
Internet to GQD Particle: How NSA’s Franco Vitaliano became the heart of The Transhumanist Agenda

This segment is part of the larger story about how Transhumanists are bringing about their Singularity utilizing 5G, Graphene Oxide, mRNA technology.. and your FEAR. I encourage you to take “GQD Particle: The Transhumanist Quantum Agenda” from the top. SPM

Dan Desmarques in “The Antichrist: The Grand Plan of Total Global Enslavement.” (2020) states that the following patent, WO2020060606, owned by MICROSOFT Corporation will lead to total enslavement.  Let us investigate, and see how that can be.

Who developed the original MS DOS applications for Microsoft allowing for IP address development? None other than our Nanotechnology-Clathrin expert Franco Vitaliano. 1 The Microsoft cloud will control the nanotechnology already in our body and The Eqoria Matrix is set to harvest you since it will use the Microsoft Azure Cloud technology. 2

Franco Vitaliano, who by now you’ve realized is the Pulse of the Transhumanist Agenda.

The original Founding partners of the IEEE NTC was IBM. In 1980, Microsoft formed a partnership with IBM to bundle Microsoft’s operating system with IBM computers; with that deal, IBM paid Microsoft a royalty for every sale. Microsoft was originally founded by Bill Gates in 1975 and they were a close ally of MAC since the early 80’s. 3 Franco Vitaliano developing the MS DOS IP Addresses for Microsoft in 1988 meant the “Kids of Boston” were all working together. 4 5 6

Largest shareholders include Vanguard Group Inc, BlackRock Inc., State Street Corp, (Rothschild and China CCP). 7 

Dr Elizabeth Rauscher is said to be the expert on “mind control” which helped form the attack on Rwanda whereby 1 million people were slaughtered in the 90s. 8 Dr. Rauscher held concurrently invited positions at the Stanford Linear Accelerator Center (SLAC) from 1971 to 1972. 9  

Formed in 1962, SLAC was home to: 10
~ The first pioneers of the home computer in the 70s and 80s that helped give rise to “Silicon Valley”
~ It was named an historic Engineering landmark and helped to give rise to the IEEE
~ It was the host of the first World Wide Web server

Would you be surprised then if I told you that the internet itself was developed by Robert Elliot Kahn (Bob Kahn) an Ashkenazi Jew? 11 You see, the internet was NEVER FREE! Satan was always at the wheel! Bob Kahn was also an IEEE Fellow and worked with DARPA. 12

“In the talk, Dave has difficulty recalling names of the “kids in Boston’ who came up with TCP/IP for MS DOS. Googling reveals it was Command Technologies, led by Franco Vitaliano, in 1988.” 13  

It’s an interview on the history of the internet, credit for the TCP/IP protocols are historically given to Vint Cerf and Bob Kahn, but the correction made here is that it was Franco Vitaliano who actually made that invention. Why was HISTORY itself changed to eliminate Franco altogether? 14 15

Command Technologies VXM co-founded in 1978 by Franco Vitaliano and Calvin Mooers. Mooers worked with John von Neuman and helped build the first computer. (Neuman worked on the Manhattan Project in Los Alamos to build the atomic bomb. 16  Command Technology VXM stands for VIRTUAL EXTENDED MACHINE. Merges At&T, Microsoft (Gates) MSDOS. Confirms he developed the TCP/IP protocols for MSDOS. 

It is important to note the Command Technologies VXM became ExQor Technologies 17, which rose to prominnnce during the Obama Brain Initiative. 18

VXM Technologies Weaves a Net of Supercomputers:

“A Sandia National Laboratories project to obtain supercomputer performance from a network of super-mini computers has inspired a company to develop commercial software to create a network supercomputer.

“Software from VXM Technologies Inc., Boston, allows users to take a network of multitasking workstations, PCs, Digital Equipment Corp., VAXes and other systems and create a “parallel processing network supercomputer,” said Franco Vitaliano, president of VXM Technologies.

