraine, as Senator Lugar and the DTRA agree for US dollars to protect pathogens that could be used for biological weapons in Ukraine.
China jumped in to verify what Russia was claiming, and then announced all the labs that exist through NATO/USA globally.

In fact, if you overlay where Russia has been attacking with known biological labs, you can safely make the assumption Russia is, in fact, going after these military installations.

This is not information that many believe other than Russian disinfo, but others have been studying this subject for a very long time.
On March 5, 2022, General G. D. Bakshi of India explains about Biological labs and Nuclear weapons program in Ukraine that are not a secret. He definitely speaks for a large group of military professionals around that world that have grown impatient and angry with the American’s exporting so much war.
Dilyana Gaytandzhieva has done an incredible job proving the labs and experiments going on in Ukraine. She was kicked out of the European Parliament for trying to bring this issue to the attention of European’s and the World.

When on February 25, 2022, Russia announced they were going to go into Ukraine and seize the biological research facilities, the USA Embassy in Ukraine deleted all data associated with the labs.

These fact checks did not age well.
Deleted US Embassy Documents
However, they have forgotten to delete this document from the US federal contracts registry which shows that the Pentagon is funding two new biolabs in Kiev and Odessa

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