This segment is part of the larger story about how Transhumanists are bringing about their Singularity utilizing 5G, Graphene Oxide, mRNA technology.. and your FEAR. I encourage you to take “GQD Particle: The Transhumanist Quantum Agenda” from the top. SPM
Franco and Gordana Vitaliano are the New World Order’s most important scientific advisors. They are right at the heart of development and deployment of the universal, global, neural interface technologies; what CIA calls disruptive technologies. A technology pipeline they control through their company ExQor.

The home office of Transhumanism.

Transhumanists Franco and Gordana Vitaliano’s Clathrin Graphene Quantum Dot is a living, self assembling, self aware two way neural interface to a Quantum Cloud controlled by Artificial Intelligence. It is the backbone of the entire SARS-CoV-2 mRNA delivery system. Vitaliano calls the Clathrin GQD system a BIONANOLASER. 1

Conspiracy Theorists call it “The Chip”.
The developers, Franco 2 3 and Gordana Vitaliano 4 are an interesting couple.
Oops, looks like Franco deleted his profile photo from Linkedin, here, let me put it back.

Gee, and it looks like Gordana’s profile from Maclean Hospital is missing, let me help with that, too. 5
Franco Vitaliano had a hand in developing the internet itself. 6
In this DARPA email, dated September 15, 1987, Major Doug Hardie is praising Franco Vitaliano’s work with Software Robot Fixes while designing the internet.
On-line Robotic Repair of Software
“Maj. Doug Hardie” Hardie@DOCKMASTER.ARPA
Tue, 15 Sep 87 12:27 EDT
The following is taken from Business Week, Sep 7, 87 page 113.
With computer systems growing more pervasive and complex, maintenance
is a mounting headache – especially as networks rope together more
unrelated brands of equipment. Finding and fixing problems too often
turns into a finger-pointing contest among vendors.
But suppose there were a robot technician residing in software that
could worm its way freely through the system, periodically “exercising”
the diagnostic programs provided for each piece of equipment. Imagine
that this software robot is “smart” enough, when it discovers problems,
to run the applicable repair routines. Command Technologies Inc., a
Boston startup, claims its SoftRobot software does this and more. For
example, if a hard disk crashes, the SoftRobot might move data to
another system, restart the first drive, and restore the data. The
program, says Command President Franco Vitaliano, “fools the system into
thinking that a person is doing the work.” As a last resort, the system
summons a human. SoftRobots, which cost about $2,500 for
workstation-level systems, are being evaluated by a dozen computer
Franco Vitaliano was on the Internet Architect Board, which was a DARPA project. 7
Vitaliano runs a company called Command Technologies. 8
Command Technologies came up with the TCP/IP for MS DOS, by the “Kids of Boston” led by Franco Vitaliano himself in 1988. 9
TCP/IP stands for Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol and is a suite of communication protocols used to interconnect network devices on the internet. TCP/IP is also used as a communications protocol in a private computer network (an intranet or extranet). 10
Your Internet of Things.
This means that Franco Vitaliano was involved in the creation of the internet, the quantum cloud, the neural interface and the Internet of Things… and guess what, he also created the Cronus TCP/IP software for satellites for the US Military. 11 … and the Dark Web. 12
Franco’s VXM was part of Mindwaves Institute. 13
Mindwaves Institute was none other than Gordana Vitaliano. Working on none other than HEF’s. That’s right, they studied the Human Energy Field and the frequencies required to power their Clathrin and build their neural interface! 14
This Vitaliano Patent addresses how the “processing” part works in 2003. “Quantum computing” or “single electron logic”. 15
Gordana receives NIH funding, but also sits on NIH panels that allocates funding to stakeholders developing uses of the Clathrin technology.
Bacterial Luciferase was used as a “build in battery pack” and used to share “quantum information. 16 This nanotechnology is also used to track humans.
Here in Stacey Patterson’s 2003 PhD Thesis dissertation that was used to develop this tech, compliments of Gordana Vitaliano’s NIH funding machine. 17
Through Stacey Patterson’s paper, we learn that Luciferase has been inserted into the HEK293 cell line, which transcribes into our cells, and has a 5 month life span . Note: she used floxacin category antibiotics to kill Luciferase in her experiments.