“The PAX-1 network supercomputer has capabilities similar to the Supernet project at Sandia National Laboratories in Livermore, Calif. Supernet started as an effort to use VAX Linda-C software developed by Yale University…” 19

The Sandia National Laboratory is just an extension of the Los Alamos Laboratory in New Mexico. Although Sandia originated as a single-mission engineering organization for nonnuclear components of nuclear weapons, today it is a multi program laboratory engaging in research supporting a broad spectrum of national security issues.

Sandia began in 1945 as Z Division, the ordnance design, testing, and assembly arm of Los Alamos National Laboratory. It became Sandia Laboratory in 1948 and, in 1949, Sandia Corporation was established as a Western Electric company to manage the laboratory. A second site was opened in California’s Livermore Valley in 1956. More than two decades later, in 1979, Congress made Sandia a Department of Energy national laboratory. Sandia Corporation became a wholly owned subsidiary of Martin Marietta (later Lockheed Martin Corporation) in 1993. On May 1, 2017, National Technology and Engineering Solutions of Sandia, LLC, a wholly owned subsidiary of Honeywell International, Inc., assumed management of Sandia. 20

Franco Vitaliano gave the internet supercomputing performance that has allowed the IoT to develop. They were always analyzing and storing your internet footprint. VXM is cited in his patent and Clathrin and Quantum Computers. 21

~ Vitaliano, F. (2001) “The Next Big Thing That Will Change Absolutely Everything,” www.vxm.com/Speed.quantum.html.
~ Vitaliano, F. (Feb. 2003) “VXMaia: A New Quantum Computing Platform” (PowerPoint Presentation).
~ Vitaliano, F. (Feb. 2004) “ExQor: A New NBIC Platform”.
~ Vitaliano, F. (Jun. 18, 2002) “VXMaia: A New Quantum Computing System,” (PowerPoint Presentation).
~ Vitaliano, F. (Oct. 23, 2002) “VXMaia: A New Quantum Computing System for Biotech,” (PowerPoint Presentation).

So it appears that Vitaliano already had a supercomputer when they developed the internet. And if you look at his papers in the patent as an example…. VXMaia presentations talk about a quantum computer?

Also in the Obama archives, Vitaliano talks about VXM. Vitaliano was building the parallel universe for a long time: 22

Franco Vitaliano, President and CEO and ExQor cofounder and co-patents holder, was formerly President & CEO of VXM Technologies, a Boston-based firm that specialized in advanced bio-nanomaterials and novel, network parallel and massively parallel computer architectures for extremely high performance systems.”

These systems were based on his more than two decades of work in developing advanced models of human neuro-biosystems and modeling proteins in the brain. VXM’s clients included General Motors, Ford, Chrysler, GTE, the U.S. Air Force, the U.S. Navy, MITRE, the NSA, General Dynamics, Sandia National Labs, Argonne National Labs, and the DOT, among other major clients.

The Mindwaves Institutes is a division of VXM Technologies tasked with advanced research in consciousness and alternative system architectures for intelligent machines. Gordana Vitaliano is listed as management and funding is shown to come from the NIH. She was the principal investigator measuring reaction times in preschoolers aged 4 to 7 years to establish ADHD. The use of highly sophisticated computer technologies within this simple to operate CPT instrument will: (1) empower much larger numbers of users in children hospitals, day care centers, preschools and/or children homes;; (2) enable better standardized measurement of attention in preschool children, and early diagnosis and treatment of ADHD; and (3) allow easy data sharing and analysis within the educational/medical/ scientific research community. 23 24

