
Negative Impact of Supplements & Pharmaceuticals in 5G Environment

This segment is part of the larger story about how Transhumanists are bringing about their Singularity utilizing 5G, Graphene Oxide, mRNA technology.. and your FEAR. I encourage you to take “GQD Particle: The Transhumanist Quantum Agenda” from the top. SPM

First published as “Negative Impact of Supplements in 5G Environment” on January 22, 2023 1 , this article is fluid and tends to get added to often. At first I thought that these findings were merely curious, but as I learned more about the technology, the more I felt the public should know.

There are two fundamentals people are missing.

1. Without 5G, there is NO functioning vaccine.

2. With 5G, anything imaginable becomes fuel for the vaccine.

There are no “sides”, there are only “chips” and Quantum Enslavement. Use your own mind or die inside their hive. It is ok to trust, but remember to verify, always. You may discover the sad reality, both “sides” are playing you for a dupe towards their Transhumanist Singularity. 2

When it came to the common cold and the flu, grandma always knew best. And until recently, a lot of what grandma recommended was still good at fighting off viral and bacterial infections.

Many of those recommendations have made their way into the Front Line Doctors protocols (along with numerous pharmaceuticals), but those recommendations no longer make any sense. We are no longer being confronted with common colds and flus, natural viruses, or bacteria.

Since the NWO has taken disease to a whole new level of nanobots and synthetic life forms, these classic protocols act like fuel on the fire, rather than anything that heals.

Their Nutraceuticals, for the most part, are priming the body to convert GO to its active reduced rGO form to allow for the development of graphene nanotubes. They are building the electrical network (Neural Lace) interphase to make you part of the Internet of Things (IoT)! 3

Everything that was a cure for the common cold/flu, is now an accelerant for the NWO bots! 4

Like everyone else, we have been looking for cures or remedies against this biological assault on the species. Like others, we turned to Front Line Doctors for their input.

We have Front Line COVID-19 Critical Care Alliance (FLCCC) 5, and then we have America Front Line Doctors (AFLD) 6. Both promote similar protocols. AFLD also promoted protocols from Dr. Teryn Clark, Dr. Zelenko 7, and Association of American Physicians and Surgeons (AAPS) 8. AAPS – Association of American Physicians and Surgeons, who themselves promote Dr. Peter McCullough‘s 9 protocols.

However, every time I come across one of their suggested vitamins, supplements or pharmaceuticals… BOOM…. GO! And that is a problem!

You see, people don’t understand the difference between Graphene Oxide GO and its reduced form rGO. To clarify: One of the most important differences between GO and rGO is the electrical conductivity of these materials. While GO shows insulating or semiconducting behavior rGO shows excellent electrical conductivity which is almost as good as pristine graphene. In the body, GO is REDUCED to rGO via EMFs.

“Highly dosed rGO induces excessive intracellular ROS (reactive Oxygen Species) which leads to the cell death of endothelial cells and generates anti-angiogenic outcomes (diminishes blood vessel formation). On the contrary, rGO at lower concentration enhances the migration of endothelial cells and indicates pro-angiogenic properties.” 10

Don’t get me wrong, GO can have an important function in the body, but not at these super high levels because 5G is now converting more GO to rGO and people are being fed HIGH DOSES OF GRAPHENE OXIDE! GO is not electrical but rGO is!  

By the way, everything has Graphene Oxide these days! I mean EVERYTHING. 11  rGO is a neurotransmitter modulator, that is how they are controlling the brain!  12

Furthermore, supplements and pharmaceuticals that contain Shikimic Pathway metabolites may act as “quorum sensing” pheromones and help to INTEGRATE the Luciferase activity and Neural Lace network within the body allowing for further integration with their quantum computer, essentially increase the mind uploading that is taking place. 13

We’ll get into the neural interface later, this information builds into that subject.  For now, let’s have a look at some of these supplements and pharmaceuticals. We probably should have done this 2 years ago.

