
Oh, Canada

New World Order

REPRINT: The Rothschilds’ Fabulous Stake in Canada

Chinese Communist Party (CCP)

Operation Sidewinder: The Chinese Invasion of Canada
Leaked Government Document: Lloyd Axworthy, The Chinese Militarization of Canada

Privy Council

History of Policy Research Initiative (PRI), Privy Council Office [reprint]
DOSSIER: Jocelyne Bourgon: Clerk of Privy Council (1994-1999)

Liberal Party of Canada (LPC)

Canada2020 Controls Trudeau Government & Auditor Generals Office!
Canada’s Auditor General IS Corrupt! Another Justin Trudeau “Sock Puppet”!
Trudeau, BLM, the Muslim Brotherhood & the Illuminati
Trudeau’s WE Charity Linked to Jesuits and Child Labour
Trudeau, “The impacts of this G7 will be felt long after the newspapers you write for will have been used to wrap fish”
So many reason that #TrudeauMustGo

Conservative Party of Canada (CPC)

Canadian HoC Foreign Affairs Committee Endorses UN Parliament In 1993, And Again In 2007
The Harper-Desmarais Axis: Destroys Alberta Oil & Gas, Promotes Iranian Colonization!
SPEECH: Stephen Harper to Council For National Policy, June 1999
The 2020 CPC Leadership Clownshow
@ScheerMustGo IS Harper & Associates
Promises of Our Future Prime Minister, Andrew Scheer
Stephen Harper Accused Of Working With Maxime Bernier To Form PPC
Sir Bryan Brulotte: Harper’s Aspiring Illuminati PM

Maxime Bernier & the People’s Party of Canada (PPC)

Johanne Mennie: Deep Mysteries – Deep State
The Worm at the Core of the PPC
Meet Communist Maxime Bernier
Canada Has A Quebec Politician Problem
Dossier: Maxime Bernier and UNPA
The PPC’s “Say NO To Mass Immigration” Billboard Fiasco
The Official response to “Project Cactus” from the founder & spokesman of #ppcPurge2019

Migrant Caravan

•  Settler Colonialism: An Attack On National Cultural Identity
•  Facts & Figures: The Ugly Truth About Replacement Migration In Canada