

Please help me get this message out by contacting all your political representatives immediately, clergymen, teachers, professors, friends and family! The rollout of 5G should never have happened without vigorous testing because it is not intended for humans!

I hold a PhD in Biochemistry with specialization in Physiology. I received a Post-Doctoral Fellowship from NATO/ Research Council of Canada and nominee for the Anette P. Nelson Award by the Royal Society of Canada. I am also a certified Health Sciences Teacher and developed the Healthcare Curriculum for the Ministry Of Education and the Personal Support Worker Curriculum for the Ministry Of Education. I was a research associate at several universities and taught Science and Medical  Biosciences for several University and College Nursing Programs. I am currently retired.

The body is made up of Carbon based molecules; Carbon is in our foods, dairy, medications, vaccines, vitamins, etc. It is essential for making the building blocks of our cells… for all life itself. In nature Carbon can be found in many forms; diamond is Carbon and Graphene is also Carbon. The majority of Carbon in nature is in the Carbon form but the body will still take up Graphene from what we consume. A derivative of Graphene is Graphene Oxide (GO) which is commonly used in the pharmaceutical industry, vitamin and nutraceuticals industry and for food preservation.

Normally Graphene oxide (GO) is harmless and non-conductive that can be excreted from the body. However, under the 5G Giga Hz technology, Graphene Oxide (GO) is reduced and in the process gains electrons. Reduced Graphene (rGO) is electrically conductive and consumes a lot of oxygen in its formation.

Graphene oxide (GO) 🢂 Reduced Graphene oxide (rGO)

The authors in this paper confirm that Graphene oxide is indeed electrically active in the Giga Hz Range of 0.5-40 Giga Hz and as such is not only conductive but also heat producing. 1

These authors confirm that in the reduction process of Graphene Oxide (rGO), more Oxygen molecules are consumed than an unreduced, unreactive Graphene molecule. Graphene Oxide (GO) has a Carbon: Oxygen ratio of 2:4 whereas Reduced Graphene Oxide (rGO) has a C:O ratio 8:246 which is approximately 61.5 times greater than a Graphene Oxide (GO) compound alone. In the human body this will cause an absorption of Oxygen and lead to altered Oxygen consumption in the blood, body cells and tissues resulting in hypoxic conditions. 2

In the body this electrically active carbon will cause heating and damage primarily to endothelial tissue first: eyes, the gut, sinuses, the heart, brain etc. Because it is electrically active it will cause inflammation where there was none previously and it will cause the Rouleau effect in the blood as well as blood clotting. The body was NEVER intended for this electrically active carbon. A condition of Hypoxia (low Oxygen) is occurring in everyone! Low oxygen states can result in inflammation, autoimmune disease, suppression of the immune system, infection and even cancer.

People are now complaining of headaches, insomnia, gastrointestinal problems, dizziness, night sweats. And while they turn to nutraceuticals for help and anti inflammatory diets, the real problem is still there causing damage to your body.  Furthermore, a lot of these medications and vitamins contain Graphene oxide itself which only perpetuates the problem under 5G technology since it will be reduced to rGO! . Soon there will be an increase of cancer the likes of which we have never seen before. Autoimmune diseases, MS is already on the rise and “Long COVID” is the name they are giving to those that cannot recover from COVID. What they are not recovering from is inflammation and the low oxygen states created by rGO.  They have excess electrons in the body that should not be there! Furthermore, prolonged inflammatory states in the body will result in infections such as gastroenteritis, pneumonia, conjunctivitis and yes… even myocarditis.

But the problem is even more severe. You see, microwaves operate in the Mega Hz range about 300 Mega Hz. You now have a carbon in the body that is operating at a scale 1,000 times higher than a microwave! It’s like putting an electric copper wire in your body and sticking it in a microwave! All under 5G technology! Soon those that have accumulated too much Graphene Oxide in their bodies will start to feel burning in the head and stomach. BURNING! And it will be too late!

Here is an article of a sufferer of “Long COVID” who is complaining of an internal burning sensation. 3

It is my professional opinion that people are not recovering from COVID because of unprecedented hypoxic states and prolonged inflammation.

To repeat: Graphene is being converted to electrically active rGO which is destroying body cells. And it can only be converted by HIGH Electromagnetic Frequencies in the Giga Hz Range like those emitted from 5G Towers. 4G Towers were emitting frequencies in the Mega Hz bandwidth not Giga Hz which are 1,000 times more powerful.

This is my professional opinion, I’ve taken this as far as I can go, I need Biochemists, Nutritionists, Chemists, Physicists, Electrical Engineers and anyone with a strong background in Science willing to help conduct research in this field.

Dr. Caterina Rotatore Spec. Hon. BSc., PhD, OCT.


Don’t be a victim of 5G and Graphene Oxide Nanotechnology, protect yourself with Scalar Wave Technology with Blushield EMF Protection, and remember, NO FEAR.

  1. Radio-frequency characteristics of graphene oxide: Yonsei University ↩︎
  2. Graphene and graphene oxide membranes for water treatment: ResearchGate ↩︎
  3. ‘I feel like I’m burning from the inside out’ | COVID-19 survivors on life after recovery ↩︎

Dr. Caterina Rotatore Spec. Hon. BSc., PhD, OCT.

I hold a PhD in Biochemistry with specialization in Physiology. I received a Post-Doctoral Fellowship from NATO/ Research Council of Canada and nominee for the Anette P. Nelson Award by the Royal Society of Canada. I am also a certified Health Sciences Teacher and developed the Healthcare Curriculum for the MOE and the PSW Curriculum for the MOE. I was a research associate at several universities and taught Science and Medical  Biosciences for several University and College Nursing Programs. I am currently retired.

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