Alkaline Water & Alkaline Diets – Alkaline pH acts to disperse the Graphene Oxide in your foods. Alkaline Water and alkaline foods only act to disperse the GO in your stomach making the GO a lot more absorbable at the stomach level and circulated quickly into your blood. Whereas maintaining a strong acidic pH of the stomach and drinking acidic liquids will act to clump up the Graphene so it can be excreted by your gastrointestinal tract! How? Graphene Oxides can bind with Hydrogen (H+) in water making it unavailable to become reduced to rGO! 14 15 16

Antibiotics – Doxycycline, Azithromycin/Z-pack, Amoxicillin/Clavulanate (Augmentin), Azithromycin, Doxycycline, Amoxicillin, Clavulanate all absorb Graphene Oxide rapidly, many contain GO itself. 17 18 19

Beneficial antibiotics are found in the Quinoline family for their ability to kill Luciferase genes. 20

Apixaban or Spironolactone – Pharma.

ASEA Redox – Redox signaling is the transduction of signals coding for cellular processes in which the integrative elements are electron transfer reactions involving free radicals or related species, redox-active metals (e.g., iron, copper, etc.) or reductive equivalents.  Let’s integrate the biolumination they are harvesting.  This is basically a conduit for the GO and rGO.  An electric highway! ASEA is literally the pavement for the highway your brain waves will travel as they are harvested into the Quantum Computer (matrix). 21

Aspirin – Increases Luciferase activity required for the production of Nanobots. Also enhances GO reduction to rGO form.

Vitamin B6 – Act to produce blue light in cells further fueling NANOBOT production. 22 23  B6 also stimulates cancer growth in cells. 24

Vitamin B12 – mobilized Go to rGO making the Graphene more electrical in the body. 25

Boric Acid, Boron – Improves reduced Graphene Oxide structure.  Improves performance of reduced Graphene Oxide.  Helps to make batteries more efficient, ie. longer lasting, more powerful… more electrically conductive. 26

Borax – Borax contain boron which when combined with graphene will make an even more powerful battery. You being the Franken-battery. 27

Vitamin C – Converts GO to its active form rGO making you more susceptible to EMF frequencies. 28

Carotenoids – Out. Carrots and sweet potatoes reduce Graphene Oxide.

Cannabinoids, CBD – Cannabinoids act to INHIBIT many of the body’s neurotransmitters. Why is this essential in the development of their Neural lace? GO takes over the function of neurotransmitters as the new Clathrin-based neurons are formed. Basically, marijuana acts to inhibit the body’s natural chemistry as their neural lace grows. 29

My favourite fact about “legal” weed, is that they are growing the plants with Graphene Quantum Dots. Not only that, they are making carbon nanotubes with hemp.  A higher quality, more conductive Graphene. 30

Chelators – Sodium Thiosulfate is out. 31

Chlorine Dioxide – A strong oxidant and reacts violently with reduced compounds causing increased heating. When exposed to Graphene Oxide, Chlorine Dioxide is absorbed fairly quickly but conductivity is increased in the process making the environment more electrical. 32

Furthermore, while Chlorine Dioxide is safely used to disinfect drinking water, it is used in extremely small amounts. The doses used in supplements can cause serious side effects, including severe vomiting, liver failure, and death. 33

Curcumin (Turmeric) – same as Flavonoids – Work initially under smaller concentration to inhibit Luciferase production required for Nanobot assembly but prolonged doses will increase Luciferase activity. Flavonoids (include Quercetin) naturally bind to GO allowing cell entry to target DNA. 34

Vitamin D3 – One of the most used supplements these days is D3. The majority of the population is deficient in D. Our instinct is to supplement. However, D3 will help to absorb graphene oxide into fatty tissues, and will activate the Clathrin protein both used to build GQD nano. 35 

D3 will also fuel Luciferase. 36

Yes, that’s right, we are deficient because our vitamin D is being leached from our bodies to fuel the nano technology.

EDTA (Ethylenediaminetetraacetic Acid) – Metal Chelator and has been used successfully to remove toxic metals from the body. However, the manufacture of EDTA now contains Polyethylene glycol (PEG) which is bound to Graphene Oxide (GO) producing EDTA-GO compounds. You are essentially adding more PEG-GO groups into your body that will attach to cell membranes allowing for the construction of more neural lace. Avoid at all costs. 37

EDTA prevents D3 uptake, maybe in its PURE form, but that no longer exists since you have EDTA-GO. Furthermore EDTA helps to lower Calcium levels in the body caused by elevated EMFs. So yes there are benefits of EDTA BUT not in our present 5G environment.

EDTA PLOT TWIST: Heavy metals/metals disrupt quorum sensing. This is why they were doing the EDTA. Removing the heavy metals. 38 This is why IRON supplementation was working! EDTA will leech all the Iron with the heavy metals allowing for full bioluminescence of Luciferase.

