
Frequency Based Mind Control: CIA’s MK-ULTRA Project at Fort Detrick

This segment is part of the larger story about how Transhumanists are bringing about their Singularity utilizing 5G, Graphene Oxide, mRNA technology.. and your FEAR. I encourage you to take “GQD Particle: The Transhumanist Quantum Agenda” from the top. SPM

To understand “brain control” you need to understand the science that has evolved in this field. The genius behind electrical frequencies and applications of ELF technology can be attributed to Nikola Tesla himself.

However the evil perversion of Tesla’s technology is attributed primarily to three scientists that studied, copied and developed Tesla’s technology to build this weapon of mass destruction for the global elites. They include Dr. Andrija Puharich who worked for the CIA’s MK-ULTRA Project at Fort Detrick and developed the early foundations for “Brain Control”, Dr. Elizabeth Rauscher & her husband Dr. William Van Bise who helped to further develop this technology called “Remote Viewing” for the US Military, the Pentagon and the Los Alamos Laboratory (e.g. Manhattan Project).

All three scientists knew each other as early as the 1960s. Remember their names for all three are culpable; they are the architects of the MATRIX! 1

In a 1985 CNN news report, featuring both Dr. Elizabeth Rauscher and Dr. William Van Bise explains how ELF waves are used for mind control.

Rauscher and Van Bise directed magnetic signals into the brain of news reporter Chuck DeCaro. DeCaro was blindfolded and his ears were blocked for sound in an experiment using Soviet specifications for equipment capable of generating specific but very weak magnetic signals designed to cause visual “hallucinations.” 2

When the magnetic signals were directed at DeCaro, he stated: “A parabola just went by. . . . I could see waveforms changing shape as they went by.” The experiment on DeCaro was successful and it was an indication that remote EMR mind control weapons were scientifically possible. “In three weeks, I could put together a device that would take care of a whole town,” Van Bise commented.

Here is a short reading list on Dr. Andrija Puharich. The script itself is Oscar worthy and involves MK-ULTRA, Aldous Huxley, the Bronfman family and even Pierre Elliot Trudeau. FYI: Pierre Trudeau knew about these electromagnetic frequencies as early as 1977 and we suspect even earlier! 3 4 5 6

Here is a reading list for Dr. Elizabeth Rauscher and Dr. William Van Bise. They took the ELF research one step further and were able to predict earthquakes and volcanic eruptions. Both were involved in the development of HAARP; weather modification. Elizabeth Rauscher presented research to the UN on Population control: 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14

Cure Frequencies: Elizabeth Rauscher and her husband Bill Van Bise also did the groundwork for “brain control” as is presented in this patent. They include frequencies that target the “pain” and the “brain-gut” axis or the Vagus nerve that controls cardiac and gut function. The frequencies they use are summarized in tables in the patent and include 7.6 Hz, 70.25 Hz, 71.25 Hz, 3040 Hz; muscle pain, mood, osteoporosis, cardiac function, hypothalamus/pituitary axis (also called the master gland), brain, neurons.

Plant life is also affected by EMFs and soon you will see more and more crop failures globally and famine all being blamed on climate change! 15

Weather modification, earthquakes and volcanic eruptions are also influenced by ELFs. 16 17 18

Future generations need to know the history of our civilization. It must be accurately documented and remembered for what it is what; the annihilation of mankind by the elitists, their corporations & foundations, their religious leaders and scientists, their doctors, their offspring, paid political puppets, trolls and lackeys! The “Book of Revelations” is literally being used to manufacture your demise!

None of this was naturally occurring; not the Pandemic, not the weather events, earthquakes, or volcanic eruptions. Climate change is their new narrative being used to enslave mankind. Governments are a sham imposed on humanity since the beginning of time! The elites have always been in power.

Don’t be a victim of 5G and Graphene Oxide Nanotechnology, protect yourself with Scalar Wave Technology with Blushield EMF Protection. NO FEAR.

  1. Interment at devotion, North Carolina:  UriGeller ↩︎
  2. Radiofrequency Weapons of War:  CNN, 1985 ↩︎
  3. IS THE VATICAN CONNECTED TO COMING GREAT DECEPTION?—PART 10: The Nine… and Other ‘GODS’ from Outer Space:  SkyWatch, September 12,  2023 ↩︎
  4. Seances With “The Nine”:  Bible Tech Acadamy, April 14, 2020 ↩︎
  5. ELF – Iceland Papers – Tesla – Pachita:  Uri Geller ↩︎
  6. ELF Shield:  Andrija PUHARICH ↩︎
  7. Dr. Elizabeth Rauscher PhD Publications ↩︎
  8. Selected Technical Papers:  Dr. Elizabeth Rauscher PhD. ↩︎
  9. Interview With Elizabeth Rauscher: A physicist ahead of her time ↩︎
  11. ANGELS DON‘T PLAY THIS HAARP Advances in Tesla Technology:  Dr. Nick Begich and Jeane Manning 1997 ↩︎
  12. https://studfile.net/preview/8194053/page:22/ ↩︎
  13. Mind Control Expert & Dr. Greer – Strange Bedfellows?:  July 31, 2003 ↩︎
  15. Electromagnetic Radiation From Electronics Does Affect Plant Growth ↩︎
  16. Is the HAARP Project a Weather Control Weapon? ↩︎
  17. HAARP: Secret New World Order Weapons Used For to Trigger Climate Change , Weather Modification, Electromagnetic Warfare … ↩︎
  18. 1966 NASA Document Reveals Goal of Engineered “Climate Modification” ↩︎