In 2010, Vitaliano backed Clathrin work at Stanford. Clathrin rollout of the Vitaliano’s Graphene Quantum Dots under the guise of “studies” were ramped up at Stamford using Cows.
“Protein in Cow Brains Holds Promise for Alternative Energy.” 18
“Cow Brain Protein May Hold Alternative Energy Promise.” 19

“Clathrin Franken-Batteries.” 20
They were figuring out how to grow the Clathrin triskelion, using Cow Clathrin to do so.
The Heilshorn Group : Members who ran studies. 21 Sarah Heilshorn oversaw the studies for Vitaliano. 22 Sarah Heilshorn is all about using Pegylated GO. Pegylated GO is used by Heilshorn in drug delivery and tissue engineering. 23
Heilshorn’s paper on Clathrin. 24 And another. 25
Heilshorn co-authored with members of the Chinese Academy of Science. 26 She did the Clathrin work, connected by funding through NIH. Her team was from everywhere, a lot of Thousand Talents Chinese.
Sarah was director of Geballe Laboratory for advanced materials. She developed the delivery system for Clathrin technology and found ways to build damaged hearts, spinal cord, … , nervous system.
Sarah’s early work is cited in Vitaliano’s early work. Stanford news release from 2010 celebrating findings. 27
2010 saw the completion of their Clathrin GQD neural interface technology.
“Our aspiration is to enable bio-based quantum computing at the nanoscale [level] by using the same completely reversible processes that keep heat to a minimum in living things,” said Vitaliano.
“Clathrin, a protein found in every cell of the human body, could become a self-assembler of future information processing systems that are smaller, faster and cheaper than today’s computer circuitry.
“Boston-based ExQor Technologies said it has demonstrated that Clathrin can be formed into nano-sized biolasers suitable for transmitting information. It expects the technology will initially be used in medical applications.
“One very exciting prospect is using ExQor’s nano-lasers for repairing and growing neurons in the human nervous system.
“Another powerful application for ExQor’s nanolasers is disposable, safe, ultrasensitive, ultrafast biochips for DNA and RNA detection.
“While researching clathrin for medical applications, ExQor discovered that the material exhibits quantum properties useful for biocomputing applications, including nanoscale lasing.
“Clathrin-nanoparticles were PEGylated and delivered intranasally. Animals were sacrificed 3 hours after intranasal administration of Clathrin.
“Another powerful application for ExQor’s nanolasers is disposable, safe, ultrasensitive, ultrafast biochips for DNA and RNA detection.” From the article; “Protein Computing, Bio-based Quantum Computing and Nano-sized biolasers from ExQor Technologies”, May 28, 2010. 28
“Living proteins inside our bodies enable smarter computing circuits than the fastest supercomputers–our brains–a one of those proteins is now being harnesses for future quantum computing devices. Look for protein-based electronics first for medical, then for quantum computing within five years.
“Clathrin, a protein found in every cell of the human body, could become a self-assembler of future information processing systems that are smaller, faster and cheaper than today’s computer circuitry, according to a company investigating the technology. Boston-based ExQor Technologies said it has demonstrated that the material can be formed into nano-sized biolasers suitable for transmitting information. It expects the technology will initially be used in medical applications. The precision of clathrin’s self-assembly process, and ultra-small size also could be used to improve solar cells and batteries with nanoscale electronic and photonic properties not possible with silicon.” from the article “Will proteins revolutionize computing?”, 2010, 29
It appears that Franco Vitaliano made quite a name for himself and his nanotechnology in China! In a Chinese news release published in 2010, his company Exqor Technology and it’s Clathrin Nanotechnology is praised as “revolutionizing the computer industry”:
“Clathrin, a protein found in every cell of the human body, could become a self-assembler of future information processing systems that are smaller, faster and cheaper than today’s computer circuitry, according to a company investigating the technology.
“Boston-based ExQor Technologies said it has demonstrated that the material can be formed into nano-sized biolasers suitable for transmitting information.” 30
Gordana has been with MacLean Hospital for over 20 years, currently serving as Director of the Brain Imagine Nanotechnology Group. 32
In a 2014 “Nature” article, Franco Vitaliano and his wife Gordana, are delivering antibodies through the blood brain barrier (BBB) using Clathrin Nanotechnology, confirming that the technology was available to deliver Clathrin Nanotechnology. 33
Gordana Vitaliano has worked with Pfizer consultants. 34
Gordana co-authored a study on Brain Networks with funding from Pfizer. 35
Franco runs ExQor, a life sciences company he registered with Gordana in 2014. 36 Franco had been using slides and literature promoting ExQor through his role as President’s Information Technology Advisory Committee (PITAC) head back to the latest 2011.