Gordana also ran numerous other studies using this CPT: This new valid CPT can be used for a wide variety of screening, diagnostic, prognostic, scientific and educational purposes. $ = TOTAL AWARD AMTS & NOT LIMITED TO PORTION OF PROJECT RELATED TO SUBJECT OF SEARCH SUBPROJECT $ = TOTAL AWARD AMOUNT DIVIDED BY NUMBER OF SUBPROJECTS SOURCE: CRISP FORMAT F FY 97 LAST UPDATE 04-07-98 1QUERY 1536 ID SEARCH 06/01/98 PAGE 370 –PROJECT NUMBER……2 R44 HD34330-02 INVESTIGATOR NAME/ADDRESS FY 97 COYLE, SALLYEANA IRG/INTRAMURAL UNIT..ZRG2 APPETEK INC AWARD AMOUNT……… $271,343 48 BIRNHAM LANE DURHAM, NC 27707-5174 PERFORMING ORGANIZATION: APPETEK, INC. TITLE DEVICE AND METHOD FOR AIDING DIET TRANSITIONS IN INFANTS ABSTRACT: Healthy infants often change diets. In addition many infants have a suspected allergy or metabolic abnormality that requires a transition to a therapeutic diet. Often these new diets are rejected by infants for a period of time. The effectiveness of our method and device will be tested with infants between the ages of 1 and 5 months. The infants sucking of normal and novel diet will first be determined. Then following 1 to 7 days of training with our device infants will again be tested to determine if sucking has been facilitated. A delayed test of up to 24 days will be used to examine the longevity of the effect. We will test healthy babies and those required to switch diets by a physician. The method and device derived from basic research on the biological psychology of learning were further developed by our company. 25

The technology used by VXM Technologies Google Analytics, Google AdSense. 26

This is the VXM news site. 27 Francis Vale appears to be Franco Vitaliano’s alias? 28 29

The feature story in October 2005 was The Purpose of the Machine is to Augment Us, which focuses on Franco Vitaliano of VXM Technologies in Boston, MA. “Maybe the intelligence of a system is not in the computer sitting inside a war room or on a desktop,” he says, “but in what we call the communications cloud.” 30

I include the entire article here called “The Purpose of the Machine is to Augment us.” written on Franco Vitaliano’s VXM for IBM. It has been deleted from the web in 2003. 31

His curiosity about the mysterious yet promising nexus between computers and human intelligence began to peak while working as a psychologist with a doctor in the Boston area.  “We were investigating the causes of chronic pain and how it could be treated,” says Franco Vitaliano.  “I thought it would be useful to build an expert system that could help by using a more true to life model of the brain’s neural networks, where you have a small group of biochemicals orchestrating very complex distributed actions across the brain.  That got me intrigued.”

This sense of intrigue led to a study of the complex interplay between the brain’s primary and secondary messengers and, ultimately, to the delivery to the U. S. Air Force in 1987 of the first agent-based, distributed artificial intelligence system for orchestrating command and control. In 1988, Vitaliano formed  VXM Technologies in Boston, MA and is today its president and CEO.  VXM is a pioneer in the creation of powerful, highly intelligent, self-adaptive systems for the Internet.  Its clients include GTE, the Ford Motor Company, the U. S. Navy and the National Transit Administration.  If anything, Vitaliano’s curiosity about the human-serving potential of computer technology has increased over the years.  “Maybe the intelligence of a system is not in the computer sitting inside a war room or on a desktop,” he says, “but in what we call the communications cloud.”

This represents a new kind of autonomous meta intelligence, which can do things for the user that might be impossible for the user to accomplish himself–the same as neurotransmitters in the brain are able to organize some very complex behavior. “Doing things for the user” is at the core of Vitaliano’s thinking. Human emotion and artificial intelligence must intersect much more closely than they do now, he contends.  “Today there is a restrictive boundary between a machine and a person.  A complete reversal of thinking is needed. The purpose of the machine is to augment us.  We have to make it possible for even the naïve user to access and use highly complex, distributed systems readily and easily.”