First, heavy metals are still dangerous in large quantities. Second, the heavy metal adjuvants are not part of mRNA jabs. Three, it’s just more new normal Qoco Loco’s. Those EDTA IV’s are laced with GO. So heavy metals out, but essential metals like iron, and GO in. Also, EDTA does not “dissolve carbon nanotubes”, it delivers them.

Elderberry – May disrupt gut biome. Consisting of anthocyanins they act to induce Luciferase production required for Nanobot formation. 39

Famotidine – Famotidine is an H2-antagonist and acts to suppress stomach acid causing alkalinity of the stomach which in time may also alter blood pH. In an alkaline environment Graphene Oxide is dispersed and easily absorbed whereas in a normal acidic environment it clumps up and is not that easily absorbed. The body will absorb GO required for the stimulation and production of Nanobots and EMF absorption into body cells. In the gut this GO absorption will destroy gut biome and gut mucosa. 40

Flavonoids – Work initially under smaller concentration to inhibit Luciferase production required for Nanobot assembly but prolonged doses will increase Luciferase activity. Flavonoids (including Quercetin) naturally bind to GO allowing cell entry to target DNA. 41 42

Fluvoxamine or Prozac – Pharma. Unreal. Front Line pill pushers.

Glutathione – Converts GO to its active form rGO, inducing a heightened electrical-heat producing state. (ie. inflammation) 43

Gold – Gold and Electromagnetic frequencies (EMF) don’t work well together. Gold acts to reduce Graphene Oxide (GO) into rGO and it also increases the alkalinity of the environment making rGO more stable in your body. If you want to be a human battery… Gold consumption would definitely light the way. 44

Grape Seeds – Grape seeds and Graphene Oxide create supercapacitors. 45

Hydrogen Water – “OxyHydrogen” helps produce GQD. “The major source of GQDs are carbonaceous materials and hydrocarbon based bio-resources. Interestingly, this short review focuses on synthesis methods of GQDs from biomolecules. Basically, biomolecules consisted with multiple bonded carbon with oxygen, hydrogen, and oxyhydrogen moieties.” 46 47

“The thermal efficiency improved, and emissions decreased with the more addition of graphene and HHO gas. Adding HHO gas improved thermal efficiency significantly at the 12.8 Nm engine load. With the addition of graphene and HHO gas to DF40 fuel, the BSEC value was improved at high torque values. The effect of improving thermal efficiency is also understood from the decrease in CO emissions and the increase in CO2 emissions. HC and PM emissions decreased with the addition of graphene and HHO gas.” 48

Involved in forming carbon nanosheets. 49

Hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) – Inhibits the immune system and like IVM will bind to GO and stay in your gut for hours. 50 51

Iodine – The iodine stimulates Estrogen Receptor signaling which in turn causes an increase in Luciferase activity required for the production of Nanobots. 52  Use non-ionized forms of salt as iodine helps to convert GO to rGO. 53

Ivermectin (IVM) – Absorbs and accumulates GO in the gut, promoting absorption of GO. 54

L-arginine – L-arginine and Graphene Oxide create electrochemical sensors. 55

Magnesium – Induces the formation of Graphene nanotubes. 56

Marijuana – (see, Cannabinoids, CBD)

Melatonin – Melatonin reduces Graphene Oxide to its electrical form. 57

Methylene Blue – will bind to rGO. 58

Methylene Blue exhibited glucose oxidase-mimetic catalytic activity towards glucose, and displayed excellent electrocatalytic performance. Translation: MB acts like a CATALYST (meaning it speeds up a naturally occurring  slow reaction). In this reaction it catalyzes the aerobic oxidation of glucose into hydrogen peroxide (H2O2), and cause INCREASED H2O2 levels in the cell DESTROYING CELL MEMBRABES, TISSUES AND ORGANS! 59

At the cellular level, the accumulation of hydrogen peroxide can trigger inflammation and even apoptosis, and when its concentration in the blood reaches toxic levels, it can lead to bioenergetic failure. 60 The induced ELECTROCATALYTIC PERFORMANCE is not good either! The primary purpose of these catalysts is to speed up the half-reactions rate in a fuel cell. 