ExQor is the “holding company” for all the patents involving Clathrin Nanotechnology. The nerve center of the technology.
ExQor has always been committed to Transhumanist objectives.
This statement appears on Franco Vitaliano’s archived company website and confirms ExQor Technologies supports the “Transhumanism” Agenda!
“The ExQor platform utilizes NBIC technologies. NBIC is multidisciplinary and combines four of the most important technological trends of the 21st century. NBIC encompasses Nanotechnology, Biotechnology, Information Technology, and Cognitive Science. ExQor NBIC platform applications span multiple industries, from aerospace to biotech.” 37
The link itself will redirect you to this document:
“Converging Technologies for Improving Human Performance NANOTECHNOLOGY, BIOTECHNOLOGY, INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY AND COGNITIVE SCIENCE: NSF/DOC-sponsored report: 38
The head of the Transhumanist snake, and their single most important document. Ray Kurzweil, Transhumanist GQD, is mentioned 19 times in this document.
Kurzweil and his fren Bill Gates are big proponents of the Vitaliano’s Clathrin GQD technology which they plan to “seed humanity” with this “intelligent particle” to aid in “humanities transition”. 39
Here is the Report in PDF: 40
Franco Vitaliano ran PITAC from an undisclosed time until now? This is one of his many correspondance while overseeing President’s Council of Advisors on Science and Technology (PCAST), confirming widespread use of his Clathrin GQD technology:
“The bio‐nanolaser can also be used as a sensor, for communications, and as component in quantum computing.
“All these application are broadly patented, with more US and International patents pending. Business wise, ExQor is a holding company for the IP, and we will be spinning out each field of Clathrin activity into separate new entities that will each ultimately go public and or be sold.
“These ExQor applications can help serve to highlight and exemplify the large payoff possible via the U.S. government’s NBI initiative.” 41 Transhumanism.

Franco served as an expert in bio-nanotechnology on the US President’s Innovation and Technology Advisory Committee (PITAC, The White House, Obama), on which he advised US policy for the NANOTECH industry. 42 43
As head of PITAC, the civilian DARPA, Vitaliano is able spread his Clathrin patents throughout the Military Industrial Complex through VXM, who’s clients included General Motors, Ford, Chrysler, GTE, the U.S. Air Force, the U.S. Navy, MITRE, the NSA, General Dynamics, Sandia National Labs, Argonne National Labs, and the DOT, among other major clients.
Seen in these minutes and emails, Franco Vitaliano is seen in his role of director of PITAC.
President’s Information Technology Advisory Committee (PITAC)
The President’s Information Technology Advisory Committee (PITAC) was authorized by Congress under the High-Performance Computing Act of 1991 (P. L. 102-194) and the Next Generation Internet Act of 1998 (P. L. 105-305) as a Federal Advisory Committee. 44
Executive Order 13385 amending Executive Order 13226 to extend the term of the President’s Council of Advisors on Science and Technology (PCAST) through September 30, 2007, and to assign the responsibilities of PITAC to PCAST.
PITAC existed solely to implement high performance internet; ie bandwidth and speed.
- IARPA: The Intelligence Advanced Research Projects Activity (IARPA) is an organization within the Office of the Director of National Intelligence responsible for leading research to overcome difficult challenges relevant to the United States Intelligence Community. IARPA characterizes its mission as follows: “To envision and lead high-risk, high-payoff research that delivers innovative technology for future overwhelming intelligence advantage.”
- IARPA was modeled after DARPA but focused on national intelligence needs, rather than military needs. The agency was a consolidation of the National Security Agency’s Disruptive Technology Office, the National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency’s National Technology Alliance, and the Central Intelligence Agency’s Intelligence Technology Innovation Center
- Notable IARPA investments include quantum computing, superconducting computing, machine learning, and forecasting tournaments.