A lot of the VXM approach stems from the concept of Kansei engineering.  Kansei is a Japanese term having to do with the psychological image of a product.  Sometimes known as sensory engineering or emotional usability, it has been used in the design of software systems and various consumer products, especially those of the automotive industry. “We hope to bring Kansei emotional aspects to the computer so that information will be processed much faster and in a highly personalized way.” says Gordana Vitaliano, MD, VXM medical consultant and senior scientist. She also directs a project on attention deficit hyperactivity disorder in preschool children for which the National Institutes of Health awarded VXM a research grant.  The project’s goal is to develop a standardized, computer-based continuous performance task for testing for ADHD.  “We’re using a simple eight-minute software game with a sophisticated algorithm built in to detect all aspects of attention during the time the children play the game,”  she says.  “We want to know how they are reacting to various stimuli through their emotions, gestures, posture movement.”

The first group of children tested numbered about 100; the second is five times that in size.   Both normal children and those with attention deficit disorders are in the groups.   “We’re monitoring everything from eye movements to correlations between heart variability and cognitive performance,” says Gordana Vitaliano.  “It will take time to standardize results, but they could be significant because the earlier this problem can be detected, the earlier it can be addressed.” Much of this pediatric research also applies to adults, and it also provided several key insights for generally understanding cognition and consciousness.

For more background on VXM Technologies, see the Web site: 32

The Company Mission: Developing unique, highly innovative software to enable powerful Grid computing systems that display “consciousness” has been a product focus at VXM Technologies for more than ten years. Grid computing repositions the collective, massive computational power of the global Internet and its associated systems and services as a new form of utility, distributed and marketed to users like electrical power is today. In our innovative Grid software system, the intelligence of a system is no longer in the computer sitting inside a war room or on a desktop but in what we call the communications cloud. This represents a new kind of autonomous meta intelligence, which can do things for the user that might be impossible for the user to accomplish himself.

Our Conscious Grid system is a machine independent, non-disruptive, integrator platform. Legacy and future systems of all kinds can, without any modifications, logically interoperate within this Grid and take advantage of its new services. This new system is also a complementary application platform to Grid-enabling systems like Globus.

Why Consciousness Is Different From Artificial Intelligence: A conscious Grid system is qualitatively different from traditional AI approaches, and also from technologies like neural networks. A conscious Grid system is aware of its own existence, condition, sensations, operations, acts, etc. It is also capable of undertaking complex actions based on such critical awareness, both of its internal state and the state of the environment in which it functions. It uses intelligence as a means to adapt, develop and grow. A conscious system can thus recognize itself, make critical distinctions, and with intelligence and experience, also make judgments, gain new understanding, and discern hidden or subtle meanings.

Example Applications For A Conscious Grid Platform:

  • Vastly improved Internet security and fraud detection, with 24×7 autonomous, unattended operation.
  • 24×7 automated data mining on disparate, distributed data to very early detect new and unnoticed trends.
  • Self-diagnosing, self-healing networks and systems with dramatically increased uptime.
  • B2B, B2C systems with vastly improved market efficiencies and much higher company productivity.
  • Autonomous scientific investigation that yields new discoveries and inventions.
  • Radically new types of entertainment systems, e.g., for massive on-line gaming systems.

The User and Conscious Grid Computing: The purpose of the machine is to augment us. We have to make it possible for even the naïve user to access and use highly complex, distributed Grid systems readily and easily.In June 2001, VXM Technologies gave a presentation on an innovative new user interface at the IBM sponsored Make IT Easy conference, which was held at the computer maker’s Almaden Research Center in San Jose, CA. The culmination of years of research at VXM Technologies in computer science, psychiatry, and complex biosystems, this new interface breaks down the current highly restrictive boundaries between a machine and a person. This new interface couples a user’s unique cognitive and biophysical states into a conscious Grid system as well as imprints them on our Grid platform. This innovative interface, which also makes use of Kansei engineering, can incorporate the user’s emotions and aesthetics, such as music and other forms of rich expression. The result is information that is processed much faster and in a highly personalized way.

