History of #SARSCoV2, COVID19, the Rosetta Stone of the bio-weapon community.
Our Articles “From Canada to China: Wuhan Coronavirus Launches Global Depopulation Plan” and “Dr. Theresa Tam, Queen of the Vaccine” have most of the sources …
Our Articles “From Canada to China: Wuhan Coronavirus Launches Global Depopulation Plan” and “Dr. Theresa Tam, Queen of the Vaccine” have most of the sources …
The American Conservative reported on April 12, 2019 that “Steve Bannon Declared War on China” Steve Bannon has been worshiping the #CCP’s military strategy book “Unrestricted Warfare” and referred to it as his “Bible”. …
As drug manufacturers speed up their efforts to find a new treatment drug for the coronavirus outbreak that has devastated China and has caused a …
On January 27th 2020, CBC News published an article denouncing claims that Chinese scientists working at the National Microbiology Laboratory in Winnipeg were involved in …
Bill Gates Foundation, Rothschild Vanguard & Blackrock ChiCom manufacture Wuhan Coronavirus outbreak by funding both the creation of the virus and the vaccine. Bill Gates …
While Bill Gates has stated his goal is to reduce the worlds population, though a euthanasia vaccine, most people have never thought it to be …
For up to date information on who committed the act of bio-terrorism, please refer to 律政悟空, IForYou For up to date footage from within China, …
DARPA Wants Smart Suits to Protect Against Biological Attacks A new program aims to usher in a modern military ensemble that can provide 100% survival …
Tilray is a global medical cannabis supply company with 169 distribution centers in 84 Canadian cities (1). Tilray entered into an alliance with Big Pharma, …
In Aldous Huxley’s book, Brave New World (1932), drugs taught people to “love their slavery (1).“ Is this the purpose of pot legalization? There are many signs …