Oh, and it’s fucking poison. Interesting that Dr. Ana keeps promoting poisons that require injections under her supervision. 61

Mouthwash – Mouthwash can cause harm in the long run because it can disrupt the microbiome and impede the normal functioning of your body. A recent study showed only one week of mouthwash use alters the oral microbiome, lowering saliva pH, increasing acidity and heightening the risk of tooth damage. Excessive use can cause sugar levels to spike and eventually result in diabetes. 62 63

NAC (N-acetyl cysteine) – Acts to convert GO to its active form rGO making you more susceptible to EMFs. 64 It also helps to guard (chaperone) the integrity of Luciferase at the Ribosome assisting in its production. [Holy shit]. 65 66

Nasal spray with 1% povidone-iodine – The iodine stimulates Estrogen Receptor signaling which in turn causes an increase in Luciferase activity required for the production of Nanobots. In the nasal cavity Povidone-iodine makes carbon nanotubes more water soluble allowing for absorption. 67 68

Nattokinase – An enzyme produced from nattō, a traditional Japanese food made from soybeans fermented with the bacterium, Bacillus subtilis.

Nattokinase contains metabolites found in the Shikimic Pathway. These metabolites seem to act as blood thinners and might make bleeding disorders worse. Research using cell cultures is demonstrating that Nattokinase may help to break down spike protein. However, the degradation process of these large proteins may directly cause blood clots to form within the body.

It’s important to note that the authors of this paper derived their conclusions from work on cell lysates and not human subjects. Theoretically, Nattokinase can cause an existing clot to dislodge, resulting in a stroke or embolus at a distant location. Patients with a history of deep vein thrombosis should avoid of use Nattokinase. You have coagulation disorders or are currently using an anticoagulant drug. 69 70

Nitazoxanide (NTZ) – Pharma.

Olive Leaf Extract – Causes reduction of GO to rGO the electrically active and inflammatory molecule they are building their Neuralace from! 71

Ozone Therapy – Ozonation will only reduce GO to rGO. GO acts as a  catalyst when combined with ozone and will speed up the production of rGO in the body. 72 73

Pine Needle Extract – Contains metabolites found in the Shikimic Pathway. These metabolites seem to act as blood thinners and might make bleeding disorders worse. Research using cell cultures is demonstrating that Pine needle extract may help to break down spike protein. However, the degradation process of these large proteins may directly cause blood clots to form within the body.

It’s important to note that the authors of this paper derived their conclusions from work on cell lysates and not human subjects. Theoretically, pine needle extract can cause an existing clot to dislodge, resulting in a stroke or embolus at a distant location. Patients with a history of deep vein thrombosis should avoid using pine needle extract. You have coagulation disorders or are currently using an anticoagulant drug. 74 75 76

Pollen – Reduced graphene oxide (rGO) was prepared from graphite oxide (GO) by using pollen grains (Pgs). 77   Ever wonder why you didn’t have allergies before, but now you do?  Chemtrails plus pollen equals total environment saturation of rGO. 78   Astounding.

Pomegranate – Pomegranate and Graphene Oxide create supercapacitors. 79

Prednisolone – Pharma.

Probiotics, Kefir and/or Bifidobacterium – Bifidobacterium (a good bacteria) reside in your small intestine and make up almost 10% of the bacteria there. Kefir products are rich in Bifidobacterium. Graphene Oxide binds to Bifidobacterium in the gut and produces a scaffolding effect. This just helps to keep GO inside your small intestines which is then reduced to rGO causing inflammation. 80 81

The beneficial probiotic to use would be E. Coli Nissel 1917 used in Crohn’s disease and Irritable Bowel Disorder (IBD). It acts to prevent leaky gut and inflammation. Once you have the culture you can grow it yourself at home. But again please do your own research. 82

Quercetin – Binds to GO and also increases Luciferase activity required for the production of Nanobots. 83 84

Resveratrol – Converts GO to its active form rGO making you absorb more EMFs. 85

Selenium – out. binds to rGO. will act as a catalyst to speed up the reduction of graphene oxide. 86

Shungite – Shungite is natural analog to reduced graphene oxide. Shungite IS rGO. 87 Graphene produced from Shungite. 88 89 Shungite is “green graphene”. 90 Shungite will emit rGO in 5G environment.