“intelligence agencies like CIA and NSA”, “consolidation of Disruptive Technology offices” throughout the intelligence community.
Has PITAC started to drive society towards COVID-19/Great Reset? They had the technology since the 1980s, but they did not have frequencies or bandwidth. 5G gave them both.
There is no history of the committee between 1991 and 1997. No mention of Vitaliano, ever. We would not even know about his leadership role outside of the Obama White House email logs. 45
We know from emails that Vitaliano was sole PITAC advisor, and oversaw the work of PCAST.
We also have the issue that IARPA was set up during this time. Founded 2006. 46 Vitaliano’s ExQor was also given control over and MetaQor streamlined the pipeline.
Was the office of PITAC started for Vitaliano from the beginning? Internet, mac, IoT, quantum cloud already invented by Vitaliano and patented by Vitaliano. Already involved with DARPA. We need to find out how far back Vitaliano was running PITAC. He was running the brain initiative at least 3 years before there was a Brain Initiative… Their timeline makes no sense. There are ghosts. Does he go back to 1991 in PITAC?
Franco was handed the keys to a whole new department called Intelligence Advanced Research Projects Activity (IARPA), which is like an NSA/CIA style DARPA that he runs as a civilian in his position of director of PITAC.
But no mention… pfft…

Confirmation of Vitaliano’s disruptive technologies in the Obama archive: “ExQor Synergistic Disruptive Technologies”… 2010 to 2020. All funded through NIH…. “Unlimited funding!” NBIC… Transhumanists. “Squaring the Golden Triangle”… Internet of Things (IoT)… Humanity 2.0. 47
“Multi-disciplinary technology confuses, scares off investors, is difficult to coordinate & implement, e.g, ExQor bio-nanolaser.”
“Clathrin & Coatomer protein nanotechnology (12-60nm)”
“Cognitive apps that show self-awareness”
“IARPA: New civilian “DARPA” under White House Federal Chief Information Officer”
“Broadband Internet treated as essential, Net neutral utility, be @least 100 megabit/sec” 48

Vitaliano works under the trade name MetaQor. Which is working to create a single pharmaceutical/military pipeline for Clathrin mRNA GQD neural interface technology under the guise of the HIV pipeline. 49 This document also proves Franco was in his role at the Obama White House 3 years prior to the BRAIN Initiative.
ExQor is the parent company of ExQori∆, the “Cognitive” Quantum Cloud. ExQor is the central holding company of the Clathrin neural interface that is the backbone of the mRNA technology. Not used for healthcare, or for creating antibodies against disease… but a neural interface. A self aware, self assembling neural interface. 50
Yes, Franco Vitaliano is the top of the snake in both PITAC and MITRE. This is above DARPA, it’s IARPA, the “civilian NSA/CIA DARPA” that serves the Transhumanist stakeholders primarily.
So, for those of you that think that the “Transhumanism Agenda” is fake, that “Neural Lace” is not growing in your body, or that you haven’t been infected with this “Clathrin Nanotechnology”… think again because we have presented to you the sources, the technology, the ties to DARPA and the direct link to the “Transhumanist Agenda” document itself!
So, think again or die like the “Zombie Beetle” controlled by an external parasite called the NWO! 51
There are two fundamentals people are missing:
- Without 5G, there is NO functioning vaccine.
- With 5G, anything imaginable becomes fuel for the vaccine.
There are no “sides”, there are only “chips” and Quantum Enslavement. Use your own mind or die inside their hive.