Some VXM Technologies Milestones:

  • 1987 – The VXM System TM, a distributed, network parallel virtual machine system and AI programming language (in the LISP family). The VXM System is designed to perform highly complex, self-adaptive AI tasks with autonomous agent capabilities in large scale distributed systems. The VXM System, first used by the US Air Force, is especially powerful in Grid-based command and control systems.
  • 1989 – To promote the concept of network parallel metacomputers or Grid computing, the president of VXM Technologies, Franco Vitaliano, initiated the Network Supercomputer Project, which was launched at a special conference held at the Carter Presidential Library in Atlanta, GA in April of that year.
  • 1990 – VXM Technologies demonstrated its PAX-1 TM software product at DECWorld in Boston, MA. A number of DEC VAX computers on the DECWorld show floor were hooked up into a computational Grid via PAX-1. This network parallel processing software utilized spare cycles from the DECWorld machines and successfully proved that computational grids could work very effectively. The US Navy became the first PAX-1 customer.
  • 1991 – PAX-2 TM was developed, a fault tolerant work scheduling system for creating large computational Grids of UNIX workstations.
  • 1992 – PAX-3 TM, a distributed parallel random number generator (PRNG) system was developed. This powerful unique software can be used by anyone doing Grid-based Monte Carlo applications; for example, in science, computational chemistry, engineering, and finance. Besides Monte Carlo, many other Grid application areas can use PAX-3 with powerful effect. PAX-3 and a Grid could, for example, analyze and predict high yield stocks. Portions of both PAX-2 and PAX-3 utilize codes that VXM Technologies licensed from the National Security Agency.
  • 1993 – VXM Technologies designed a new and highly specialized tool called a Psychron TM. This new tool was designed to autonomously analyze and create high performance network parallel algorithms for Grid computing.
  • 1996 – VXM Technologies designs a mobile, wireless MAN (Metropolitan Area Network) Grid system for the Federal Transit Administration. This wireless Grid system enables distributed scheduling applications that execute in network parallel. The computers for this highly innovative Grid system are located onboard multiple vehicles roaming citywide.
  • 1997 – New multidisciplinary R&D efforts commence at VXM Technologies, including some that are funded by the National Institutes of Health, that fuse together computer science, cognitive science, neuroscience, psychiatry, and highly complex biosystems science to help create conscious grid systems.
  • 2001 – VXM Technologies gives presentation that describes several results of its new R&D efforts at the June, 2001 IBM Make IT Easy conference in San Jose, CA.

Franco Vitaliano is the president of VXM Technologies, which develops innovative software for intelligent, parallel processing Internet-Grid systems. Mr. Vitaliano is also part of an international multidisciplinary team that is investigating quantum processing in the brain, consciousness, and complex, self-adaptive systems.

Dr. Gordana Vitaliano is the Senior Scientist at VXM Technologies. Dr. Vitaliano is an MD, psychiatrist, as well as a researcher in human consciousness and the interaction between the mind and body. She is an international lecturer, author, and the founder of the Mindwaves Institute, as well as the Program Director for the NIH-funded 21st Kids TM program.

The Mindwaves Institute is a division of VXM Technologies tasked with advanced research in consciousness and alternative system architectures for intelligent machines. Dr. Vitaliano is also a member of an international multidisciplinary team that is researching quantum processing in the brain, consciousness, and complex, self-adaptive systems.

For More background on the founders, see this IBM Journal Article

VXM Technologies – Science Advisory Board

Dr. Glenn Bresnahan: Director of Scientific Computing and Visualization, Boston University, Office of Information Technology. Dr. Bresnahan sits on the NSF Alliance Allocation Board and also on the NSF National Resource Allocation Committee. In addition to many years of experience in high performance software systems for parallel computing, Dr. Bresnahan has experience in designing specialized biomedical applications for supercomputers; e.g., for the Bioengineering group at Boston University.

Dr. Walter Freeman: Professor at the University of California at Berkeley, Department of Molecular and Cell Biology. Dr. Freeman is well known for his work in complex dynamical systems. His lifelong studies are biologically motivated and are based in the biodynamics of higher brain functions, and especially in understanding self-adaptive behavior.

