This segment is part of the larger story about how Transhumanists are bringing about their Singularity utilizing 5G, Graphene Oxide, mRNA technology.. and your FEAR. I encourage you to take “GQD Particle: The Transhumanist Quantum Agenda” from the top. SPM
Franco Vitaliano aka Francis Vale aka Francis Vitagliano had a mentor at MIT for 15 years named Franco Modigliano. 1
Franco Modigliano was an advocate of the “Social Economy” for what reason though? You see, activists promote ideas of social consciousness, like “fear” which put individuals in lower energy states.
The social economy was being promoted to set up different activist organizations across the world not merely to fight for causes but to lower the unconscious states, to lower frequencies, but also launder money at the same time, that goes without saying because foundations, NGOs and corporations were feeding off government taxpayer funds!
Who was the first president to set up the Nanotechnology initiatives before Obama? Bill Clinton! And who was the first president to support/advocate for social economy? Bill Clinton!
The social economy is a matrix by itself whereby activist groups, mainly funded by corporate foundations, NGOs and government, raise awareness of societal issues such as transgender rights, anti-islamophobia, antisemitic, and racism.
The social economy as depicted by sociologist John Pearce represents a broad social consciousness within civil society where the interests of the poor, immigrant, worker, and women’s groups are explicitly recognised and integrated into production settings through various types of social enterprise, including co-ops.
It acts to build “Collective Consciousness” or the “Hive Mind” and participants take on the group’s mindset as opposed to thinking for themselves. 2
President Bill Clinton advocated nanotechnology development. In a 21 January 2000 speech at the California Institute of Technology, Clinton stated that “Some of our research goals may take twenty or more years to achieve, but that is precisely why there is an important role for the federal government.” 3
President George W. Bush further increased funding for nanotechnology. 4 On December 3, 2003 Bush signed into law the 21st Century Nanotechnology Research and Development Act and the NNI was created! 5
In 1953 a young student by the name of George Soros, having studied under philosopher Karl Popper, wrote his first post-graduation paper. It was not about investing for which he would become famous later in life, no, it was about Consciousness.
The revealing title of his paper, “The Burden of Consciousness”, hints at its inspiration from Popper’s own writings on the mind-body problem. 6
That’s right, George Soros was concerned about you having free will in 1953 and has worked to do everything he can to curb it as the main instigator and financier of the Social Economy (outside of government).
This is really important, CIN has now come full circle! Our first article ever was about George Soros’ ties to the Social Economy here in Canada. How they use a “Hybrid Economy” involving governments, corporations and charities to create tax payer slush funds in order to engineer society.
The medical marijuana movement was an example of the Soros Social Economy at work, and the migrant caravan and Wexit. All extensively researched back in 2018 and 2019 when our research at CIN began. 7
Soros financed Huxley at Harvard. That funding went into McLean Hospital eventually, the center for psychiatrists and psychopaths. Home of Gordano Vitaliano. 8
Dr. Timothy Leary was a prominent leader and fundraiser for MAPS (Multidisciplinary Association for Psychedelic Studies) funded by George Soros. Since “medical marijuana” doesn’t cure all ailments, the progressives now want easy access to “psychedelic medicine,” including LSD and Ecstasy. Working with the George Soros-funded marijuana movement, MAPS is demanding acceptance of “psychedelics,” or mind-altering drugs to become “legal prescription drugs.” 9
Timothy Leary’s research colleague Aldous Huxley stated: 10
“There will be in the next generation or so a pharmacological method of making people love their servitude and producing dictatorship without tears, so to speak. Producing a kind of painless concentration camp for entire societies so that people will in fact have their liberties taken away from them but will rather enjoy it, because they will be distracted from any desire to rebel by propaganda, or brainwashing, or brainwashing enhanced by pharmacological methods. And this seems to be the final revolution.”
The mind-body problem is the problem of understanding what the relation between the mind and body is, or more precisely, whether mental phenomena are a subset of physical phenomena or not. 11

Here is why the mind-body problem was important:
“If a theory for consciousness could be constructed, free will would not exist. Professor Scheffel discloses that the mind–body problem cannot be solved reductionistically and evolves the notion of emergence in an argument for free will. The understanding of consciousness has long been a fundamental issue in philosophy.” 12
He finds that Consciousness is epistemologically emergent and shows that this result overlaps with the problem of free will. Consciousness is strongly connected to the “problem” of “free will.”
