
Kayla Lemieux aka Chuck Woods, Masonic Social Engineer

Sorry, off track, but I was interested in Kayla Lemieux pictured here since NO ONE could identify her:

Who is the transgender with the prosthetic breasts? So I did some digging…. this one is for TUCKER!

He is the Manufacturing Technology teacher at Trafalgar High school in Oakville his real name is Chuck Woods.

This was difficult to find since the high school website deleted its staff directory.


He is a licensed teacher with the Ontario College of Teachers in “good standing” with the exception that he is missing his training (required) in understanding and recognizing child sexual abuse and prevention program.


The school and school board administrators refused to release his name to the public. Under the circumstances it is understandable since they do not want him exposed to public scrutiny.

But who is Chuck “Charles” Woods?

He is a mentor of “Amped up Robotics” but he does not post a picture of himself?


And voila… here is Charles Woods aka… Kayla Lemieux!

He attended the Hatch Global seminars for positive change.



Member of the Grand lodge of the A.F. and A.M. of Canada in Ontario. They have a partnership with Brock University. Charles Woods is also the CHAIRMAN of “Masonic Education” within the order.


Chuck Woods is also a member of Empowered Kids Ontario EKO.


He is part of the FIRST Program in Oakville that has a global reach… supported by mayor, MP, MPP etc and industry leaders (this IS significant).

Sponsored by FIRST Robotics Canada.


A lot of industry big wigs!


FIRST ROBOTIS Canada fund promotes STEM programs…. CODING!

They want kids in front of computers.

George Soros Open Society sponsored a lot of these programs.

While the world is arguing back and forth about this foul and disgusting beast, very few can see that it is just another case of the Masonic order dividing, engineering, and conquering.

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