Alberta’s COVID-19 numbers have just been released and the results are clear; the vaccine does not protect against infection. In fact, the numbers reveal that vaccination is weakening the immune system and allowing for increased hospitalizations and increased cases of “unresolved COVID” or what may be “Long-COVID.” Here is the data. Decide for yourself.

Data Summary:
- Triple vaccinated are leading all categories; highest new cases, highest active cases and highest hospitalization rates.
- Of the total infected cases 88% are vaccinated compared to 12% unvaccinated.
- Of the cases that are still active 93% are in individuals that are vaccinated and may represent “long covid.”
- 69% of vaccinated patients are hospitalized.
- Overall, those that took 3 doses are having the worst outcomes.
- Overall those with only one vaccine dose showed the least impact and may indicate that a single dose is not sufficient to cause severe immune system damage.
These numbers support results from Ontario data released earlier that the vaccinated are the main drivers of infection in the population.
Ontario Data Clear! COVID-19 is a “Disease of the Vaccinated!”
What Government and Healthcare Officials aren’t telling you is that the immune system is damaged each time you’re infected. Reinfection will eventually lead to severe disability or what scientists are referring to as “Long COVID.” There is also evidence of brain damage.

In addition, COVID-19 is neither a “cold” or the “flu.” Studies are showing that infection destroys your immune system and causes COVID-dependent AIDS. There is NO NATURAL IMMUNITY TO COVID. Please continue to wear a mask, social distance and wash your hands. Protect your children.

These articles will give you a good background into the effects of COVID and the mRNA vaccine on the body:
Now is not the time to remove mandates. Here are infection curves from Europe. Notice infection rates increasing? Notice how they never go back to baseline? Why is that? As people get infected you would expect two outcomes; you either recover or you die. This is not the case here. What you are seeing in more and more people NOT recovering but developing “Long COVID” syndrome which is COVID-dependent AIDS. That is why the curve continues to climb with each wave. More and more people are becoming disabled. COVID-19 has now become an endemic disease that will annihilate mankind and it will be done incrementally over time. Here’s the link see for yourself. Look at each country separately.

There was a reason the “Truckers Convoy” took place in the middle of a Canadian winter; what better way to spread Omicron to the unvaccinated! Treat this disease like #AirborneAIDS. Please continue to wear a mask, social distance and wash your hands. Protect your children. Vaccines will not protect you because the vaccines are driving this pandemic. Our Government lied. The Pharmaceuticals lied. The WHO, CDC and FDA lied. They all lied.
Stunning “Adverse Events Data” released from Pfizer’s COVID-19 vaccine trials!
Nazi Big Pharma, FDA & Los Alamos National Laboratory Hold the Keys!
What’s next? What we are witnessing now is more and more infection peaks which will continue to take its toll on the immune system each time. Exponential growth of this pandemic will not slow down until the entire population has been exposed to this bioweapon and succumbs to its deadly impact.
What humanity is facing is an Extinction Level Event (E.L.E):

However, I do not believe that the vaccine is the only driving factor here. You see the peaks keep on reoccurring at the same time and in every country? Science cannot explain this? Mass “Seroconversion” may explain this phenomena initially but not now? Lockdowns aren’t causing this since some countries did not have lockdowns?
So what is? What external force is causing the “pulsing effects” you see with the curves?
Perhaps there is more truth to the effects of Graphene oxide and 5G than we were led to believe? After all, the “Great Reset” plan was always about using the “power grid” to implement the mass genocide of the global population.
The Great Reset: Prepare for De-Industrialization Winter 2021!
5G, Graphene & the Vaccine: How the NWO Stakeholders Plan to Kill You!
How do you know if you’ve been infected? Since many people that are vaccinated are symptomatic, the same can be said about unvaccinated people that were infected. Considering COVID is similar to HIV, an ordinary HIV test will not tell you if you’ve been infected because the antigen binding sites are different hence the antibodies will be different. The only test that might tell you if you are infected is the COVID Antibody Blood Test. Incidentally these tests are now being phased out. I suggest you purchase as many as you can.
What does it mean if I test positive for COVID Antibodies? It means you have been infected by this bioweapon. Start taking care of your health and avoid reinfection. Being positive is not a death sentence. And no… this does not mean you have “natural Immunity” since there is no immunity to a virus containing HIV inserts.
Treat this disease like #AirborneAIDS. Please continue to wear a mask, social distance and wash your hands. Protect your children. Vaccines will not protect you because the vaccines are driving this pandemic. Our Government lied. The Pharmaceuticals lied. The WHO, CDC and FDA lied. They all lied.
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