
Pepsin will bind to BOTH GO and rGO! [It’s always been about the gut]

Our research into Kaolin Clay brought us back to Pepsin.

Kaolin Remediates Toxicity of Graphene Oxide

And guess what, It absorbs GO and rGO!


Importance of Pepsin to Digestion: Pepsin breaks down food and aids digestion. It’s of particular benefit to protein digestion. It breaks down proteins, converting them into smaller units known as polypeptides (peptides for short). The amount of Pepsin you produce increases if you eat high volumes of protein. Examples of “high protein” meals include those with red meat, poultry, fish, eggs, dairy and protein powders. Pepsin medications and supplements are also sources of pepsin.

Pepsin. Typically used in conjunction with HCl, pepsin is considered very safe when administered to assist digestion. If your stomach is more alkaline ( acid blockers) you will produce too little pepsin If you don’t have enough stomach acid, you can’t digest food properly or absorb its nutrients. This leads to indigestion, malnutrition and sometimes bacterial overgrowth. The recommended dose of Pepsin is one capsule before a protein-rich meal.

Pepsin will bind to GO and remove it from the stomach so it will not be absorbed.

No alkaline water/drinks with meals as pH 8.8 alkaline water instantly denatures pepsin, rendering it permanently inactive. All alkalinity will result in more GO absorption at the stomach. You must drink acidic fluids with your meal; preferably some before and after your meal.

ALKALINE is wrong. ACID is the way to go.

They used to use Pepsin as a laxative. It is no longer in production. That’s why they took the pepsin gum off the market!


It’s a protein/enzyme, it will break down but if GO and rGO binds to it we will excrete most of it.

Pepsin is made active in the stomach at ACID pH, there it binds to GO and rGO, but it is made inactive as it enters the duodenum and small intestines.

In having more of it and more acid in your stomach you CLUMP UP the GO and rGO not allowing easy absorption into the stomach and then the blood.

Why all this attention to absorption of GO/rGO at the stomach? Does GO/rGO have a harder time absorbing in the small intestines??? My guess is yes!! What happens in alkaline pH? More Oh-?

All the antacid drugs act to lower Pepsin levels. Zantac which was taken off the market in 2020 is the only one that does not bind to Pepsin. Gaviscon binds to Pepsin. So it appears the target was always Pepsin.

Rantidine (Zantac) inhibits Vitalinao’s cell lines that delivers the Clathrin nanobot.

Lemon water should also be avoided: A lemon is acidic before it’s ingested. After it’s been processed by the body it has an alkalizing effect. Too much acid-forming food can cause the human body to be out of balance, so the alkalizing effects of warm lemon water have become quite popular.

Apple Cider Vinegar should be avoided: Contrary to what you may think, apple cider vinegar is actually not acid once consumed. Instead, it has an alkaline effect on the body when taken internally.


So… GO will damage the gut biome…. The oral administration of GO had no obvious toxicity effects on the hearts, livers, and kidneys of the mice. However, it did destroy the ultrastructure of the mouse colon and shift the structure of the gut microbiota.


But that study was done on mice… on human cells the toxicity was not that great! So… the whole point of pushing alkaline water and acid suppressing drugs is to ENSURE absorption!!! GO/rGO must have maximum absorption in the stomach!! BINGO!

Inflammation is happening everywhere in the body because we either took it up through the stomach (not intestines) or its being activated into GO —>rGO in the blood and nerves!


They love entering the brain through the gut. RBD. All the while claiming ”the lungs the lungs… It’s the flu, stupid….”

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