Dr. Felix Hong: M.D., Ph.D., and Professor of Physiology at Wayne State University. Dr. Hong established the Molecular Electronics Track for the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society in 1988, and served as the Track Chair for four consecutive terms until he stepped down in 1992.

Dr. Djuro Koruga: Professor of Bioengineering, Chief of Molecular Machines Research Center. Dr. Koruga is widely published, and has extensive experience in advanced materials and nanotechnologies, including Fullerene physics, biochemistry, and microtubles, as well as in understanding quantum processing mechanisms in the human brain. Dr. Koruga has been the recipient of both NASA and DOD funding. First co-author of “Fullerene C-60: History, Physics, Nanobiology, Nanotechnology” (Elsevier, 1993).

Dr. Miloje Rakocevic: Professor of Chemistry, he has numerous publications, extensive experience in biomathematics, advanced genetics research, neuromolecular computing, nanotechnology, and very advanced algorithm design. Dr. Rakocevic has published about ten books, among them “Genes, Molecules. Language” (1988) and the “Logic of The Genetic Code” (1994).

Dr. Dejan Rakovic: Professor of Materials Science and Biophysics. Dr. Rakovic has numerous publications, and has extensive experience in new materials (biopolymers), quantum chemistry, biophysics, solid st

Seth Daniels: Research Analyst at Essex Investment Management, LLC. Mr. Daniels graduated from Dartmouth College with a B.A. in Economics and completed the Business Bridge Program at Dartmouth’s Amos Tuck School of Business. 


Dan Desmarque’s book holds up. You see, the technology they developed was never intended to kill you but rather control you, until they decide to kill you. Let’s see what Dan has to say:

Patent WO2020060606- Cryptocurrency System Using Body Activity Data. Allows using human thoughts and fluids as cryptocurrency, and also to monitor thoughts and emotions. In essence, a person can be harvested based on behaviours and also imprisoned or sent to a mental hospital based on data collected directly from thoughts transmitted to a central cloud. 

Patent US 20200097951A1 is the older patent. 33 The new patent is also referred to as patent 666 assigned to MICROSOFT: WO2020060606A1. 34

They don’t specify the sensor itself but this is how humans are being harvested. The brain-computer interface has to be the Clathrin-based Nanotechnology designed by Vitaliano. 35

Through the same system a person can have emotions and thoughts implanted directly; a telepathic two way system based on frequencies. 

“Most futuristic applications are expected to follow, such as a brain implant that allows people to taste, smell and see without actually physically experiencing the sensation… and even allow thoughts to be transmitted from one person to another…people could become telepathic to some degree – able to access each other’s thoughts at a conceptual level.”

Everyone would be interconnected without any privacy even in their own head, and could be controlled through a variety of sensations that would give them the idea that they are free when in fact they are being enslaved. It would be the ultimate level of brainwashing, imprisonment, and total obedience as inspired by the elite. 

The plan to take over the minds of humans has been going on for some time now and uniquely, it incorporates much of Tesla’s technology. 

The intent of the grand design is to take away a person’s capability of recognizing the difference between good and evil, thereby hindering their biological ability to exhibit freedom of choice. In an evil system designed to allow the politically correct or so called illuminated men to make all decisions for you and your family with their free will, while robbing you of yours. 

This technology would then allow creating armies of super soldiers, without any conscious or empathy whatsoever, like cyborgs. 


With the science of Nanotechnology in the wrong hands, dissenters will be faced with one of two choices after they have been infected (vaccinated/infected); to either be surgically slaughtered or microwaved internally by the nano for failing to follow their Antichrist or simply following the Antichrist out of fear. 

The Antichrist is Artificial Intelligence, AI, through which Satan can manifest itself. The majority of the psychopaths in power are already possessed by demons so they too will follow this AI blindly. The AI will control all of the Earth through 5G frequencies, signals and nanotechnology which will control people’s minds. 