- mRNA + 5G + Graphene Oxide = Clathrin Graphene Quantum Dots, a “viral like particle”; the neural interface or “chip”.: CIN, October 16, 2023 ↩︎
- Franco Vitaliano: Linkedin ↩︎
- Franco Vitaliano: Open Corporates ↩︎
- Gordana Vitaliano: MacLean Hospital profile ↩︎
- Gordana Vitaliano: Harvard’s MacLean Hospital Profile ↩︎
- DARPA Email Confirms, Franco Vitaliano Also Helped Invent the Internet!: CIN, June 4, 2023 ↩︎
- Internet Architect Board: Members ↩︎
- Internet to GQD Particle: How NSA’s Franco Vitaliano became the heart of The Transhumanist Agenda: CIN, November 19, 2023 ↩︎
- Product Helps Write Programs for Networks Running TCP/IP ↩︎
- Franco Vitaliano developed Cronus: The communication systems between satellites and computers for US Military: November 23, 2023 ↩︎
- Dark Web: One Cartel to Rule THEM All: CIN, November 23, 2023 ↩︎
- VXM Technologies Inc ↩︎
- The Human Energy Field in Relation to Science, Consciousness, and Health: Gloria Alvino ↩︎
- Quantum information processing elements and quantum information processing platforms using such elements: Franco & Gordana Vitaliano, assigned to MetaQor, September 11, 2003 ↩︎
- Luciferase fuels mRNA Clathrin Nanobot & Transmits Quantum Information: CIN, January 31, 2023 ↩︎
- Optimization of Bacterial Luciferase for Expression in Mammalian Cells: December 2003 ↩︎
- Protein in Cow Brains Holds Promise for Alternative Energy: Popular Science, April 21, 2010 ↩︎
- Cow Brain Protein May Hold Alternative Energy Promise: Phys Org, April 20, 2010 ↩︎
- ↩︎
- Heilshorn Biomaterials Group ↩︎
- Sarah Heilshorn: Google SCholar ↩︎
- Rheology and simulation of 2-dimensional clathrin protein network assembly: Royal Society of Chemistry, January 6, 2014 ↩︎
- Self-assembly of Clathrin protein nanostructures: Sarah Heilshorn et al, March 2012 ↩︎
- Clathrin Protein: A Flexible Mix & Match System for Inorganic Templating: Sarah Heilshorn, November 10, 2010 ↩︎
- Sarah Heilshorn: ↩︎
- Cow Brain Protein May Hold Alternative Energy Promise: SLAC Today, April 20, 2010 ↩︎
- Protein Computing, Bio-based Quantum Computing and Nano-sized biolasers from ExQor Technologies: Next Big Future, May 28, 2010 ↩︎
- Will proteins revolutionize computing?: EE Times, May 28, 2010 ↩︎
- Will clathrin lead a revolution in computing technology?: EET China, June 1, 2010 ↩︎
- Gordana Vitaliano: MacLean Hospital profile ↩︎
- Targeting Activated Microglia in the Brain by Delivering Antibodies via Nanoparticles: Franco & Gordana Vitaliano, December 9, 2014 ↩︎
- Dopaminergic Enhancement of Striatal Response to Reward in Major Depression ↩︎
- Childhood Stress, Grown-up Brain Networks: Corticolimbic Correlates of Threat-related Early Life Stress and Adult Stress Response: NCBI, May 1, 2019 ↩︎
- February 2, 2011 ↩︎
- ExQor Technologies, Inc. Going Beyond Simply Nanotechnology: ↩︎
- Converging Technologies for Improving Human Performance NANOTECHNOLOGY, BIOTECHNOLOGY, INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY AND COGNITIVE SCIENCE: NSF/DOC-sponsored report ↩︎
- Bill Gates & Ray Kurzweil discuss deployment of Vitaliano Clathrin GQD neural interface… in 2005 ↩︎
- Converging Technologies for Improving Human Performance NANOTECHNOLOGY, BIOTECHNOLOGY, INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY AND COGNITIVE SCIENCE: NSF/DOC-sponsored report ↩︎
- Public Written Comments Submitted to PCAST, pg 236: PCAST, August 2010 ↩︎
- Franco Vitaliano: Linkedin ↩︎
- mRNA Developer, Obama “Brain Interface” Tzar, Directly Connected to Fauci & AI Transhumanist COVID Agenda: CIN, January 29, 2023 ↩︎
- Former PITAC Members (1997-2001): NITRD.ORG ↩︎
- HIGH RISK HIGH PAYOFF RESEARCH IARPA invests in research programs to tackle some of the Intelligence Community’s (IC) most difficult challenges.: IARPA.GOV ↩︎
- Public Written Comments Submitted to PCAST, pg 236: PCAST, August 2010 ↩︎
- ExQor Laser: ExQor, June 9, 2010 ↩︎
- MetaQor: Shortening the Drug Supply Pipeline: Obama White House, 2011 ↩︎
- ExQori∆ The Cognitive Cloud: ExQor ↩︎
- Dead Beetle being controlled by parasites (video) ↩︎