The free will problem presumably is the most important existential problem and has generated a copious amount of literature throughout history. The common definition of free will as ‘the ability to act differently’ is part of the problem as it is difficult to apply scientific methods to establish whether we really can “act differently”. How can, for example, a freely acting Consciousness behave differently in identical situations?
In order to make the concept of free will more suitable for scientific analysis, Professor Scheffel has refined the definition: “A conscious individual has free will if its behaviour takes place according to its intentions, the intentions are not subconsciously generated and if the individual’s mind is an ontologically open system.” An ontologically open system is a causal high-level system with a future that cannot be reduced to the states of its associated low-level systems.
When Professor Scheffel was asked what motivated him to pursue the mind-body problem?
“How conscious, subjective thoughts and feelings can arise out of pure, simple physical matter seems quite a profound mystery. When I realized that free will depends on the indeterminacy of the mind, and thus being incompatible with an explanatory theory for consciousness I started thinking about what could possibly be so hard with understanding consciousness. The answer is emergence, a central concept of my analysis. Emergence blocks understanding of consciousness and frees the will. Furthermore, emergence also has a profound impact on the relation between science and religion, a research area that I find very interesting at present.
“The complex systems in this book suggest the alternative that free will, at the level of options and decisions, is compatible with determinism at the level of neurons (or some lower level). In the same way that a traffic jam moves backward while the cars move forward, a person can have free will even though neurons don’t.” 13
And who are the largest investors on Graphene? 14
“Rogers is considered one of the world’s top three investors along with Warren Buffett and George Soros. He became a legend on Wall Street after co-founding global investment company Quantum Fund with George Soros and recording a profit rate of 4,200 percent for a decade.
“Nanomedics is the second largest shareholder of Standard Graphene. The company has established a joint venture with Standard Graphene by investing 4 billion won (US$3.27 million) and is preparing production facilities to mass produce graphene. It aims to manufacture 4 tons of graphene a year. Rogers had also made an investment in graphene technology owned by Standard Graphene.”
This should be of no surprise that Soros is there with Franco Vitaliano, Bill Gates, Elon Musk, Ray Kurzweil and all the other Transhumanists doing his part again and again to transform humanity. 15
Soros is the kingpin of disrupting sovereign economies and he does this by implementing fear tactics utilizing the Social Economy. From every activist group that Soros funds he is driving fear and anger into the Collective Consciousness lowering the human Consciousness.
They must have known for some time that by lowering human Consciousness you can control the human mind. The only thing standing in the way is knowledge and free will.
If you cannot see society with open eyes right now, you are doomed.
For our protocols on deactivating the nano technology, see; “Deactivating the Graphene Quantum Dots & Decoupling your Brain from the Clathrin mRNA Neural Interface”, and remember, NO FEAR.
- Internet to GQD Particle: How NSA’s Franco Vitaliano became the heart of The Transhumanist Agenda: CIN, November 19, 2023 ↩︎
- Microsoft Word – F3 – Lewis, Swinney.doc: ( ↩︎
- Power of Progressive Economics: The Clinton Years: Center for American Progress ↩︎
- George W. Bush: wikipedia ↩︎
- National Nanotechnology Initiative: Wikipedia ↩︎
- ( ↩︎
- Soros’ Social Economy: CIN ↩︎
- Dr.Gordana D. Vitaliano, MD, PhD: Growing Brains at MacLean Hospital: CON, October 8, 2023 ↩︎
- Soros’ New World Order Tied to Drug Legalization Movement: CIN, October 20, 2019 ↩︎
- Timothy Leary | Department of Psychology ( ↩︎
- Mind-Body Problem – an overview: ScienceDirect Topics ↩︎
- On the solvability of the mind–body problem: Research Outreach ↩︎
- 12.7. Emergence and Free Will — On Complexity: ( ↩︎
- Jim Rogers to Join Management of S. Korean Graphene Firm: Businesskorea ↩︎
- mRNA + 5G + Graphene Oxide = Clathrin Graphene Quantum Dots, a “viral like particle”; the neural interface or “chip”.: CIN, January 25, 2023 ↩︎