
Rothschild’s Wuhan China IG Farben Pharmaceutical Circle Jerk

Pharmaceutical development is achieved through a universal pipeline. 1 2 3

• The Chinese biological laboratory in Wuhan, Wuhan National Biosafety Lab, is owned by GlaxoSmithKline.

• Glaxo also merged with and owns controlling stakes (68%) in the company Pfizer, which is currently developing a C0VID19 vaccine.

• Pfizer manages the finances of a company called Black Rock (owned by the vice president of CCP). Black Rock also owns stakes in both Pfizer (8%) AND AstraZeneca (6.8%), another company currently key in developing a C0VID19 vaccine.

GSK also has controlling interest in the Sanofi vaccine… and Sanofi is China through Blackrock and Vanguard!

• Allianz has had a branch in China since 1917, and has engaged in several partnerships, including forming one with the CITIC Group owned by the People’s Republic of China, and being a founding partner of the Canada China Business Council formed by the Desmarais family. CITIC Group is a major funder of Mabworks.

• Allianz is also linked to Chinese Beijing based firm, Mabworks.

• Mabworks was a company which played a crucial role in developing a cure for Ebola in 2014.

• The 2014 clinical trials for Mabworks were funded by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation.

• Mabworks is the same company that Chinese Scientist Dr. Qui provided research “in colaboration” while working for the Canadian government.

• In 2014 Dr. Qui replicated research and a drug (ZMAPP) created in the National Microbiology Lab in Canada to treat Ebola (with authorization), and handed it over to Mabworks who was already in the NML lab putting it in the hands of the Chinese military.

• Dr. Qui and Dr. Tam are the scientists who set up and then trained staff for the level 4 Wuhan National Biosafety Lab at the supposed epicenter of the C0VID19 outbreak.

• Allianz is owned by corporation giant Vanguard Group.

•Vanguard Group is a shareholder of Black Rock, which controls and manages one third of the world’s capital.

• Vanguard Group is owned by the Rothschilds, the head of the snake!

• Allianz sits on board of EQORIA

  1. Worlds Leading Vaccine Developer, Dr. Kobinger, Flies A False Canadian Flag: CIN, June 5, 2021 ↩︎
  2. Rothschild’s Reassembled Nazi I.G. Farben In China, Now They’re Making The Worlds Vaccines!: CIN, July 14, 2020 ↩︎
  3. Relationship between DARPA and Moderna exposes the real threat of Private Public Partnerships against humanity.: CIN, March 2, 2022 ↩︎

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