Those in defiance will be the empaths of Earth; those that show love, compassion and empathy with all living creatures on this planet, and beyond; and the Divine Consciousness, the source, the light. God will stand with you till the end.

For our protocols on deactivating the nano technology, see; “Deactivating the Graphene Quantum Dots & Decoupling your Brain from the Clathrin mRNA Neural Interface”, and remember, NO FEAR.

  1.  Franco & Gordana Vitaliano: The NWO’s Clathrin Neural Brain Snatchers: CIN, February 24, 2023 ↩︎
  2. EQORIA: The Rothschild/USA Inc Planetary Singularity Quantum Matrix: CIN, February 24, 2023 ↩︎
  3. History of Apple and Microsoft: 4 decades of peaks and valleys | CIO  History of Microsoft: Wikipedia ↩︎
  4. NWO’s Transhumanist Quantum Brain Snatchers: Franco & Gordana Vitaliano: CIN, October 18, 2023  ↩︎
  5. InfoWorld: Google Books  ↩︎
  6. History of Apple and Microsoft: 4 decades of peaks and valleys: CIO ↩︎
  7. IBM – International Business Machines Corp. Stock – Stock Price, Institutional Ownership, Shareholders (NYSE) (fintel.io) ↩︎
  8. Frequency Based Mind Control: CIA’s MK-ULTRA Project at Fort Detrick: CIN, December 2, 2023 ↩︎
  9. Administration, Directorship, Research, and Teaching: Elizabeth A. Rauscher, PhD (elizabethrauscher.org) ↩︎
  10. SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory: Wikipedia ↩︎
  11. Aryan Mafia of CCR5 Supremacists Made Up of Ashkenazi Jews!: CIN, June 13, 2023  ↩︎
  12. Bob Kahn: Wikipedia  ↩︎
  13. internet history | ISOC-NY NOTICE BOARD ↩︎
  14. Dr. Vinton Cerf and Dr. Robert Kahn (archives.gov) ↩︎
  15. Computerworld: Google Books ↩︎
  16. John von Neumann: Wikipedia) ↩︎
  17. Franco & Gordana Vitaliano: The NWO’s Clathrin Neural Brain Snatchers:  CIN, February 24, 2023 ↩︎
  18. mRNA Developer, Obama “Brain Interface” Tzar, Directly Connected to Fauci & AI Transhumanist COVID Agenda:  CIN, January 29, 2023 ↩︎
  19. VXM Technologies weaves a net of supercomputers: Document – Gale Academic OneFile Select ↩︎
  20. History: About Sandia ↩︎
  21. US7219018B2 – Quantum information processing elements and quantum information processing platforms using such elements: Google Patents ↩︎
  22. bioecon-(# 029SUPP) ExQoriaCloud.pdf (archives.gov) ↩︎
  23. VXM Technologies Inc: www.inknowvation.com ↩︎
  24. NIH 1997 Preschool Continuous Performance Task: www.inknowvation.com ↩︎
  26. VXM Technologies – Overview, News & Competitors: ZoomInfo.com ↩︎
  27. 21st-ARCHIVES (vxm.com) ↩︎
  28. Many Faces of Franco Vitaliano:  CIN, November 23, 2023 ↩︎
  29. Words and Wisdoms of Franco Vitaliano:  CIN, November 23, 2023 ↩︎
  30. :: Off the Top :: vanderwal.net ↩︎
  31. The purpose of the machine is to augment us: (archive.org) ↩︎
  32. http://www.vxm.com ↩︎
  33. US20200097951A1 – Cryptocurrency system using body activity data: Google Patents ↩︎
  34. WO2020060606A1 – Cryptocurrency system using body activity data: Google Patents ↩︎
  35. mRNA + 5G + Graphene Oxide = Clathrin Graphene Quantum Dots, a “viral like particle”; the neural interface or “chip”.:  CIN, October 16, 2023 ↩︎

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