Sodium Citrate – will reduce Graphene Oxide. Which means, it will convert GO to it’s electric rGO form and increase nano activity at cellular level. Avoid this. 91

Not only that, Sodium Citrate is used in batteries to drive electric charge.  The GO is going to make you electric.  I am not liking this idea. 92

Sodium Hydrochlorite – Graphene Oxide (GO) reacted with Sodium Hypochlorite (NaClO) under UV irradiation and the reaction could be applied to generate GQDs. The reaction proceeded very quickly and GQDs could be obtained in a few minutes. The as-generated GQDs possess high crystallinity. 93

This is on several e-celebrity truthers protocols! They are encouraging people to produce GQDs in vivo!

Thiamine – Is also fluorescent in cells and can turn on Quantum Dots/ Nanobots. 94 It can also increase the expression of the Luciferase gene which would act to stimulate Nanobot production. Thiamine also causes yeast overgrowth in the body. 95

UV – (see Ozone)

Zeolites (TRS) – Zeolites are a group of chemically related mineral substances that contain mainly hydrated aluminum and silicon compounds. They occur naturally in volcanic rock and ashes and are also formulated synthetically. However with high electromagnetic frequencies these zeolites will become electrically active.

People are using Zeolites with the hope of eliminating Graphene Oxide. However, Zeolites also contain GO on their surface. Avoid. 96 

Zinc – Acts to reduce GO to its active rGO form making you more susceptible to EMFs. 97  Also helps to maintain Luciferase activity within cells. 98

Are you seeing the pattern here? We are saturated in Graphene.

Forget everything you know about fighting colds/flus, ladies and gentlemen.

First coup was convincing everyone that COVID was “just the flu”.

Second coup was convincing everyone to take the Frontline protocols that the NWO said would no longer work. Why did they say they no longer work, because they no longer work. We can all see that the NWO is lying, but it takes a keen sense of discernment to know when they are telling the truth.

These protocols are saturating the sheeple with GO/rGO, for total NWO mind control! Everything that reduces ROS is on their list!

The question is, are these doctors complicit or complacent? No benefit of the doubt from me, these “health care professionals” are in on it.  If I can find this information, they can too.  Besides, most of the frontline shills deny the involvement of graphene oxide or 5G in the mRNA equation.  Even celebrity e-truthers like Alex Jones are essentially promoting warp speed neural interface with the supplements they push. 99  Clowns.

Did you believe there would be the release of a universal neural interface and that they’d not have a way to keep both “sides” in line? Did you not realize the Rockefeller’s took over Allopathic Medicine, but also Naturopathic and Traditional Chinese Medicine, as well? 100 101 102

“Most processed foods, feeds, and supplements are fortified with coal-tar and petroleum-derived nutrients. When it comes to these synthetic vitamins and nutraceuticals, we are led once again to the petroleum industry, the Rockefellers, and the drug trust; In 2002, Hoffman Larouche, one of the largest producers of vitamins and part of the drug trust owned by the Rockefellers, was sold to Dutch conglomerate DSM for $2.24 billion.” 103

For our protocols on deactivating the nano technology, see; “Deactivating the Graphene Quantum Dots & Decoupling your Brain from the Clathrin mRNA Neural Interface”, and remember, NO FEAR.

  1. Negative Impact of Supplements in 5G Environment:  CIN, January 22, 2023 ↩︎
  2. Graphene Quantum Dots are the Living Neural Interface “chip” for NWO AI: CIN, January 25, 2023 ↩︎
  3. Reduced Graphene Oxide: The Real Problem Behind 5G:  CIN, January 1, 2015 ↩︎
  4. Graphene Quantum Dots are the Living Neural Interface “chip” for NWO AI:  CIN, January 25, 2023 ↩︎
  6. Treatment Protocols:  AFLDS ↩︎
  7. Z-Stack ↩︎
  8. Physician List & Guide to Home-Based COVID Treatment:  AAPS ↩︎
  9. Covid Treatment Dr Peter McCulloch Protocol:  November 2021 ↩︎
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  11. Graphene Oxide is in everything!:  CIN, March 19, 2023 ↩︎
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  13. Chemical structure and biological activity of a quorum sensing pheromone from Bacillus subtilis subsp. natto:  NCBI, July 30, 2015 ↩︎
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  15. ALKALINE is wrong. ACID is the way to go.:  CIN, January 1, 2023 ↩︎
  16. STOP THE ALKALINE DIETS! EAT SUGAR!:  CIN, January 24, 2023 ↩︎
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